Have you ever been in a situation when you have something important to say to your Bulgarian friend, but you cannot do that due to a lack of Bulgarian vocabulary or conversation skills in Bulgarian? If so, then you have experienced that sense of helplessness, knowing that saying “never mind” is not an option.
Developing speaking skills in Bulgarian is a must if you would like to have full-fledged communication with Bulgarians. This will help you not only understand what they say to you but also express your thoughts, needs and emotions.
In this comprehensive guide on Bulgarian conversational skills prepared by BulgarianPod101, you will learn how to make your own Bulgarian profile, how to react to your interlocutor’s words who is a Bulgarian native speaker based on the situation, what filler words you can use to speak just like Bulgarians and much more. In addition, you will gain more confidence when you start a conversation in Bulgarian.
This guide is perfect for beginner and intermediate-level learners who would like to jump over the language barrier and start communicating. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. They are a part of the Bulgarian language learning process, but they are also a way to progress. Remember one of the famous quotes of Thomas Edison, who said:
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.“

The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

- Make Your Own Bulgarian Language Profile
- Learn Reactions in Bulgarian
- Learn Bulgarian Filler Words
- Learn Common Questions and Answers
- Learn Conversation Starters
- How to Improve Your Conversation Skills
- How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian
1. Make Your Own Bulgarian Language Profile
Let’s start with introducing yourself in Bulgarian. Writing your own Bulgarian profile is an important skill that will help you introduce yourself in multiple cases. For this reason, we have prepared three different profile patterns – for a worker, a student, and a tourist. Let’s see how each of them can help you introduce yourself in Bulgarian. We also provide two Bulgarian profile cheat sheets for each pattern using male and female forms to help you understand how you can complete your Bulgarian profile on your own.
Moreover, if you are a complete beginner, you will find below a list of possible answers, which you can fill in the spaces to make your personal profile. So, let’s start with the profile pattern No.1:
Pattern 1: Bulgarian profile for workers
Здравейте, казвам се ________ _________ (full name) и съм от ___________ (country). Сега живея в __________ (city of Bulgaria). Преместих се тук преди ____ (number) месеца/години. Работя като _______ (profession). Обичам да _________ (your hobby).
Zdraveyte, kazvam se ________ _________ (full name) i sam ot ___________ (country). Sega zhiveya v __________ (city of Bulgaria). Premestih se tuk predi ____ (number) mesetsa/godini. Rabotya kato _______ (profession). Obicham da _________ (your hobby).
Hello, my name is ________ _________ (full name) and I am from ___________ (country). Now I live in __________ (city of Bulgaria). I moved here ____ (number) months/years ago. I work as a _______ (profession). I love to _________ (your hobby).
Example 1: Cheat Profile for a Male Worker
Здравейте, казвам се Джон Браун и съм от Англия. Сега живея в Пловдив. Преместих се тук преди 5 месеца. Работя като програмист. Обичам да колекционирам стари монети. |
Zdraveyte, kazvam se Dzhon Braun i sam ot Angliya. Sega zhiveya v Plovdiv. Premestih se tuk predi pet mesetsa. Rabotya kato programist. Obicham da kolektsioniram stari moneti. |
Hello, my name is John Brown and I’m from England. Now I live in Plovdiv. I moved here 5 months ago. I work as a programmer. I like to collect old coins. |
Example 2: Cheat Profile for a Female Worker
Здравейте, казвам се Ана Мария и съм от Полша. Сега живея във Варна. Преместих се тук преди 3 години. Работя като преводач. Обичам да ходя на планина. |
Zdraveyte, kazvam se Ana Mariya i sam ot Polsha. Sega zhiveya vav Varna. Premestih se tuk predi tri godini. Rabotya kato prevodach. Obicham da hodya na planina. |
Hello, my name is Anna Maria and I am from Poland. Now I live in Varna. I moved here 3 years ago. I work as a translator. I like to go to the mountains. |

