It’s quite challenging to progress from the beginner to the intermediate level. There are many things to learn, many rules to remember, and many sentence patterns to follow. This is why many people give up at the beginning of their foreign language studies and never move forward.
BulgarianPod101 has prepared this useful overview of intermediate Bulgarian phrases to help you overcome these difficulties, gain more self-confidence, and not give up too soon. In this practical guide, you’ll learn how to:
- Talk about past events
- Make plans
- Explain how you’re feeling
- React to different everyday conversations
- Much more!
You don’t have to remain a beginner-level speaker. Study the Bulgarian phrases for intermediate-level students given below, and you’ll gain much more confidence in your everyday communication with your Bulgarian friends. What’s more, you won’t be afraid of making mistakes. In fact, each mistake will help you learn more and progress. This is what the great Albert Einstein said:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
So, with or without mistakes, let’s give it a try!

- Talking About Past Events
- Making and Changing Plans
- Explaining and Listing Reasons
- Making Recommendations and Complaints
- Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
- Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
- How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian
1. Talking About Past Events
There are many cases where you will need to talk about past events and experiences. For example, how did you feel at the party yesterday or on your vacation last year? Here are some useful intermediate Bulgarian phrases in the form of questions and their possible corresponding answers. You could use them to ask your friends about their past experiences or answer the questions yourself. We encourage you to learn them in pairs (the question with the answer) so that you’ll always be ready to keep the conversation going.
Question 1:
Как мина партито вчера? |
Kak mina partito vchera? |
How was the party yesterday? |
Possible Answer:
Вчера прекарах страхотно на партито. |
Vchera prekarah strahotno na partito. |
I had a great time at the party yesterday. |

I had a great time at the party yesterday.
- ➞ You might be interested in this list of the top twenty Bulgarian words for positive emotions.
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Question 2:
Ходил ли си на почивка в Лондон? |
Hodil li si na pochivka v London? |
Have you been to London on holiday? |
Possible Answer:
В Лондон не съм бил, но миналата година ходих на почивка в Париж. |
V London ne sam bil, no minalata godina hodih na pochivka v Parizh. |
I haven’t been to London, but last year I went on holiday to Paris. |
- ➞ You can take a look at this lesson on the most popular Bulgarian cities to get some fresh ideas for your upcoming vacation or holiday!
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Question 3:
Как мина денят ти? |
Kak mina denyat ti? |
How was your day? |
Possible Answer:
Имах много работа и сега съм уморен. |
Imah mnogo rabota i sega sam umoren. |
I had a lot of work, and now I’m tired. |
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Question 4:
Миналата събота отиде ли на рождения ден? |
Minalata sabota otide li na rozhdeniya den? |
Did you go to the birthday party last Saturday? |
Possible Answer:
Да, прекарахме си чудесно! |
Da, prekarahme si chudesno! |
Yes, we had a great time! |
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Question 5:
Какво направи, след като завърши училище? |
Kakvo napravi, sled kato zavarshi uchilishte? |
What did you do after graduating from school? |
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Possible Answer:
Кандидатствах в университет и ме приеха в специалност Мениджмънт. |
Kandidatstvah v universitet i me prieha v spetsialnost Menidzhmant. |
I applied to a university and was accepted as a Management major. |
Question 6:
Ял ли си някога вкусна китайска храна? |
Yal li si nyakoga vkusna kitayska hrana? |
Have you ever eaten delicious Chinese food? |
Possible Answer:
Храната в китайския ресторант, който посетихме миналата седмица, беше много вкусна. |
Hranata v kitayskiya restorant, koyto posetihme minalata sedmitsa, beshe mnogo vkusna. |
The food at the Chinese restaurant we visited last week was very tasty. |
- ➞ BulgarianPod101 has prepared a list of famous Bulgarian meals in case you’d like to learn more about our wonderful cuisine.
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Question 7:
Кога започна работа в тази фирма? |
Koga zapochna rabota v tazi firma? |
When did you start working for this company? |
Possible Answer:
Започнах работа в тази фирма преди три години. |
Zapochnah rabota v tazi firma predi tri godini. |
I started working for this company three years ago. |
2. Making and Changing Plans
It’s important to tell your friends about your plans, but sometimes plans change. In case this happens, you should know how to let your Bulgarian acquaintances know. Below, we’ll show you several intermediate phrases in Bulgarian that you could use for these purposes.

