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Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
18 words
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Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
18 words
ot dazhd na vyatar
от дъжд на вятър
very rarely
S nego se vizhdame ot dazhd na vyatar.
С него се виждаме от дъжд на вятър.
We meet up with him very rarely.
ahilesova peta
ахилесова пета
weak point
Vseki chovek ima svoya “ahilesova peta”.
Всеки човек има своя “ахилесова пета”.
Each person has an "Achilles heel".
babini devetini
бабини деветини
totally ridiculous, made-up stuff
Ne go slushay, govori babini devetini.
Не го слушай, говори бабини деветини.
Do not listen to him, he makes stuff up.
bezglasna bukva
безгласна буква
a person whose opinion is not taken into consideration
Tazi partiya e bezglasna bukva v koalitsiyata.
Тази партия е безгласна буква в коалицията.
This party's position is not considered by the coalition.
vazhna klechka
важна клечка
high-ranking personality
Poznavah go kato dete, no sega e stanal vazhna klechka.
Познавах го като дете, но сега е станал важна клечка.
I knew him as a child, but now he has become an important person.
vzemam akala
вземам акъла
Tova izpalnenie vze akala na publikata.
Това изпълнение взе акъла на публиката.
This performance took the audience's wits.
gol i bos
гол и бос
a very poor person
Pravi se na gol i bos, a kara Porshe.
Прави се на гол и бос, а кара Порше.
He pretends to be quite poor, but is driving a Porsche.
gledam si kefa
гледам си кефа
enjoy one's life without a care
Otivam v pochivka i shte si gledam kefa tsyala sedmitsa.
Отивам в почивка и ще си гледам кефа цяла седмица.
I'm going on holiday and will enjoy myself for a week.
debela glava
дебела глава
a hard-headed, stubborn person
Toy e debela glava, trudno shte go ubedish.
Той е дебела глава, трудно ще го убедиш.
He is hard-headed, you will rarely convince him.
tran v ochite
трън в очите
be annoying to someone
Vnimavay kakvo mu kazvash, stanal si mu tran v ochite.
Внимавай какво му казваш, станал си му трън в очите.
Watch out what you are saying to him, you've started to annoy him.
do dupka
до дупка
persist until the end
Toy e reshil da raznishti sluchaya do dupka.
Той е решил да разнищи случая до дупка.
He has decided to explore the case to the tiniest detail.
nozh s dve ostrieta
нож с две остриета
something that can have both positive and negative aspects
Tova e dobra vazmozhnost, no mozhe da se okazhe nozh s dve ostrieta.
Това е добра възможност, но може да се окаже нож с две остриета.
This is a good opportunity, but might turn out to have a bad outcome.
tiha voda
тиха вода
a secretive person
Toy e tiha voda, ne znaesh koga shte te iznenada.
Той е тиха вода, не знаеш кога ще те изненада.
It is a secretive person, and you never know when he will surprise you.
svalyam shapka
свалям шапка
show respect
Toy e strahoten bashta, svalyam mu shapka.
Той е страхотен баща, свалям му шапка.
He's a great father, I respect him for that.
peya druga pesen
пея друга песен
change one's mind
Smamriha te i veche peesh druga pesen.
Смъмриха те и вече пееш друга песен.
They rebuked you and you've now changed your opinion.
na vyatara
на вятъра
in vain
Prekratiha proekta i vsichkite mu usiliya otidoha na vyatara.
Прекратиха проекта и всичките му усилия отидоха на вятъра.
They stopped the project and all his efforts went to waste.
lapam muhite
лапам мухите
spend time pointlessly
Vsichki sa pod naprezhenie, a toy samo lapa muhite.
Всички са под напрежение, а той само лапа мухите.
Everybody is under pressure, and he just doesn't do anything.
prez prasti
през пръсти
Proveri rabotata mu, mozhe da si ya svarshil prez prasti.
Провери работата му, може да си я свършил през пръсти.
Check his work, he might have been negligent with it.
2019-11-02 17:16:56

Hello, learners, here is the list of the above idioms / their literal English translations!

от дъжд на вятър / ot dazhd na vyatar / from rain to wind

ахилесова пета / ahilesova peta / Achilles' heel

бабини деветини / babini devetini / grandma's gibberish

безгласна буква / bezglasna bukva / voiceless letter

десета дупка на кавала / deseta dupka na kavala / tenth hole of the pipe

важна клечка / vazhna klechka / important stick

вземам акъла / vzemam akala / take one's wits

гол и бос / gol i bos / naked and barefoot

гледам си кефа / gledam si kefa / look at one's pleasure

дебела глава / debela glava / thick head

трън в очите / tran v ochite / thorn in the eyes

до дупка / do dupka / till a hole

нож с две остриета / nozh s dve ostrieta / double-edged sword

тиха вода / tiha voda / quiet water

свалям шапка / svalyam shapka / take off a hat

пея друга песен / peya druga pesen / sing another song

на вятъра / na vyatara / to the wind

лапам мухите / lapam muhite / get flies in one's mouth

през пръсти / prez prasti / through fingers
2023-07-18 18:26:11

Hello Fatma,

It is so good to hear you find the program helpful! With persistence, you will be successful. 😇

Keep up the great work!

Kind regards,



2023-07-16 18:11:17

I love the way you provide all necessary information to learn the language. Unfortunately I can‘t keep it in mind and have ti retry again and again.
2021-11-29 14:00:34

Hi Jobe,

Thank you for your comment!

We're glad you're enjoying the lessons! ❤️

Please let us know if you have any questions.




2021-11-22 15:10:16

Every word helps..., I always say it as it looks then listen to how it should sound

Quite Enjoyable !
