Archive for the 'Bulgarian Holidays' Category
November 4, 2022
Detailed Bulgarian National Anthem Review
Did you know that the oldest national anthem is considered to be the Dutch Wilhelmus, written between 1568 and 1572? Well, compared to it, the Bulgarian national anthem is rather new. In this detailed review prepared by BulgarianPod101 you will find out when it was written, what is the English meaning of its lyrics as well as some intriguing facts regarding its music.
Most anthems are hymns in style and the Bulgarian one is not an exception. In this guide, you will be able to learn what is the national anthem of Bulgaria and how both the lyrics and melody express the love of Bulgarian people for their own fatherland. Moreover, national anthems are something intimate for every nation. By getting acquainted with the Bulgarian anthem... Show more
April 23, 2021
A Detailed Overview of Bulgarian Culture and Traditions
Just like every other country in the world, Bulgaria has a very specific culture influenced by its past and origins. The history of Bulgaria is fascinating and sheds some light on the various aspects of Bulgarian culture and customs, from the way Bulgarians live to their mindset and common character traits. Learners of the Bulgarian language can greatly benefit from knowing more about this country, which some consider to be "The Cradle of Civilization."
BulgarianPod101 invites you to join us on this intriguing adventure through the culture of Bulgaria. Who knows, maybe this special overview of Bulgarian culture will prompt you to come and experience everything for yourself!
Table of Contents
How Bulgarian History Has Influenced... Show more
March 1, 2021
A Stepping Stone to Freedom: Liberation Day in Bulgaria
Independence did not come easily for Bulgaria. The nation only gained its freedom after hundreds of years of oppression, and the process was a lengthy and trying one. One event in particular helped propel the nation toward its goal: the nation’s liberation from the Ottoman Empire in 1878.
In this article, you’ll learn all about Bulgarian Liberation Day (also known as Bulgaria’s Day of Liberation from Ottoman Domination) and how it’s celebrated today. Let's get started!
1. What is Liberation Day?
Bulgaria’s struggle for independence goes way back, beginning in the fourteenth century when the Ottomans began organizing attacks on various cities within the country. The Ottomans eventually gained control of the... Show more
March 27, 2020
Tsvetnitsa: Celebrating Palm Sunday in Bulgaria
Palm Sunday in Bulgaria, also called Tsvetnitsa or Vrabnitsa, is a major Christian celebration with many fascinating traditions. In this article, you’ll learn about the significance of Palm Sunday for believers, look at how Bulgarians celebrate it, and gain some relevant Bulgarian vocabulary.
Let’s get started!
1. What is Palm Sunday?
On Palm Sunday, Christians celebrate Влизането на Иисус в Йерусалим (Vlizaneto na Iisus v Yerusalim), or "Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem." According to the Bible, Jesus entered Jerusalem exactly one week before his Resurrection. Upon Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, a crowd of believers greeted him and threw palm sprigs at his feet.
On Palm Sunday, Bulgarians also celebrate the name day for anyone... Show more
February 25, 2020
Baba Marta: Celebrating Grandma March Day in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria, Baba Marta Day (also called Grandma March Day) is a unique holiday associated with the beginning of spring, and can last all through the month of March. At its center is the mythical Baba Marta Bulgarian folktale character, who personifies every aspect of the month of March.
In this article, you’ll learn all about Baba Marta Day, the character behind it, and the most common traditions for the Baba Marta Bulgaria holiday. Are you ready? Let’s get started!
1. What is Grandma March Day?
Baba Marta (Granny March Day) is a feast associated with the coming of spring and the mythical figure of Baba Marta.
According to the Baba Marta legend, she is the sister of two other characters, named Big Sechko and Little... Show more
December 21, 2019
Blagoveshtenie: Celebrating the Day of Epiphany in Bulgaria
The Day of Epiphany is a Christian holiday on which people celebrate the epiphany of the триединен Бог (triedinen Bog), or "triune God." In this article, you’ll learn more about how Christians view the Epiphany holiday, and more specifically, how Bulgarians celebrate Epiphany.
At, we always aim to ensure that your language-learning journey is both fun and informative—starting with this article on Epiphany! Bulgarian customs may just surprise you. ;)
Let’s get started.
1. What is Epiphany?
Epiphany is a very old holiday. According to the Orthodox Church, this is the day Jesus Christ was baptized in the River Jordan. Thus the holiday is also called "Baptism of the Lord." The name Bogoyavlenie is formed by... Show more
September 24, 2019
Celebrating Revival Leaders’ Day in Bulgaria
There is a special holiday in Bulgaria dedicated to the national revival leaders. These leaders of the Bulgarian people are bookmen and revolutionaries; people who through the different periods of time had helped with the enlightenment of the Bulgarian people.
In this article, you’ll learn about Revival Leaders’ Day (sometimes called National Revival Day) and how Bulgarians celebrate. Further, we’ll provide you with some information on those involved in the Bulgarian national revival.
At, we hope to make every aspect of your learning journey both fun and informative!
1. What is Revival Leaders’ Day?
The Day of the Bulgarian National Revival Leaders is a public holiday, celebrated annually with... Show more
July 19, 2019
How to Celebrate the Feast Day of Prophet Elijah in Bulgaria
The Saint Elijah Feast Day in Bulgaria is a huge event, rooted in both history and folklore. In this article, we’ll answer the question "Who is Prophet Elijah?" and provide you with interesting information on this Bulgarian holiday, and the traditions associated with it.
In learning about Saint Elijah Feast Day, you’re learning so much more! This is just one moving part in the complexity of Bulgarian culture, history, and religion, and knowing about these things will significantly improve your Bulgarian language-learning!
At, we hope to make this learning adventure both fun and informative!
1. What is St. Elijah’s Day in Bulgaria?
The Saint Elijah Feast Day is when Bulgarians commemorate and celebrate... Show more
May 23, 2019
How to Celebrate International Children’s Day in Bulgaria
Children’s Day in Bulgaria, as you may already know, is a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating children. After all, they have so much potential to offer the world. In this article, we’ll give you some information about Children’s Day in Bulgaria, and what makes it special (considering the existence of World Children’s Day).
At, we hope to make learning both fun and informative as you gain insight into Bulgarian culture. Knowing a country’s culture is a vital step in language mastery, and holidays represent a significant part of any country’s culture.
That said, let’s talk about the origins of this holiday, and take a look at the most common Children’s Day celebrations in Bulgaria!
1. What is... Show more
May 10, 2019
Bulgarian Holiday for the Glagolitic & Cyrillic Alphabet
The Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature (we know, it’s a mouthful…) is a day to focus on the Cyrillic alphabet, as well as the Glagolitic alphabet. Created by St. Cyril and Methodius, the Glagolitic alphabet structure has helped to shape the Bulgarian language as it is today (using the Cyrillic alphabet), making this a day worth its salt.
Learn more about how St. Cyril and St. Methodius impacted the eventual growth of language in Bulgaria below. By learning about Bulgarian Education and Culture Day, you’re opening yourself up to a unique aspect of Bulgarian culture. And as any language learner can tell you, knowing the culture of your target language’s country is a vital step in the language-learning process!... Show more