We provide you with a few lists below that will help you complete your Bulgarian personal profile easier.
- ★ List of Countries
Англия Австрия Германия Франция Италия Русия Турция Финландия | Angliya Avstriya Germaniya Frantsiya Italiya Rusiya Turtsiya Finlandiya | England Austria Germany France Italy Russia Turkey Finland |
- ➜ If you cannot find your country in the list, you can check the following lesson that contains the Bulgarian names of 108 world countries.
- ★ List of Popular Bulgarian Cities
София Пловдив Варна Бургас Русе Силистра Велико Търново Габрово Стара Загора Нова Загора Кюстендил Сливен | Sofiya Plovdiv Varna Burgas Ruse Silistra Veliko Tarnovo Gabrovo Stara Zagora Nova Zagora Kyustendil Sliven | Sofia Plovdiv Varna Burgas Ruse Silistra Veliko Tarnovo Gabrovo Stara Zagora Nova Zagora Kyustendil Sliven |
- ➜ Follow this link to find out Top 10 Bulgarian Regions and Cities.
- ★ List of Professions
фризьор учител преводач програмист шофьор продавач бизнесмен журналист лекар мениджър | frizyor uchitel prevodach programist shofyor prodavach biznesmen zhurnalist lekar menidzhar | hairdresser teacher translator programmer driver seller businessman journalist doctor manager |
- ➜ You can find even more occupation-related vocabulary in the following list prepared by BulgarianPod101.
- ★ List of Hobbies
колекционирам пощенски марки колекционирам стари монети ходя на планина плета правя играчки играя на компютърни игри гледам филми чета книги пътувам в различни страни ходя на риболов карам ски карам колело | kolektsioniram poshtenski marki kolektsioniram stari moneti hodya na planina pleta pravya igrachki igraya na kompyutarni igri gledam filmi cheta knigi patuvam v razlichni strani hodya na ribolov karam ski karam kolelo | to collect stamps to collect old coins to go to the mountain to knit to make toys to play computer games to watch movies to read books to travel to different countries to go fishing to ski to ride a bike |
- ➜ You can watch the following video to learn how to talk about your hobbies in Bulgarian.
These lists will help you complete the profile pattern on your own. And now, we can move to the next pattern.
Pattern 2: Bulgarian profile for students
Здравейте, аз съм ________ _________ (full name) и съм от ___________ (country). Аз съм студент по ___________ (specialty) в университета в ___________ (city). Следвам за _______ (profession). Обичам да _______ (your hobby).
Zdraveyte, az sam ________ _________ (full name) i sam ot ___________ (country). Az sam student po ___________ (specialty) v universiteta v ___________ (city). Sledvam za _______ (profession). Obicham da _______ (your hobby).
Hi, I’m ________ _________ (full name) and I’m from ___________ (country). I am a student of ___________ (specialty) at the university in ___________ (city). I’m studying for a _______ (profession). I love to _______ (your hobby).
Example 1: Cheat Profile for a Male Student
Здравейте, аз съм Матю Стивънс и съм от САЩ. Аз съм студент по медицина в университета в София. Следвам за доктор. Обичам да играя тенис. |
Zdraveyte, az sam Matyu Stivans i sam ot SASHT. Az sam student po meditsina v universiteta v Sofiya. Sledvam za doktor. Obicham da igraya tenis. |
Hi, I’m Matthew Stevens and I’m from the USA. I am a medical student at the University of Sofia. I’m studying to be a doctor. I like playing tennis. |
Example 2: Cheat Profile for a Female Student
Здравейте, казвам се Роуз Блек и съм от Мексико. Аз съм студентка по финанси в университета в Русе. Следвам за банкер. Обичам да карам колело. |
Zdraveyte, kazvam se Rouz Blek i sam ot Meksiko. Az sam studentka po finansi v universiteta v Ruse. Sledvam za banker. Obicham da karam kolelo. |
Hello, my name is Rose Black and I’m from Mexico. I am a student of finance at the University of Ruse. I’m studying to be a banker. I like bike riding. |