Making Plans
Какво ще кажеш да отидем на кино вечерта? |
Kakvo shte kazhesh da otidem na kino vecherta? |
How about going to the cinema tonight? |
Следващият месец ще пътувам за Австрия. |
Sledvashtiyat mesets shte patuvam za Avstriya. |
I will travel to Austria next month. |
- ➞ Here, “Austria” could be replaced with any other country name. You can find the country name you’re looking for in our World Countries vocabulary list or in this lesson.
Това лято планираме да почиваме в Испания. |
Tova lyato planirame da pochivame v Ispaniya. |
This summer, we plan to go on a vacation in Spain. |
Смятам да кандидатствам за работа в международна фирма. |
Smyatam da kandidatstvam za rabota v mezhdunarodna firma. |
I plan to apply for a job in an international company. |
Искаш ли да отидем на китайски ресторант във вторник? |
Iskash li da otidem na kitayski restorant vav vtornik? |
Do you want to go to a Chinese restaurant on Tuesday? |
- ➞ Would you like to learn (or review) the other days of the week? Then visit our free vocabulary list Talking About Days in Bulgarian!
Changing Plans
Заради пандемията тази година няма да отида на почивка в Турция. |
Zaradi pandemiyata tazi godina nyama da otida na pochivka v Turtsiya. |
Due to the pandemic, I will not go on holiday to Turkey this year. |
Ще отложа пътуването си, защото колата ми се развали. |
Shte otlozha patuvaneto si, zashtoto kolata mi se razvali. |
I will postpone my trip because my car broke down. |
Във вторник трябва да пътувам, затова няма да мога да отида на зъболекар. |
Vav vtornik tryabva da patuvam, zatova nyama da moga da otida na zabolekar. |
I have to travel on Tuesday, so I won’t be able to go to the dentist. |
Днес не мога да дойда на срещата. Какво ще кажеш да я отложим за утре? |
Dnes ne moga da doyda na sreshtata. Kakvo shte kazhesh da ya otlozhim za utre? |
I can’t come to the meeting today. How about postponing it until tomorrow? |
3. Explaining and Listing Reasons
Explaining Your Reasons
Explaining how you feel in different situations is important, as it lets others understand you and sympathize with your reasoning. We have prepared a list of nine useful Bulgarian phrases for intermediate learners that you can use to reject an invitation or disagree with someone. For each phrase, we have also included a sample sentence.
Reason #1
| |
Example | Не мога да дойда с теб на разходка. Много съм зает днес. |
Ne moga da doyda s teb na razhodka. Mnogo sam zaet dnes. | |
I can’t go for a walk with you. I’m very busy today. |
Reason #2
| |
Example | Налага се днес да остана след работно време, защото имам много работа. |
Nalaga se dnes da ostana sled rabotno vreme, zashtoto imam mnogo rabota. | |
I have to stay at the office longer today because I have a lot of work to do. |
Reason #3
| |
Example | Днес не се чувствам добре, затова предпочитам да си остана вкъщи. |
Dnes ne se chuvstvam dobre, zatova predpochitam da si ostana vkashti. | |
I’m not feeling well today, so I prefer to stay home. |
Reason #4
| |
Example | Не ми се ходи на кино, защото не съм сигурна, че този филм ще ми хареса. |
Ne mi se hodi na kino, zashtoto ne sam sigurna, che tozi film shte mi haresa. | |
I don’t want to go to the cinema because I’m not sure I will like this movie. |
Reason #5
| |
Example | Нека оставим разходката за друг път, защото имам други планове за тази вечер. |
Neka ostavim razhodkata za drug pat, zashtoto imam drugi planove za tazi vecher. | |
Let’s leave the walk for another time, because I have different plans for tonight. |
Reason #6
| |
Example | Разбирам твоето мнение по въпроса, но аз мисля по различен начин. |
Razbiram tvoeto mnenie po vaprosa, no az mislya po razlichen nachin. | |
I understand your opinion on the matter, but I think differently. |
Reason #7
| |
Example | Не ми се излиза днес. Предпочитам да си остана у дома и да гледам някой филм. |
Ne mi se izliza dnes. Predpochitam da si ostana u doma i da gledam nyakoy film. | |
I don’t want to go out today. I would prefer to stay home and watch a movie. |
Reason #8
| |
Example | Зная, че се уговорихме да излезем днес, но съм много уморен. Нека оставим за друг път. |
Znaya, che se ugovorihme da izlezem dnes, no sam mnogo umoren. Neka ostavim za drug pat. | |
I know we agreed to go out today, but I’m very tired. Let’s leave it for another time. |
Reason #9
| |
Example | Днес времето е лошо и много вали. Защо да не отложим срещата за по-нататък? |
Dnes vremeto e losho i mnogo vali. Zashto da ne otlozhim sreshtata za po-natatak? | |
Today the weather is bad and it’s raining a lot. Why not postpone the meeting further? |
Listing Your Reasons
Here are two short dialogues depicting how you might list your reasons in Bulgarian.
Example 1:
Защо избра тази кола?
Zashto izbra tazi kola?
Why did you choose this car?
По три причини: първо, икономична е. Второ, евтина е. И трето и най-важно – много ми харесва.
Po tri prichini: parvo, ikonomichna e. Vtoro, evtina e. I treto i nay-vazhno – mnogo mi haresva.
For three reasons: First, it’s economical. Second, it’s cheap. And third, and most importantly, I really like it.
Example 2:
Не мога да разбера какво ти харесва в това момиче.
Ne moga da razbera kakvo ti haresva v tova momiche.
I can’t figure out what you like about this girl.
Първо, тя е много добра с мен. Второ, облича се винаги с вкус. И трето, казва, че ме обича.
Parvo, tya e mnogo dobra s men. Vtoro, oblicha se vinagi s vkus. I treto, kazva, che me obicha.
First, she is very good to me. Second, she always has good taste in fashion. And third, she says she loves me.

