If you’ve gotten used to the intermediate-level Bulgarian vocabulary and feel like it’s time to move ahead, then you’re in the right place. This advanced Bulgarian wordlist from BulgarianPod101 will take you to the next level and help you use Bulgarian fluently in a wide range of contexts.
In this extensive overview, you will get acquainted with a variety of advanced Bulgarian words, their meaning in English, and how to use them in sentences via the examples we’ve provided. For your convenience, we have divided these words into categories.
Of course, it may take a while for you to get used to these advanced Bulgarian words, as they have the highest level of difficulty. However, you can take advantage of these top 15 tips to remember Bulgarian words. We’ve also included some practical exercises that will help you memorize this new set of vocabulary, so don’t give up even if it seems too hard.
Now is the right time to overcome the last big challenge and become a highly proficient Bulgarian speaker!

Overcome the last big challenge with this guide.

- Advanced Academic Words
- Advanced Business Words
- Advanced Medical Words
- Advanced Legal Words
- Alternative Words for Acing Bulgarian Writing/Essays
- How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?
- Answers to Practical Exercises
Advanced Academic Words
Let’s take a look at the following list of 27 advanced Bulgarian words related to academia, along with their pronunciation and their meaning in English. To help you understand how these words can be used in speech and writing, we have also included an example sentence for each word.
#1 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
оценка | otsenka | assessment | |
Example: | Нека направим оценка на работата. | Neka napravim otsenka na rabotata. | |
Meaning: | Let’s make an assessment of the work. |
#2 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
противоречие | protivorechie | contradiction | |
Example: | В това намирам пълно противоречие с истината. | V tova namiram pаlno protivorechie s istinata. | |
Meaning: | In this, I find a complete contradiction with the truth. |
#3 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
съкращение | sakrashtenie | abbreviation | |
Example: | Какво означава това съкращение? | Kakvo oznachava tova sakrashtenie? | |
Meaning: | What does this abbreviation mean? |
#4 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
клише | klishe | cliché | |
Example: | Този израз е клише, затова го замени с по-подходящ. | Tozi izraz e klishe, zatova go zameni s po-podhodyasht. | |
Meaning: | This expression is a cliché, so replace it with a more suitable one. |
#5 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
параграф | paragraf | paragraph | |
Example: | Основанието за това е посочено в параграф 1. | Osnovanieto za tova e posocheno v paragraf 1. | |
Meaning: | The reason for this is set out in paragraph 1. |
#6 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
логика | logika | logic | |
Example: | Твоята логика основава ли се на факти? | Tvoyata logika osnovava li se na fakti? | |
Meaning: | Is your logic based on facts? |
#7 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
редакция | redaktsiya | edition / revision | |
Example: | След направената редакция статията изглежда по-добре. | Sled napravenata redaktsiya statiyata izglezhda po-dobre. | |
Meaning: | After the edition, the article looks better. |
#8 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
проучване | prouchvane | study / research | |
Example: | След детайлно проучване на проблема комисията реши да вземе окончателно решение. | Sled detaylno prouchvane na problema komisiyata reshi da vzeme okonchatelno reshenie. | |
Meaning: | After a detailed study of the problem, the commission decided to make a final decision. |
#9 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
общност | obshtnost | community | |
Example: | Общност е група от хора, които имат емоционална връзка помежду си. | Obshtnost e grupa ot hora, koito imat emotsionalna vrazka pomezhdu si. | |
Meaning: | A community is a group of people who have an emotional connection with one another. |
#10 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хуманизъм | humanizam | humanism | |
Example: | Ренесансовият хуманизъм е насочен към образованието на младите. | Renesansoviyat humanizam e nasochen kam obrazovanieto na mladite. | |
Meaning: | Renaissance humanism focused on the education of the young. |
#11 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
критика | kritika | criticism | |
Example: | Младежът беше подложен на строга критика. | Mladezhat beshe podlozhen na stroga kritika. | |
Meaning: | The young man was subjected to severe criticism. |
#12 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
наука | nauka | science | |
Example: | Изучаването на различните видове науки разширяват кръгозора. | Izuchavaneto na razlichnite vidove nauki razshiryavat kragozora. | |
Meaning: | The study of different types of science broadens one’s horizons. |
#13 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
социализация | sotsializatsiya | socialization | |
Example: | Училищната среда съдейства за социализацията на децата. | Uchilishtnata sreda sadeystva za sotsializatsiyata na detsata. | |
Meaning: | The school environment promotes socialization of children. |
#14 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
ресурс | resurs | resource | |
Example: | Компанията избира да инвестира в човешки ресурси. | Kompaniyata izbira da investira v choveshki resursi. | |
Meaning: | The company chooses to invest in human resources. |
#15 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
препратка | prepratka | reference | |
Example: | Статията използва препратка към закона за образованието. | Statiyata izpolzva prepratka kam zakona za obrazovanieto. | |
Meaning: | The article contains a reference to the education law. |
#16 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
публикация | publikatsiya | publication | |
Example: | В най-новата публикация във вестника пише по този въпрос. | V nay-novata publikatsiya vav vestnika pishe po tozi vapros. | |
Meaning: | The latest publication in the newspaper writes about this issue. |
#17 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
форум | forum | forum | |
Example: | В земеделския форум се обсъжда темата за доставките на жито. | V zemedelskiya forum se obsazhda temata za dostavkite na zhito. | |
Meaning: | The topic of wheat delivery is being discussed in the agricultural forum. |
#18 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
проект | proekt | project | |
Example: | От днес започвам да работя по нов проект. | Ot dnes zapochvam da rabotya po nov proekt. | |
Meaning: | As of today, I’m starting to work on a new project. |
#19 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
семинар | seminar | seminar | |
Example: | На семинара присъстваха много хора на науката. | Na seminara prisastvaha mnogo hora na naukata. | |
Meaning: | The seminar was attended by many people of science. |
#20 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
конференция | konferentsiya | conference | |
Example: | Тази година конференцията ще се проведе в София. | Tazi godina konferentsiyata shte se provede v Sofiya. | |
Meaning: | The conference will be held in Sofia this year. |
#21 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
доклад | doklad | report | |
Example: | В доклада бяха споменати и причините за възникналата ситуация. | V doklada byaha spomenati i prichinite za vazniknalata situatsiya. | |
Meaning: | The report also mentioned the reasons for the situation. |
#22 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
колекция | kolektsiya | collection | |
Example: | Иван реши да си направи колекция от пощенски марки. | Ivan reshi da si napravi kolektsiya ot poshtenski marki. | |
Meaning: | Ivan decided to make a collection of postage stamps. |

