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How Long Does it Take to Learn Bulgarian?

The Bulgarian language is not an easy one for English speakers to learn. Being part of the Slavic language family, it differs quite a bit from the Germanic and Romance languages. Not only do learners have to get used to the Cyrillic alphabet, but they must also learn all the noun and adjective endings for different genders, the verb conjugations for different tenses, and so on.  Feeling intimidated already?  Don’t worry! BulgarianPod101 is here to encourage you.  Although it might take some time, learning Bulgarian is possible. In this article, we’ll teach you how to learn Bulgarian faster and more effectively for the best results.  There are three things you’ll need if you want to master the language:  Motivation. In order... Show more

Bulgarian Proverbs Guide: Learn 30 Wise Bulgarian Sayings

Proverbs are short and straightforward sayings that express valuable life advice. Studying Bulgarian proverbs means digging deeper into the local culture—it also means that you’re an advanced Bulgarian language learner who’s ready to take their knowledge to the next level. And while proverbs can be quite valuable to language learners, they also teach people how to be wiser in different life situations. It’s always a fascinating adventure to explore the proverbs and sayings of other cultures, so BulgarianPod101 has compiled this list of thirty proverbs in Bulgarian along with their English translations. We think you’ll step away from this article a little wiser than before… Table of Contents Bulgarian Proverbs About Success ... Show more

Travel Guide: The Best Places to Visit in Sofia, Bulgaria

Bulgaria is an amazing country that has many adventures to offer foreigners. There are so many points of interest that the options can be overwhelming!  In this Sofia travel guide, we’ll get you acquainted with some of the most interesting places to visit in Sofia and provide you with travel tips to give you more confidence during your very first visit to the Bulgarian capital. BulgarianPod101 invites you on this intriguing virtual tour before you travel to Sofia, so you can feel the atmosphere of this big city before you even arrive. Table of Contents Before You Go Sofia Travel Tips 7 Must-See Places in Sofia for a 1-3 Day Trip Highly Recommended Places for a 4-7 Day Trip (or Longer) Bulgarian Survival Phrases for... Show more

Give Your Vocab a Boost: English Words in Bulgarian

If you’ve just started studying the Bulgarian language, you might need additional motivation to cope with the initial shock that this language usually provokes in foreigners. To give you more confidence for your Bulgarian language learning journey, we have prepared this overview of Bulgarian words in English (and vice-versa). You’ll definitely be surprised to learn how many words are the same in English and Bulgarian. But this is great news for all learners of the Bulgarian language! Why? Because it means you already know all of these words, their meanings, and how to use them in different situations. That’s a great start, isn’t it? BulgarianPod101 has prepared this guide to help you quickly recognize these well-known words in Bulgarian... Show more

A Detailed Overview of Bulgarian Culture and Traditions

Just like every other country in the world, Bulgaria has a very specific culture influenced by its past and origins. The history of Bulgaria is fascinating and sheds some light on the various aspects of Bulgarian culture and customs, from the way Bulgarians live to their mindset and common character traits. Learners of the Bulgarian language can greatly benefit from knowing more about this country, which some consider to be "The Cradle of Civilization." BulgarianPod101 invites you to join us on this intriguing adventure through the culture of Bulgaria. Who knows, maybe this special overview of Bulgarian culture will prompt you to come and experience everything for yourself! Table of Contents How Bulgarian History Has Influenced... Show more

Bulgarian Food Guide: Try the Best of Bulgarian Cuisine

To truly learn a foreign language, you must also become familiar with that country’s culture. And its national cuisine is a great place to start!  Traditional Bulgarian food offers a glimpse of the country’s cultural background and will help you learn more about the people there. As a language learner, you’ll benefit from exploring Bulgarian cuisine and tasting many of the traditional dishes yourself. Today, BulgarianPod101 will lead you through the sweetest part of language learning. We’ll introduce you to the best Bulgarian foods, go over some essential food-related vocabulary, and even give you a couple of simple Bulgarian recipes you can make at home.  Let’s begin our delicious journey into Bulgarian cuisine! Table of... Show more

A Comprehensive Bulgarian Grammar Overview

Many foreign language learners give up as soon as they reach the grammar. Learning grammar seems like Mission: Impossible to them! But guess what? Thanks to BulgarianPod101, you can now learn all of the Bulgarian grammar basics in a fun and easy-to-understand way. We think that the most challenging part of your language learning journey should also be the most fun and intriguing!  On this page, you’ll find a breakdown of the most important Bulgarian grammar rules. We’ll cover topics ranging from word order to tenses, providing you with insight and examples to make your learning experience as painless as possible. Make sure to complete each of the Bulgarian grammar exercises we’ve included, as they will help you better understand the... Show more

What Do Bulgarian Quotes Say About Life & Love?

Sometimes, life is not easy! Everyone has gone through many challenges in life. In such moments, it is helpful to know that other people have gone through the same things and overcame them successfully.  In this article, we’ll show you Bulgarian quotes from some of the most popular Bulgarian heroes, poets, writers, and fighters for Bulgarian liberty who lost their lives without seeing their most cherished dream coming true. Their lives weren’t easy either, and their wisdom inspires the Bulgarian people to this day.  The quotes in this article are from well-known Bulgarians who loved their country. One thing is for sure: after reading these inspirational Bulgarian quotes, you’ll definitely walk away with a better understanding of... Show more

A Stepping Stone to Freedom: Liberation Day in Bulgaria

Independence did not come easily for Bulgaria. The nation only gained its freedom after hundreds of years of oppression, and the process was a lengthy and trying one. One event in particular helped propel the nation toward its goal: the nation’s liberation from the Ottoman Empire in 1878.  In this article, you’ll learn all about Bulgarian Liberation Day (also known as Bulgaria’s Day of Liberation from Ottoman Domination) and how it’s celebrated today. Let's get started! 1. What is Liberation Day? Bulgaria’s struggle for independence goes way back, beginning in the fourteenth century when the Ottomans began organizing attacks on various cities within the country. The Ottomans eventually gained control of the... Show more

An Extensive Guide to Bulgarian Business Phrases

The number of foreigners who visit Bulgaria for business purposes is increasing. The statistics announced by the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria show that about twenty percent of the total visitors in 2019 were in the country for business purposes. Maybe you plan on joining that number in the near future! Although the majority of Bulgarians speak some English, learning Bulgarian business phrases will help you more freely interact with Bulgarian business partners, build closer connections, and ensure that you’re properly understood. Usually, advanced language learners study Bulgarian business words and phrases after they have a more solid foundation to step on. But even if you don’t have this solid foundation yet, you can... Show more