She always has good taste when it comes to fashion.
4. Making Recommendations and Complaints
Now, let’s take a look at a list of intermediate-level Bulgarian phrases related to making complaints and recommendations. We’ll first present you with complaints you might make at a hotel or restaurant, and then show you recommendations you might make to the staff for each complaint.
Making Complaints
In a hotel
Аз резервирах стая с изглед към морето, а получих стая без никаква панорама. |
Az rezervirah staya s izgled kam moreto, a poluchih staya bez nikakva panorama. |
I booked a room with a sea view and instead got a room without any panorama. |
Не съм доволен от обслужването. |
Ne sam dovolen ot obsluzhvaneto. |
I’m not happy with the service. |
Душът в банята не работи. |
Dushat v banyata ne raboti. |
The shower in the bathroom does not work. |
Крушката в стаята е изгоряла. |
Krushkata v stayata e izgoryala. |
The light bulb in the room has burned out. |
Не е добре почистено. |
Ne e dobre pochisteno. |
It is not cleaned well. |
Съседите вдигат голям шум. |
Sasedite vdigat golyam shum. |
The neighbors make a lot of noise. |
Басейнът е мръсен. |
Baseiynat e mrasen. |
The pool is dirty. |
In a restaurant
Салатата ми е пресолена. |
Salatata mi e presolena. |
My salad is too salty. |

My salad is too salty.
Намерих муха в супата! |
Namerih muha v supata! |
I found a fly in the soup! |
Пицата е много малка. |
Pitsata e mnogo malka. |
The pizza is very small. |
Това е много скъпо. |
Tova e mnogo skapo. |
This is very expensive. |
Защо има пушачи в залата за непушачи? |
Zashto ima pushachi v zalata za nepushachi? |
Why are there smokers in the non-smoking room? |
Келнерът се бави половин час с поръчката ми. |
Kelnerat se bavi polovin chas s porachkata mi. |
The waiter is taking half an hour for my order. |
Тази маса е мръсна. |
Tazi masa e mrasna. |
This table is dirty. |
Тук става течение. |
Tuk stava techenie. |
There is a strong airflow here. |
Making Recommendations to the Staff
In a hotel
Complaint | Аз резервирах стая с изглед към морето, а получих стая без никаква панорама. |
Az rezervirah staya s izgled kam moreto, a poluchih staya bez nikakva panorama. | |
I booked a room with a sea view and instead got a room without any panorama. |
Recommendation | Моля, преместете ме в стая с красива панорама. |
Molya, premestete me v staya s krasiva panorama. | |
Please switch my room to one with a beautiful view. |
Complaint | Не съм доволен от обслужването. |
Ne sam dovolen ot obsluzhvaneto. | |
I’m not happy with the service. |
Recommendation | Препоръчвам ви да смените персонала! |
Preporachvam vi da smenite personala! | |
I recommend you change the staff! |
#3 & 4
Complaint | Душът в банята не работи. |
Dushat v banyata ne raboti. | |
The shower in the bathroom does not work. |
Complaint | Крушката в стаята е изгоряла. |
Krushkata v stayata e izgoryala. | |
The light bulb in the room has burned out. |
Recommendation | Моля, направете необходимия ремонт, преди да пускате туристи в стаята. |
Molya, napravete neobhodimiya remont, predi da puskate turisti v stayata. | |
Please make the necessary repairs before letting tourists into the room. |
Complaint | Не е добре почистено. |
Ne e dobre pochisteno. | |
It is not cleaned well. |
Recommendation | Моля, почистете стаята ми и сменете чаршафите. |
Molya, pochistete stayata mi i smenete charshafite. | |
Please clean my room and change the sheets. |
Complaint | Съседите вдигат голям шум. |
Sasedite vdigat golyam shum. | |
The neighbors make a lot of noise. |
Recommendation | Моля, направете им забележка да не вдигат шум след 10 ч. вечерта. |
Molya, napravete im zabelezhka da ne vdigat shum sled 10 chasa vecherta. | |
Please tell them not to make any noise after 10 p.m. |
Complaint | Басейнът е мръсен. |
Baseiynat e mrasen. | |
The pool is dirty. |
Recommendation | Моля, почиствайте редовно басейна. |
Molya, pochistvayte redovno baseyna. | |
Please clean the pool regularly. |

