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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to BulgarianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 3 - What Are Your Accommodation Options in Bulgaria? Eric here.
Tina: Здравейте. I'm Tina.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use reflexive pronouns to ask about accommodation arrangements. The conversation takes place at the office of a recruitment company.
Tina: It's between Gergana and Kalin.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they'll be using formal Bulgarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Калин: Благодаря, че ми предложихте и стажантската позиция. Звучи ми много привлекателно. Иска ми се да попитам обаче за работата на круиза....
Гергана: Разбира се. Какво ви интересува?
Калин: Какви са условията за настаняване? Необходимо ли е да се заплаща?
Гергана: Ще споделяте една каюта с още трима служители, мъже. Не взимайте много багаж със себе си, тъй като личното пространство не е много.
Гергана: Също така нощува се само на кораба. Трябва да заплащате за настаняването, но на много преференциална цена.
Калин: Благодаря за детайлите. Постепенно позицията започва да не изглежда така атрактивна...
Гергана: Е, не е необходимо да вземате решение в момента.
Калин: Благодаря Ви. Оценявам възможността и информацията. Иска ми се да си помисля. Може ли да Ви дам отговор до 3 дни?
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Kalin: Thank you for offering me the internship position as well. It sounds very attractive. I would like to ask, though, about the cruise job...
Gergana: Of course. What would you like to know?
Kalin: What are the accommodation conditions? Is it necessary for me to pay for it?
Gergana: You would share a cabin with three other employees, all male. Do not take a lot of luggage with you, as there's not much personal space.
Gergana: Also, you would sleep on the ship all the time. You will have to pay for the accommodation, but at a very discounted price.
Kalin: Thank you for the details. Little by little, the position starts to look not so attractive...
Gergana: Well, you do not need to make the decision right now.
Kalin: Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity and all the information. I would like to think it over. May I give you an answer in three days?
Eric: Tina, are cruises popular in Bulgaria?
Tina: Actually going on a cruise used to be quite popular in Bulgaria during the Communist era, but the only option used to be cruising along the Danube river.
Eric: So has this changed?
Tina: Well, during that time a river cruise was the only chance for ordinary people to have a peek at the other side of the Iron Curtain by travelling to Vienna, but after the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia in 1999, the cruises became less popular.
Eric: What about cruises on the Black Sea?
Tina: The Black Sea is not as attractive as the Mediterranean Sea, but in recent years some cruise providers have started to include Black Sea destinations anyway.
Eric: So would you say the cruise business is starting up again?
Tina: In recent years going on a cruise has become especially popular among Bulgarians in their thirties. Cruises are seen as a nice way for a couple to relax, and the most popular destinations are the Western Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and the Baltic sea.
Eric: Can you give us a sentence that we could use for this topic in Bulgarian?
Tina: Sure, you can start the conversation by saying Били ли сте някога на круиз по Дунава?
Eric: which means "Have you ever been on a cruise along the Danube?" Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Tina: искам [natural native speed]
Eric: to want
Tina: искам[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: искам [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: условие [natural native speed]
Eric: condition
Tina: условие[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: условие [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: настаняване [natural native speed]
Eric: accommodation
Tina: настаняване[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: настаняване [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: необходим [natural native speed]
Eric: necessary
Tina: необходим[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: необходим [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: нощувам [natural native speed]
Eric: to stay for the night, to sleep
Tina: нощувам[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: нощувам [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: споделям [natural native speed]
Eric: to share
Tina: споделям[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: споделям [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: пространство [natural native speed]
Eric: space
Tina: пространство[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: пространство [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Tina: привлекателен [natural native speed]
Eric: attractive
Tina: привлекателен[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: привлекателен [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Tina: иска ми се да
Eric: meaning "I wish to” or “I would like to"
Tina: иска ми се да is the shorter form of на мене ми се иска да and is more precisely translated to English as "I wish to myself" or "I want for myself."
Eric: Usually the direction of the verb "to want" is outward, from the speaker to an external person or object. In Bulgarian though, the verb has a reflexive form as well, indicating that the subject wishes something for themselves or wants something for themselves.
Tina: The reflexive form of the verb искам is formed by adding the respective personal pronoun in dative, as the subject is also the receiver of the action.
Eric: Let’s break down this phrase.
Tina: на мене ми is the double full form of the personal pronoun, first person singular, in dative, се is the reflexive verb particle, a shorter form for the personal reflexive pronoun себе си, and иска is the third person singular neutral form of the verb искам, "to want."
Eric: Can you give us an example using this verb?