Pattern 3: Bulgarian profile for tourists
Здравейте, аз съм _________ (full name) и съм от ___________ (country). Аз съм в България като турист и съм в ___________ (city) за ___________ (number) дни/седмици. ___________ (city) много ми харесва и хората тук са много мили. Ще се радвам отново да посетя България някой ден.
Zdraveyte, az sam _________ (full name) i sam ot ___________ (country). Az sam v Balgariya kato turist i sam v ___________ (city) za ___________ (number) dni/sedmitsi. ___________ (city) mnogo mi haresva i horata tuk sa mnogo mili. Shte se radvam otnovo da posetya Balgariya nyakoy den.
Hello, I am _________ (full name) and I’m from ___________ (country). I am in Bulgaria as a tourist and I will stay in ___________ (city) for ___________ (number) days / weeks. I like ___________ (city) very much and the people here are very nice. I will be happy to visit Bulgaria again some day.
Example 1: Cheat Profile for a Male Tourist
Здравейте, аз съм Юки и съм от Япония. Аз съм в България като турист и съм в Пловдив за две седмици. Пловдив много ми харесва и хората тук са много мили. Ще се радвам отново да посетя България някой ден. |
Zdraveyte, az sam Yuki i sam ot Yaponiya. Az sam v Balgariya kato turist i sam v Plovdiv za dve sedmitsi. Plovdiv mnogo mi haresva i horata tuk sa mnogo mili. Shte se radvam otnovo da posetya Balgariya nyakoy den. |
Hi, I’m Yuki and I’m from Japan. I am in Bulgaria as a tourist and I am in Plovdiv for two weeks. I like Plovdiv very much and the people here are very nice. I will be happy to visit Bulgaria again one day. |
Example 2: Cheat Profile for a Female Tourist
Здравейте, аз съм Вероника Луиз и съм от Франция. Аз съм в България като турист и съм в Бургас за 5 дни. Бургас много ми харесва и хората тук са много мили. Ще се радвам отново да посетя България някой ден. |
Zdraveyte, az sam Veronika Luiz i sam ot Frantsiya. Az sam v Balgariya kato turist i sam v Burgas za pet dni. Burgas mnogo mi haresva i horata tuk sa mnogo mili. Shte se radvam otnovo da posetya Balgariya nyakoy den. |
Hello, I’m Veronica Louise and I’m from France. I am in Bulgaria as a tourist and I am in Burgas for 5 days. I like Burgas very much and the people here are very nice. I will be happy to visit Bulgaria again one day. |

2. Learn Reactions in Bulgarian
How would you react to the information your Bulgarian interlocutor says to you? We prepared four different categories of reactions based on the situation. Let’s study each one of them along with the examples.
Category 1: Reaction of astonishment & excitement
Така ли? Taka li? Really? | Наистина ли? Naistina li? Really? |
Vchera si kupih nova kola! I bought a new car yesterday! – Така ли? Честито! Taka li? Chestito! Really? Congratulations! | Example:
Utre imam rozhden den! Tomorrow is my birthday! – Наистина ли? Чудесно! Значи ще празнуваме! Naistina li? Chudesno! Znachi shtе praznuvame! Really? Great! So we will celebrate! |