Clean the pool regularly.
In a restaurant
Complaint | Салатата ми е пресолена. |
Salatata mi e presolena. | |
My salad is too salty. |
Recommendation | Моля, заменете я с друг вид салата, в която няма толкова сол. |
Molya, zamenete ya s drug vid salata, v koyato nyama tolkova sol. | |
Please replace it with another salad that does not contain as much salt. |
Complaint | Намерих муха в супата! |
Namerih muha v supata! | |
I found a fly in the soup! |
Recommendation | Моля, следете за хигиената в кухнята! |
Molya, sledete za higienata v kuhnyata! | |
Please pay attention to the hygiene in the kitchen! |
Complaint | Пицата е много малка. |
Pitsata e mnogo malka. | |
The pizza is very small. |
Recommendation | Моля, добавете още една порция към пицата. |
Molya, dobavete oshte edna portsiya kam pitsata. | |
Please add another serving to the pizza. |
Complaint | Това е много скъпо. |
Tova e mnogo skapo. | |
This is very expensive. |
Recommendation | Можете ли да намалите малко цената? |
Mozhete li da namalite malko tsenata? | |
Can you lower the price a bit? |
Complaint | Защо има пушачи в залата за непушачи? |
Zashto ima pushachi v zalata za nepushachi? | |
Why are there smokers in the non-smoking room? |
Recommendation | Не настанявайте пушачи в залата за непушачи. |
Ne nastanyavayte pushachi v zalata za nepushachi. | |
Do not accommodate smokers in the non-smoking room. |
Complaint | Келнерът се бави половин час с поръчката ми. |
Kelnerat se bavi polovin chas s porachkata mi. | |
The waiter is taking half an hour for my order. |
Recommendation | Моля да ме обслужите по-бързо. |
Molya da me obsluzhite po-barzo. | |
I would like faster service, please. |

I would like faster service, please.
#7 & 8
Complaint | Тази маса е мръсна. |
Tazi masa e mrasna. | |
This table is dirty. |
Complaint | Тук става течение. |
Tuk stava techenie. | |
There is a strong airflow here. |
Recommendation | Бих искал да се преместя на друга маса. |
Bih iskal da se premestya na druga masa. | |
I would like to move to another table. |
Making Recommendations to Friend
Now, let’s add some useful phrases for recommending a specific place or service.
Recommendation | Препоръчвам ви този ресторант заради добрата храна и обслужване. |
Preporachvam vi tozi restorant zaradi dobrata hrana i obsluzhvane. | |
I recommend this restaurant because of the good food and service. |
Recommendation | Препоръчвам ви този доктор, защото е добър специалист. |
Preporachvam vi tozi doktor, zashtoto e dobar spetsialist. | |
I recommend this doctor because he is a good specialist. |
Recommendation | Препоръчвам ви този майстор, защото направи отличен ремонт у дома. |
Preporachvam vi tozi maystor, zashtoto napravi otlichen remont u doma. | |
I recommend this handyman because he made an excellent repair at home. |
5. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
In order to have natural and engaging conversations with native speakers, you’ll have to know a few common reaction phrases. Although we cannot provide all possible reactions here, we believe that this list is a great place to start. Since they’re short and uncomplicated, you’ll get used to them pretty easily. In addition, we have provided two example dialogues using some of these intermediate phrases for Bulgarian conversations.
Reaction Phrases
Така ли? |
Taka li? |
Indeed? |
Наистина ли? |
Naistina li? |
Really? |
Струва си да опитам. |
Struva si da opitam. |
It’s worth a try. |
Мисля и аз да пробвам. |
Mislya i az da probvam. |
I’m thinking of trying it, too. |
О, не! Това определено не е за мен! |
O, ne! Tova opredeleno ne e za men! |
Oh no! This is definitely not for me! |
Съжалявам да го чуя! |
Sazhalyavam da go chuya! |
I’m sorry to hear it! |
И аз мисля така! |
I az mislya taka! |
I think so, too! |
При мен не се случи така. |
Pri men ne se sluchi taka. |
It didn’t happen to me like that. |
Страхотни новини! |
Strahotni novini! |
Great news! |
Поздравления! |
Pozdravleniya! |
Congratulations! |
Супер! Много се радвам за теб! |
Super! Mnogo se radvam za teb! |
Great! I’m very happy for you! |
Извинявай! |
Izvinyavay! |
Sorry! |
Наистина много съжалявам. |
Naistina mnogo sazhalyavam. |
I’m really sorry. |
Съболезнования! |
Saboleznovaniya! |
Condolences! |
For your convenience, we have highlighted the key phrases.
Positive dialogue

