
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to BulgarianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 20 - Going on a Shopping Spree in Bulgaria. Eric Here.
Tina: Здравейте. I'm Tina.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to address people at the marketplace. The conversation takes place in a small fashion shop.
Tina: It's between Irina and a shop assistant.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they will use formal Bulgarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Ирина: (позвъняване на телефон) Райче, здравей, мога ли да ти се обадя по-късно? Тъкмо съм на касата в един магазин.
Ирина: (към продавач) Имате супер яки неща тук. Иска ми се да изкупя всичко. Само да имах и бюджета...
Продавач в магазин: Радвам се, че успяхте да си харесате нещо.
Ирина: Така, значи, последно се събраха тези три рокли... Двете шапки... Блузката... Тези два чифта панталонки... Аксесоарите Ви са толкова оригинални. Искам това коланче... И мисля, това ще бъде.
Продавач в магазин: Благодаря. Момент само да сметна всичко... Това прави 218 лв.
Ирина: Оу, нямам толкова пари в себе си. Дали ще можете да ми направите някаква отстъпка?
Продавач в магазин: Госпожице, нямаме практиката да предоставяме отстъпки.
Ирина: Е, не можем ли да се разберем нещо? Все пак вижте колко много неща взимам. 10%?
Продавач в магазин: А, не мога да ви направя такава отстъпка. Евентуално... 5 %. Това е за редовни клиенти само.
Ирина: Да ги направим 200 лв. Иначе ще трябва да оставя нещо, а всичко толкова ми харесва.
Продавач в магазин: Ами... Това е голяма отстъпка... Добре, но това е само за Вас, като бонус за първа покупка.
Ирина: Супер много Ви благодаря. Със сигурност ще се върна отново.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Irina: (a phone ringing) Rayche, hi, can I call you back later. I am just at the register in a shop.
Irina: (to the shop attendant) You have super cool things here. I want to buy everything here. If only I had the budget through...
Shop assistant: I am glad you managed to find something.
Irina: So, well, I finally decided on these three dresses...the two hats...the blouse... these two pairs of shorts... Your accessories are so original! I want this belt... And I think it will be all.
Shop assistant: Thank you. Just a second to calculate everything... It costs 218 leva.
Irina: Oh, I don't have that much money with me. Can you possibly offer some discount to me?
Shop assistant: Miss, we are not in the habit of offering discounts.
Irina: Well, can't we work something out? You see, I am buying so many things. How about 10%?
Shop assistant: Well, I cannot make such a discount. Eventually... 5%. This is for our regular customers only.
Irina: Let's make it 200 leva. Otherwise, I will need to leave something, and I so very much like everything.
Shop assistant: Well... This is a big discount... Ok, but it is especially for you, as a first purchase bonus.
Irina: I thank you so much. I will certainly come back again.
Eric: Tina, is it common to haggle in Bulgaria?
Tina: Bargaining or haggling in Bulgaria used to be more popular, but now can happen on specific occasions only. Most often, it is the case when you directly talk to the owner of the shop or the producer of the goods.
Eric: When is a typical occasion?
Tina: One of these occasions is when you go to an open-air fruit and vegetable market. Most often, the food stall staff might give small discounts, but they will rarely be more than 10% of the total price of the purchase. People can start to bargain if they plan to buy a bigger quantity of the products, such as 10 or 20 kilograms, or when the total of the purchase is considered high. For example, if the total is 34 leva, you might say, Какво ще кажете, може ли да закръглим на 30 лв?
Eric: which means “What would you say, can we round it down to 30 lv?”
Tina: Let’s say that these days it’s not really acceptable to start to bargain about individual product prices or relatively low purchases, though.
Eric: Are loyalty cards common in Bulgaria?
Tina: Various shops have started to provide loyalty cards which allow customers to get different discounts—either direct discounts, for example 5 or 10% at every purchase, or to accumulate points while shopping.
Eric: What’s the Bulgarian for “to haggle for prices”?
Tina: пазаря се за цена
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Tina: обаждам се [natural native speed]
Eric: to call, to answer (the phone)
Tina: обаждам се[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: обаждам се [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: тъкмо [natural native speed]
Eric: just
Tina: тъкмо[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: тъкмо [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: каса [natural native speed]
Eric: register
Tina: каса[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: каса [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: изкупувам [natural native speed]
Eric: to buy out
Tina: изкупувам[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: изкупувам [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: бюджет [natural native speed]
Eric: budget
Tina: бюджет[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: бюджет [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: аксесоар [natural native speed]
Eric: accessory
Tina: аксесоар[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: аксесоар [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: оригинален [natural native speed]
Eric: original, unique
Tina: оригинален[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: оригинален [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: смятам [natural native speed]
Eric: to calculate, to plan, to consider
Tina: смятам[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: смятам [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: практика [natural native speed]
Eric: practice
Tina: практика[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: практика [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Tina: разбирам [natural native speed]
Eric: to understand
Tina: разбирам[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: разбирам [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Tina: разбирам се да (за нещо) (с някого)
Eric: meaning "to work something out; to get to an understanding (with someone)"
Tina: разбирам се is a reflexive imperfective verb meaning "to understand,” or “to agree", and да is the particle requiring a verb to follow. Altogether, разбирам се да means "to agree about” and as the agreement implicitly happens between two people, then the phrase is quite often completed with the preposition с (някого) meaning "with (someone)"
Eric: This phrase is rather colloquial .