Category 2: Reaction of shared joy
Това е страхотно! Tova e strahotno! That is great! | Чудесно! Chudesno! Great! |
Example 1
Sledvashtiyat mesets smyatam da se zhenya! I plan to get married next month! – Това е страхотно! Tova e strahotno! That is great! | Example 2
Dnes si vzeh izpita v universiteta! Today I passed my university exam! – Чудесно! Радвам се за теб! Chudesno! Radvam se za teb! Great! I’m happy for you! |
Category 3: Neutral reactions
Разбирам. Razbiram. I see. | Ясно. Yasno. I see. |
Utre nyama da mozhe da izlezem, zashtoto imam mnogo za uchene. We won’t be able to go out tomorrow because I have to study a lot. – Разбирам. Razbiram. I see. | Example:
Dnes se nalaga da patuvam za Plovdiv. Today I have to travel to Plovdiv. – Ясно. Yasno. I see. |
Category 4: Reaction of empathy
Много съжалявам. Mnogo sazhalyavam. I’m very sorry. | Това е много тъжно. Tova e mnogo tazhno. This is very sad. |
Vchera padnah i si schupih rakata. Yesterday I fell and broke my hand. – Много съжалявам. Mnogo sazhalyavam. I’m very sorry. | Example:
Bashtata na moya sased pochina. My neighbor’s father died. – Това е много тъжно. Tova e mnogo tazhno. This is very sad. |
3. Learn Bulgarian Filler Words
Bulgarian filler words help you not only understand what your Bulgarian interlocutor says to you but also help you learn to speak Bulgarian. Here is a list of the most popular Bulgarian filler words, along with examples of how to use them.
ами ami well * Note: this filler word usually is placed in the beginning of the sentence and a person usually uses it as a beginning of the answer to someone’s question. |
Kakvo stana vchera na praznenstvoto? What happened at the party yesterday? – Ами, всичко беше добре. Ami, vsichko beshe dobre. Well, everything was fine. |
виж vizh look * Note: this filler word is also usually placed in the beginning as a way to start a sentence that argues someone’s opinion. |
Az smyatam, che chovek ne mozhe da bade shtastliv, ako e beden. I believe that one cannot be happy if he is poor. – Виж, по принцип е така, но от друга страна щастието не се крие в парите. Vizh, po printsip e taka, no ot druga strana shtastieto ne se krie v parite. Look, generally this is true, but on the other hand, happiness doesn’t depend on money. |
такова takova No English equivalent * Note: this filler word is used in place of any word that a person is struggling to remember while he is speaking. |
Example: Отивам аз вчера на такова… на магазина и там продават такова… стоки за бита. Otivam az vchera na takova… na magazina i tam prodavat takova… stoki za bita. I went to… to a store yesterday and they were selling… household goods there. |
абе abe well * Note: this filler word is quite similar to ами but is used in “low culture” speech. |
Abe, nyama kakvo da ti obyasnyavam. Otivay da si varshish rabotata. Well, I don’t have time to explain to you. Go and do your job. |
нали nali you know * Note: this filler word is used to make the interlocutor agree with the speaker’s opinion |
Kogato vchera otidoh nali na partito, imashe mnogo hora nali i se zapoznah s edno momiche. When I went to the party yesterday, you know, there were a lot of people, you know, and I met a girl. |

When I went to the party yesterday, you know, there were a lot of people, you know, and I met a girl.
- ➜ For more Bulgarian filler words and a detailed explanation of their meaning, please go to this comprehensive Bulgarian filler word guide.
4. Learn Common Questions and Answers
Let’s now learn the most common questions you are likely to be asked when you first meet someone and possible common answers to them. They will help you feel more confident in your first conversations with Bulgarian people.
Questions | Answers |
Kak si? How are you? |
Dobre sam, blagodarya. I’m fine, thanks. – Горе-долу. Gore-dolu. So-so. |
Ot kade si? Where are you from? |
Ot Polsha. From Poland. |
Kakvo pravish? What are you doing? |
Rabotya. I work. – Уча. Ucha. I study. |
Kak nauchi balgarski? How did you learn Bulgarian? |
S uchitel. With a teacher. – Учих самостоятелно. Uchih samostoyatelno. I studied on my own. |
Zashto uchish balgarski ezik? Why do you study Bulgarian? |
Haresvam Balgariya. I like Bulgaria. – Искам да живея в България. Iskam da zhiveya v Balgariya. I want to live in Bulgaria. |