Вчера бях на Златни пясъци.
Vchera byah na Zlatni pyasatsi.
I was at Golden Sands Resort yesterday.
Така ли? И как беше?
Taka li? I kak beshe?
Really? And how was it?
О, изкарахме си страхотно!
O, izkarahme si strahotno!
Oh, we had a great time!
Супер! Много се радвам за теб!
Super! Mnogo se radvam za teb!
Great! I’m very happy for you!
Negative dialogue
Вчера ми се случи нещо наистина ужасно.
Vchera mi se sluchi neshto naistina uzhasno.
Something really terrible happened to me yesterday.
Наистина ли? Съжалявам да го чуя! Какво стана?
Naistina li? Sazhalyavam da go chuya! Kakvo stana?
Really? I’m sorry to hear it! What happened?
Баба ми почина, докато бяхме при нея на село.
Baba mi pochina, dokato byahme pri neya na selo.
My grandmother died while we were visiting her in the village.
О! Наистина много съжалявам. Съболезнования!
O! Naistina mnogo sazhalyavam. Saboleznovaniya!
Oh! I’m really sorry. Condolences!
6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
There are some common phrases that are useful to know for particular situations. In this section, we’ll introduce you to intermediate Bulgarian words and phrases you could use (or hear) at a social gathering, at a restaurant, and on a train/plane. Note that each phrase is formal.
At a social gathering

Здравейте, радвам се да се запознаем!
Zdraveyte, radvam se da se zapoznaem!
Hello, nice to meet you!
Добре дошли!
Dobre doshli!
Моля, чувствайте се като у дома си.
Molya, chuvstvayte se kato u doma si.
Please make yourself at home.
Заповядайте, седнете.
Zapovyadayte, sednete.
Welcome. Sit down.
At a restaurant
Избрахте ли си нещо?
Izbrahte li si neshto?
Did you choose something?
Готови ли сте с поръчката?
Gotovi li ste s porachkata?
Are you ready to order?
Мога ли да Ви бъда полезен с още нещо?
Moga li da Vi bada polezen s oshte neshto?
Can I do something else for you?
Желаете ли още нещо?
Zhelaete li oshte neshto?
Do you want anything else?
Добър апетит!
Dobar apetit!
Enjoy your meal!
- ➞ Visit our lesson series Speaking Perfect Bulgarian at a Restaurant to learn more useful words and phrases for dining out in Bulgaria.
On a train/plane
Вашият билет, моля!
Vashiyat bilet, molya!
Your ticket, please!
Ето, заповядайте!
Eto, zapovyadayte!
Here you are!
Благодаря! Приятно пътуване!
Blagodarya! Priyatno patuvane!
Thanks! Have a pleasant trip!
- ➞ Do you need some more phrases for public transportation? We have you covered!
7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian
We hope that our overview of essential intermediate Bulgarian phrases helped you feel more confident in your communication with locals. Learning these phrases by heart will be a giant step forward as you progress from beginner to intermediate. Make sure to practice them whenever you get the chance; even if you make mistakes, it will greatly enrich your learning experience and help you gradually move to a higher level of Bulgarian proficiency.
If you would like to keep learning with us, create your free lifetime account on BulgarianPod101.com today. This will give you access to numerous lessons as well as our free resources and themed vocabulary lists! For further assistance, you can upgrade to Premium PLUS and learn with your very own Bulgarian teacher through our MyTeacher service. Your teacher can help you advance even faster!
Are there any more Bulgarian phrases for the intermediate level that you would like to learn? We would love to hear from you in the comments, and we’ll do our best to help.
Happy learning!