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Archive for the 'Bulgarian Grammar' Category

Advanced Bulgarian Words: Speak Like a Native

If you’ve gotten used to the intermediate-level Bulgarian vocabulary and feel like it’s time to move ahead, then you’re in the right place. This advanced Bulgarian wordlist from BulgarianPod101 will take you to the next level and help you use Bulgarian fluently in a wide range of contexts. In this extensive overview, you will get acquainted with a variety of advanced Bulgarian words, their meaning in English, and how to use them in sentences via the examples we’ve provided. For your convenience, we have divided these words into categories. Of course, it may take a while for you to get used to these advanced Bulgarian words, as they have the highest level of difficulty. However, you can take advantage of these top 15 tips to remember... Show more

Learn About Negation in Bulgarian

Negation is a linguistic tool we use every day. From refusing proposals to answering questions in the negative, there are so many ways we use the word "no" in our daily conversations and social engagements. After all, we can’t possibly agree on everything all the time!  Learning about negation in Bulgarian grammar is a key element in mastering the language, and we recommend that you study this early on.  Here are some reasons why it’s good to learn how to say "no" in Bulgarian: You’ll be able to express an opposite opinion.You can react negatively when someone speaks untruthfully.You can disagree with any offensive declaration. You can express to others your inability to do something.You can state that something never happened. ... Show more

Bulgarian Tenses Overview: Make the Hardest Part Easier

Even if you have a solid vocabulary base, your communication is going to be quite limited unless you know how to use tenses. While they may seem intimidating, studying the Bulgarian tenses will open up a whole new world to you and fill your life with so many different possibilities.  Just imagine: Being able to talk about the present, past, and future will allow you to tell your Bulgarian friend what you’re up to at the moment, what happened yesterday, or what your plans are for the future.  In this detailed guide, BulgarianPod101 will cover all nine verb tenses in Bulgarian grammar and provide you with examples of how to use them. We know that tenses are probably the hardest part of learning a foreign language, so we’ve tried to... Show more

How Long Does it Take to Learn Bulgarian?

The Bulgarian language is not an easy one for English speakers to learn. Being part of the Slavic language family, it differs quite a bit from the Germanic and Romance languages. Not only do learners have to get used to the Cyrillic alphabet, but they must also learn all the noun and adjective endings for different genders, the verb conjugations for different tenses, and so on.  Feeling intimidated already?  Don’t worry! BulgarianPod101 is here to encourage you.  Although it might take some time, learning Bulgarian is possible. In this article, we’ll teach you how to learn Bulgarian faster and more effectively for the best results.  There are three things you’ll need if you want to master the language:  Motivation. In order... Show more

Bulgarian Proverbs Guide: Learn 30 Wise Bulgarian Sayings

Proverbs are short and straightforward sayings that express valuable life advice. Studying Bulgarian proverbs means digging deeper into the local culture—it also means that you’re an advanced Bulgarian language learner who’s ready to take their knowledge to the next level. And while proverbs can be quite valuable to language learners, they also teach people how to be wiser in different life situations. It’s always a fascinating adventure to explore the proverbs and sayings of other cultures, so BulgarianPod101 has compiled this list of thirty proverbs in Bulgarian along with their English translations. We think you’ll step away from this article a little wiser than before… Table of Contents Bulgarian Proverbs About Success ... Show more

A Comprehensive Bulgarian Grammar Overview

Many foreign language learners give up as soon as they reach the grammar. Learning grammar seems like Mission: Impossible to them! But guess what? Thanks to BulgarianPod101, you can now learn all of the Bulgarian grammar basics in a fun and easy-to-understand way. We think that the most challenging part of your language learning journey should also be the most fun and intriguing!  On this page, you’ll find a breakdown of the most important Bulgarian grammar rules. We’ll cover topics ranging from word order to tenses, providing you with insight and examples to make your learning experience as painless as possible. Make sure to complete each of the Bulgarian grammar exercises we’ve included, as they will help you better understand the... Show more

How Hard is it to Learn Bulgarian? Overcome the Difficulties.

Learning a new language is like starting a new journey! It opens up hundreds of opportunities for you and acquaints you with different ways of thinking, unknown cultures, unique people, a rich history, and ways of life you may not be familiar with. By learning a country’s language, you also learn about that country’s cuisine, festivals, traditions, and customs. And considering the rich cultural heritage of Bulgaria, Bulgarian is one language you’ll love learning.  That said, how hard is it to learn Bulgarian?  If you start by learning the grammar—all those endless verb forms and conjugations, as well as the adjectives and their forms—there’s a good chance that you’ll soon become lost in the multiple rules and give up. This is not a good... Show more

An Overview of the 10 Most Common Mistakes in Bulgarian

There’s a Bulgarian saying that states: Глупавият се учи от собствените си грешки, а умният - от грешките на другите!  Glupaviyat se uchi ot sobstvenite si greshki, a umniyat - ot greshkite na drugite! "The fool learns from his own mistakes, and the smart person learns from the mistakes of others!" So why not become one of those smart people yourself? You can learn from the Bulgarian mistakes other learners have made, instead of repeating them and getting into some awkward situations. BulgarianPod101 has prepared this detailed overview of the most common mistakes in the Bulgarian language, providing you with detailed explanations of rules, plenty of examples, and tips for avoiding these Bulgarian mistakes in your conversations with... Show more

An Overview of the Top 10 Bulgarian Questions and Answers

Bulgarian people are helpful and friendly. Foreigners who visit or live in Bulgaria will find that the local people are more than willing to enter into contact with them and offer their assistance. As long as you know the basic Bulgarian phrases and questions, you’ll be able to start conversations and make friends. This comprehensive review will acquaint you with the most common conversation starters in the form of easy questions and answers in Bulgarian. Knowing these will make your communication with native speakers much smoother, and being able to ask basic questions in Bulgarian will also help you learn specific information about your interlocutor or surroundings.  This will give you a great advantage over other foreigners who... Show more

A Speak Freely Guide – Top 10 Bulgarian Sentence Patterns

Learning the most frequently used language patterns is one of the easiest ways to start speaking that language. As a Bulgarian language learner, you’ll find it very beneficial to learn the most popular Bulgarian sentence patterns and structures. This knowledge will provide you with many advantages: You can skip learning many tedious grammar rules that now seem impossible to learn.You can start taking part in Bulgarian conversations and feel more confident in your language skills.You’ll be able to quickly figure out which of these ten sentence patterns in Bulgarian to use in any situation.You’ll be able to generate hundreds of natural sentences on your own. (And that’s really worth all the effort, right?) Table of Contents ... Show more