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Archive for the 'Bulgarian Culture' Category

Bulgarian Food Guide: Try the Best of Bulgarian Cuisine

To truly learn a foreign language, you must also become familiar with that country’s culture. And its national cuisine is a great place to start!  Traditional Bulgarian food offers a glimpse of the country’s cultural background and will help you learn more about the people there. As a language learner, you’ll benefit from exploring Bulgarian cuisine and tasting many of the traditional dishes yourself. Today, BulgarianPod101 will lead you through the sweetest part of language learning. We’ll introduce you to the best Bulgarian foods, go over some essential food-related vocabulary, and even give you a couple of simple Bulgarian recipes you can make at home.  Let’s begin our delicious journey into Bulgarian cuisine! Table of... Show more

What Do Bulgarian Quotes Say About Life & Love?

Sometimes, life is not easy! Everyone has gone through many challenges in life. In such moments, it is helpful to know that other people have gone through the same things and overcame them successfully.  In this article, we’ll show you Bulgarian quotes from some of the most popular Bulgarian heroes, poets, writers, and fighters for Bulgarian liberty who lost their lives without seeing their most cherished dream coming true. Their lives weren’t easy either, and their wisdom inspires the Bulgarian people to this day.  The quotes in this article are from well-known Bulgarians who loved their country. One thing is for sure: after reading these inspirational Bulgarian quotes, you’ll definitely walk away with a better understanding of... Show more

A Stepping Stone to Freedom: Liberation Day in Bulgaria

Independence did not come easily for Bulgaria. The nation only gained its freedom after hundreds of years of oppression, and the process was a lengthy and trying one. One event in particular helped propel the nation toward its goal: the nation’s liberation from the Ottoman Empire in 1878.  In this article, you’ll learn all about Bulgarian Liberation Day (also known as Bulgaria’s Day of Liberation from Ottoman Domination) and how it’s celebrated today. Let's get started! 1. What is Liberation Day? Bulgaria’s struggle for independence goes way back, beginning in the fourteenth century when the Ottomans began organizing attacks on various cities within the country. The Ottomans eventually gained control of the... Show more

An Extensive Guide to Bulgarian Business Phrases

The number of foreigners who visit Bulgaria for business purposes is increasing. The statistics announced by the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria show that about twenty percent of the total visitors in 2019 were in the country for business purposes. Maybe you plan on joining that number in the near future! Although the majority of Bulgarians speak some English, learning Bulgarian business phrases will help you more freely interact with Bulgarian business partners, build closer connections, and ensure that you’re properly understood. Usually, advanced language learners study Bulgarian business words and phrases after they have a more solid foundation to step on. But even if you don’t have this solid foundation yet, you can... Show more

The Best YouTube Channels to Learn the Bulgarian Language

Is it possible to make studying a foreign language fun? Yes, it is!  Studies show that the more entertaining your language practice is, the quicker and easier you’ll pick that language up.  So, what’s one way you can make learning Bulgarian fun again? Watching YouTube. Here are just a few benefits of supplementing your regular studies with Bulgarian language YouTube content: Watching Bulgarian YouTube channels is a great way to practice your listening skills. You choose the topic and the time. By picking channels or videos that interest you, you’ll learn new vocabulary related to those topics in a more natural way. You’ll get a sense of how the language works without studying all of those boring grammar rules. ... Show more

How to Say Goodbye in Bulgarian

Imagine that you were just introduced to someone, talked with them for a few minutes, and then left the conversation without saying goodbye. What would this person think about you? Saying goodbye in Bulgarian is as important as saying hello and introducing yourself. Here are just a few reasons why: Saying goodbye in the Bulgarian language will show that you respect your new Bulgarian friend and his or her language (even if you know very little Bulgarian).  In addition, it will show your interlocutor that you’re willing to meet him or her again and that you’re interested in pursuing a friendship with them.Saying goodbye in their language will make it easier for you to build close relationships with Bulgarians, and they’re likely to trust... Show more

Your Guide to Bulgarian Sentence Structure & Word Order

The first step of studying a foreign language is learning some common words, so you can start communicating at the most basic level. But you can’t stop at that level, right? To be able to communicate with native Bulgarians, you need to learn more about the Bulgarian sentence word order.  How do Bulgarians build their sentences? What’s the difference between Bulgarian and English sentence structure? BulgarianPod101 will take you to the next level of your Bulgarian language-learning journey by helping you learn Bulgarian sentence structure in this step-by-step guide. After carefully studying it, you should be more confident in your Bulgarian conversations, and you’ll effectively untie your tongue. Table of Contents Overview of... Show more

Your Extensive Guide to Bulgarian Compliments

Compliments provide encouragement that makes people feel valuable and important. These words can even improve their self-esteem and help them believe that they can achieve more. Moreover, compliments imply that you have something—whether it’s a great appearance, a cheerful character, or an exceptional mind—which other people find noteworthy. In fact, every person is unique and possesses something that he or she can receive compliments for. Although Bulgarians are sparing with their praise and compliments, just like people of many other nations, they also love to get sincere compliments. You probably want to learn various Bulgarian compliments, such as how to compliment a Bulgarian girl or how to praise someone in Bulgarian. Or maybe... Show more

Get Angry in Bulgarian with Phrases for Any Situation!

Anger is a natural response to pain of some sort; when you’re angry, you’re angry with a cause and want someone to pay! It’s so much harder when you’re traveling, because your routines are off-kilter, there’s culture shock to deal with and the smallest problems can seem overwhelming. How do you handle someone who’s just pushed your last button? At home, we often have a go-to person who is good at calming us down, but emotions are tricky to deal with in a foreign country. Sometimes people may treat you unfairly, but you’re completely baffled as to why. You have to remember that people in think differently to how you do and it’s not impossible to inadvertently cause offense. Don’t stress about it too much, because you’ll adapt! Once you... Show more

Essential Vocabulary for Life Events in Bulgarian

What is the most defining moment you will face this year? From memories that you immortalize in a million photographs, to days you never wish to remember, one thing's for certain: big life events change you. The great poet, Bukowski, said, "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well, that death will tremble to take us." The older I get, the more I agree with him! Talking about significant events in our lives is part of every person's journey, regardless of creed or culture. If you're planning to stay in for more than a quick visit, you're sure to need at least a few 'life events' phrases that you can use. After all, many of these are shared experiences, and it's generally expected that we will show up with good manners... Show more