I like Bulgaria.
- ➜ You can find more questions and answers prepared for you by BulgarianPod101 in the following article.
5. Learn Conversation Starters
It is always of great benefit to know a few conversation starters, so you can naturally start a conversation with other people. Here is a list of 6 conversation starters you can use in different situations.
За къде пътувате? Za kade patuvate? Where are you traveling to? |
Кой номер автобус чакате? Koy nomer avtobus chakate? Which bus number are you waiting for? |
Извинете, колко е часът? Izvinete, kolko e chasat? Excuse me, what time is it? |
Искате ли да Ви помогна с багажа? Iskate li da Vi pomogna s bagazha? Would you like me to help you with your luggage? |
Знаете ли каква е прогнозата за времето днес? Znaete li kakva e prognozata za vremeto dnes? Do you know the weather forecast for today? |
Можете ли да ми кажете къде се намира банката? Mozhete li da mi kazhete kade se namira bankata? Can you tell me where the bank is? |

Can you tell me where the bank is?
- ➜ For more conversation starters divided into different categories based on the situation, please check this article.
6. How to Improve Your Conversation Skills
Beginners can take advantage of multiple language learning resources that can help them advance. You can follow these tips to improve Bulgarian conversational skills. Moreover, they could be used regardless of your current language level and will be a great step toward the next level.
Language learning is a combination of five essential elements, which include watching, reading, listening, writing, and speaking. To advance, you need to practice all of them on a daily basis – at least for 30 min a day. Which tools will help you practice these skills? Here is a list of them:
YouTube – You can use YouTube as a great source for educational videos. You can learn more about this option and find out the best Bulgarian YouTube channels for effective learning in the following article.
Movies – You can start watching interesting Bulgarian movies that will help you to get used to the language specifics and will enrich your vocabulary.
Flashcards – You can practice new Bulgarian words and phrases with flashcards. In this short video prepared by BulgarianPod101 you will find out 5 ways to learn Bulgarian with flashcards.
Vocabulary Lists – To make your own flashcards, you will need some vocabulary lists consisting of new words, their meaning and proper pronunciation.
TV shows – Watch entertaining TV shows in Bulgarian to advance even more.
Bulgarian books – reading Bulgarian books will help you improve your overall language skills, so don’t ignore this essential practice. You can learn here more about the top 10 Bulgarian writers.
Online news – You can also read daily news online.
Online translators – Google Translator and other online automatic translation tools can help you comprehend the meaning of a text with multiple unknown words and could be of help to language learners.
Podcasts – Podcasts are a great way to learn while you are on a go. This article will provide you with information about Bulgarian Podcasts that are worth listening to if you would like to learn the language.
Songs – You can take advantage of Bulgarian songs with subtitles to understand the lyrics and learn the language by listening to some great songs.
BulgarianPod101 – BulgarianPod101 is a great source for guides and lessons that have many practical exercises, including in writing that you can take advantage of practicing your writing skills.
Journaling – You can practice the new words by writing your own journal, trying to incorporate all the words you have learned in the text.
Chatting/Emailing – Having a Bulgarian friend with whom you can chat or maintain email correspondence will be of great help in developing your Bulgarian writing skills.
Bulgarian friend – You can find a Bulgarian friend who can help you practice Bulgarian daily.
Learning partner – Another idea is to seek another person who is learning Bulgarian and try to practice the language together. This will be a great motivation for both of you.
Bulgarian teacher – You can take advantage of the lessons provided by a personal Bulgarian teacher who will tailor the lessons based on your level and needs.
7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian
In this detailed guide prepared by BulgarianPod101 you can find out multiple ways to improve your conversational skills in Bulgarian. There are many patterns and examples to follow to be able to start a conversation with a friend or a person you don’t know yet. Thanks to this Bulgarian conversational skills guide, you can greatly improve your language knowledge on your own.
However, if you feel like it is not enough and you miss personal guidance, you can choose a professional Bulgarian native teacher from the MyTeacher section. He or she will help you move step by step toward your goal and even surpass it. Moreover, you will quickly gain the confidence you need to start practicing your knowledge in real-life conversations.
We would be happy to hear your feedback about this review and whether it was useful for finding the best way for improving Bulgarian conversational skills. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.