Hello, learners, here is the list of the above idioms / their literal English translations!
от дъжд на вятър / ot dazhd na vyatar / from rain to wind
ахилесова пета / ahilesova peta / Achilles' heel
бабини деветини / babini devetini / grandma's gibberish
безгласна буква / bezglasna bukva / voiceless letter
десета дупка на кавала / deseta dupka na kavala / tenth hole of the pipe
важна клечка / vazhna klechka / important stick
вземам акъла / vzemam akala / take one's wits
гол и бос / gol i bos / naked and barefoot
гледам си кефа / gledam si kefa / look at one's pleasure
дебела глава / debela glava / thick head
трън в очите / tran v ochite / thorn in the eyes
до дупка / do dupka / till a hole
нож с две остриета / nozh s dve ostrieta / double-edged sword
тиха вода / tiha voda / quiet water
свалям шапка / svalyam shapka / take off a hat
пея друга песен / peya druga pesen / sing another song
на вятъра / na vyatara / to the wind
лапам мухите / lapam muhite / get flies in one's mouth
през пръсти / prez prasti / through fingers
Hello Fatma,
It is so good to hear you find the program helpful! With persistence, you will be successful. 😇
Keep up the great work!
Kind regards,
Team BulgarianPod101.com
I love the way you provide all necessary information to learn the language. Unfortunately I can‘t keep it in mind and have ti retry again and again.
Hi Jobe,
Thank you for your comment!
We're glad you're enjoying the lessons! ❤️
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Team BulgarianPod101.com
Every word helps..., I always say it as it looks then listen to how it should sound
Quite Enjoyable !