Tina: For example, you can say.. Иска ми се да можех да летя.
Eric: ..which means "I wish I could fly." Okay, what's the next phrase?
Tina: лично пространство
Eric: meaning "personal space."
Tina: It refers both to physical and psychological space, and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Eric: Please give us an example for both meanings.
Tina: Разбирам, че ще споделям бюро с друг човек, но ще разполагам ли с лично пространство, където да съхрянавям лични вещи?
Eric: "I get that I'll be sharing a desk with another person, but would there be any personal space available, where I can keep my belongings?"
Tina: Мисля, че трябва да се разделим. Имам нужда от повече лично пространство.
Eric:"I think we need to break up. I need more personal space." Okay, what's the next phrase?
Tina: космическо простраство
Eric: meaning "outer space, cosmic space."
Tina: космически is the adjective you use to describe everything that is beyond the Earth's atmosphere and belongs to outer space. It is literally translated as "space" or "cosmic."
Eric: Are there any other phrases that use this adjective?
Tina: Yes, for example космически кораб means “spacecraft.”
Eric: Can you give us an example using the first phrase?
Tina: For example, you can say.. Нашата планета е една микроскопична част в космическото простраство.
Eric: .. which means "Our planet is a very tiny part of space." Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use reflexive pronouns while asking for accommodation arrangements.
Tina: If you take a closer look at the conversation, you'll find a lot of short words in Bulgarian, which sometimes don’t have a direct translation in English.
Eric: Let’s give an example.
Tina: For example, Kalin says Иска ми се да попитам. In this case ми се hasn’t been translated.
Eric: In fact, we translated it simply as “I would like to ask.”
Tina: Another example is Благодаря Ви
Eric: Meaning “thank you.”
Tina: In this case Ви was directly translated as “you.” All these short words are forms of pronouns
Eric: Listeners, in Lesson 1 we introduced personal pronouns in the nominative form. Here we will focus on reflexive pronouns. In Lesson 5, we'll continue with personal pronouns in the dative case, and we’ll continue to introduce other pronouns throughout the series.
Tina: The reflexive pronouns are related to the use of reflexive verbs when the result of the action reflects back to the subject.
Eric: They are rather simple and do not change according to person. Their use is quite similar to English, but they are used much more intensively in Bulgarian.
Tina: The personal reflexive pronouns, which we can translate as “oneself” in English, have accusative and dative, short and full forms.
Eric: What are the accusative forms?
Tina: The full form is себе си and the short one is се
Eric: What are the dative forms?
Tina: The full form is на/за себе си and the short one is си
Eric: Tina, please give us an example.
Tina: Тя купи ли нещо за себе си?
Eric: “Did she buy anything for herself?”
Tina: Here’s another. Забавлявате ли се?
Eric: “Are you enjoying yourselves?” Ok, now let’s see the possessive reflexive pronouns.
Tina: The possessive reflexive pronouns have a full form which agrees in gender and number, and also has indefinite and definite forms, but the short form of the possessive reflexive pronouns in all genders and numbers is the same. си is similar to “one’s own.”
Eric: The possessive reflexive pronouns are used when the object is owned or related to the subject of the verb. This might be a bit confusing at first, as they get translated in English in the same way as the possessive pronouns. Let’s see them in some examples, to look at the difference and the meaning in context. Tina, could you give us some examples with both the possessive reflexive pronouns and the possessive pronouns?
Tina: Sure, here's an example with a full form, Аз намерих своята каюта.
Eric: which means “I found my own cabin.”
Tina: The same sentence with the possessive pronoun is Аз намерих каютата си. In the first case I used своята, in the second case I used си
Eric: How about another example?
Tina: Sure, here’s one with a possessive reflexive pronoun. Нека да Ви покажа своята къща, and with the simple possessive pronoun it would be Нека да Ви покажа къщата си.
Eric: Both mean “Let me show you my own house.”
Tina: As you may have noticed, the short forms of the personal reflexive pronouns in dative and the possessive reflexive pronouns are the same, си. One way to distinguish them is this simple rule- The personal reflexive pronoun in dative is “attached” to a verb, whereas the possessive reflexive pronoun is attached to a noun.
Eric: Let’s wrap up this lesson by giving some sample sentences.
Tina: Какво можете да ми предложите?
Eric: "What can you offer me?"
Tina: Може да се нанесете тук до 1 седмица.
Eric: "You can move in here within a week."
Tina: Не искам да те запознавам със своите приятели.
Eric: "I do not want to introduce you to my friends."


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Tina: До скоро!


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