Tina: Right, so in a formal context, a different phrases would be used, for example постигам съгласие meaning "to reach a consensus", or споразумявам се meaning "to agree."
Eric: Can you give us an example using the first phrase we introduced?
Tina: Sure. For example, you can say.. Разбрахме се да не закъсняваме, побързай!
Eric: ..which means "We agreed we would not be late, hurry up!" Okay, what's the next phrase?
Tina: правя отстъпка
Eric: literally meaning "to make a discount"
Tina: правя is the imperfective verb meaning "to do,” or “to make,” and отстъпка is a noun meaning "discount,” or “concession".
Eric: So the phrase can be used literally, to denote the action of "giving a discount", or figuratively when someone often reluctantly "makes a concession", or to slightly yield their position.
Tina: The phrase правя отстъпка is quite neutral and can be used in any context. When used figuratively, it most often comes in its plural form – правя отстъпки
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Tina: Sure. For example, you can say.. Наложи се и двете страни да направят малко отстъпки, но накрая постигнаха съгласие.
Eric: .. which means "It took both sides to make some concessions, but finally they reached an agreement."
Eric: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to address people at the marketplace, which is necessary if you want to bargain successfully in Bulgaria. That’s why we’ll introduce the vocative in this lesson.
Tina: The vocative appears only when we directly address people. There are vocative forms only in masculine and feminine.
Eric: Because there are many different suffixes for both genders, here we will only list the most common ways to address strangers and will not introduce any particular rules. A reason is that you need to be quite careful using vocative forms, because changing even just one letter might make them sound rude sometimes!
Tina: The most neutral ways to address a stranger are Господине or господин
Eric: meaning “Mister/Sir”
Tina: Госпожо or госпожа
Eric: which means “Madam”
Tina: Госпожице or госпожица
Eric: which means “Miss”
Tina: A more familiar way to address someone who is significantly older than you is Бабо or баба for a woman and Дядо for a man.
Eric: These mean “Granny” and “Grandpa” respectively.
Tina: You should only use these in the countryside. If you use them in the capital city, you will offend the person you are addressing. On the other hand, if they are significantly younger, then you can call them: Младежо or Девойко
Eric:Respectively meaning “Young man” and “Young woman”.
Tina: In general, using the vocative case with personal names or professional occupation nouns used to be very popular, but it is getting less common.
Eric: The vocative case of personal names is acceptable only among friends, and after you make sure that you get it correct.
Tina: Some names have more than one vocative form, a diminutive one, or people just prefer to be addressed by a nickname. For example, masculine names in vocative often end with -e, and feminine ones with -o, but the feminine -o form is generally considered rude.
Eric: Can you give us some examples?
Tina: Петър in the vocative form is Петре, but a more friendly form is Пешо and Пепи is a diminutive, which is usually used with children.
Eric: What’s another example?
Tina: Мария can become Марийо, but using this, some people might feel offended. Some more friendly forms are Марийке or Маре and two possible diminutives are Марийче and Миме.
Eric: The vocative is common also when addressing relatives, right?
Tina:Right, for example баща, meaning “father”, can be also Тате or Татко. Майка, meaning “mother” can be also Мамо or Майко.
Eric: So the vocative case is used only with people, and more specifically when we address them in a conversation. Now let’s see the diminutive form, which can be used for both people and objects.
Tina: Right, there are diminutive forms for people, but most often diminutive nouns are formed for objects and express either that the object is small or that you feel a particular affection for it.
Eric: Can you give us an example of a diminutive form used for people?
Tina: Sure. For example, you can say Детенце, какво ще си избереш?
Eric: "Hi child, what would you choose?"
Tina: But you can also say: Виж, това детенце изглежда изплашено. Може би се е изгубило.
Eric: Meaning “Look, this child looks quite frightened. It might be lost.” So, you can use a diminutive form either for addressing or talking about someone. What are some common diminutive forms used for people?
Tina: For example, when addressing strangers, you might want to use Старче if you are talking to an old man, Девойче if you are addressing a young woman, Детенце if you want to address a child and so on.
Eric: Diminutive forms of nouns are widely used in Bulgarian. Tina, how do you form them?
Tina: The diminutive for masculine is often created by using the suffixes -ле and -че and the new word would be in neuter. The diminutive for feminine is created by using the suffixes -ичка and -ица. The diminutive for neuter is created by using the suffix -цe.
Eric: Can you give us some examples?
Tina: цветенце is the diminutive for цвете
Eric: which means “flower” and is neuter
Tina: къщичка is the diminutive for къща
Eric: which means “house” and is feminine
Tina: градче is the diminutive for град
Eric: which means “city” and is masculine. Ok, let’s wrap up this lesson by giving some sample sentences with both the vocative and the diminutive.
Tina: Господине, забравихте си чадъра.
Eric: "Sir, you forgot your umbrella."
Tina: Уважаема госпожо, имате ли карта за лоялни клиенти?
Eric: "Dear Lady, do you have a loyal customer card?"


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Tina: До скоро!