Ivan decided to make a collection of postage stamps.
#23 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
програма | programa | program | |
Example: | В програмата тази година са заложени основните приоритети на компанията. | V programata tazi godina sa zalozheni osnovnite prioriteti na kompaniyata. | |
Meaning: | The main priorities of the company are included in the program this year. |
#24 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
манифест | manifest | manifesto | |
Example: | Властта се обърна към населението с манифест. | Vlastta se obarna kam naselenieto s manifest. | |
Meaning: | The government addressed the population with a manifesto. |
#25 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
архив | arhiv | archive | |
Example: | Ще проверя в архива дали в библиотеката е налична тази книга. | Shte proverya v arhiva dali v bibliotekata e nalichna tazi kniga. | |
Meaning: | I will check in the archive whether this book is available in the library. |
#26 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
специализант | spetsializant | postgraduate student | |
Example: | Тази година той е специализант по медицина. | Tazi godina toy e spetsializant po meditsina. | |
Meaning: | This year, he is a postgraduate student in medicine. |

This year, he is a postgraduate student in medicine.
#27 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
докторант | doktorant | doctorate | |
Example: | За да повиши квалификацията си, Елена започна да учи за докторант. | Za da povishi kvalifikatsiyata si, Elena zapochna da uchi za doktorant. | |
Meaning: | In order to improve her qualification, Elena started to study for a doctorate. |
- → If you have an upcoming advanced-level Bulgarian language exam, here is a guide on how to pass your test successfully.
Practical Exercise for Advanced Academic Words
BulgarianPod101 understands that these academic words can be quite challenging. This is why we’ve prepared some practical exercises to help you understand and memorize these words better.
Please, fill in the blanks below with the correct words. The English text will help you find the correct place for each word. To make it a bit harder, try not to look at the meaning of the bolded Bulgarian words. Note that the word “проучване” is used twice.
Words: (редакция, доклад, ресурс, проучване, критика, програма, оценка, проект)
В края на годината служителят на компанията състави ___________, където включи своята ___________ за постигнатото през годината. Той беше направил подробно ___________ на човешкия ___________ и доколко предвидената за тази година ___________ беше изпълнена. Директорът не беше доволен от постигнатото и започна безмилостна ___________, насочена към персонала. За следващата година той заповяда да се направи ново ___________ на клиентите, конкурентите и стратегиите и да се направи цялостна ___________ на политиката. Предстоeше и осъществяването на нов ___________.
V kraya na godinata sluzhitelyat na kompaniyata sаstavi ___________, kаdeto vklyuchi svoyata ___________ za postignatoto prez godinata. Toy beshe napravil podrobno ___________ na choveshkiya ___________ i dokolko predvidenata za tazi godina ___________ beshe izpalnena. Direktorat ne beshe dovolen ot postignatoto i zapochna bezmilostna ___________, nasochena kam personala. Za sledvashtata godina toy zapovyada da se napravi novo ___________ na klientite, konkurentite i strategiite i da se napravi tsyalostna ___________ na politikata. Predstoeshe i osashtestvyavaneto na nov ___________.
At the end of the year, the company’s employee compiled a report, which included his assessment of the achievements during the year. He had carried out a detailed study of human resources and the extent to which the program planned for this year had been implemented. The director was dissatisfied with what had been achieved and began relentless criticism of the staff. For the next year, he ordered new research of customers, competitors, and strategies to be performed, along with a comprehensive revision of the policy. A new project was forthcoming.
*You can check your answers at the end of this review.
Advanced Business Words
Here’s a list of 25 useful Bulgarian business words to know at the advanced level. These words will give you a leg up in the business world, but if you want even more practical vocabulary, make sure to check out our article on Bulgarian business phrases.
#1 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
устойчивост | ustoychivost | sustainability | |
Example: | Тази година компанията може да се похвали с по-голяма устойчивост в икономическата криза. | Tazi godina kompaniyata mozhe da se pohvali s po-golyama ustoychivost v ikonomicheskata kriza. | |
Meaning: | This year, the company boasts greater sustainability in the economic crisis. |
#2 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
прозрачен | prozrachen | transparent | |
Example: | Условията по договора са прозрачни и не съдържат скрити такси. | Usloviyata po dogovora sa prozrachni i ne sadarzhat skriti taksi. | |
Meaning: | The terms and conditions of the contract are transparent and do not contain hidden fees. |
#3 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
стабилност | stabilnost | stability | |
Example: | Мениджърът се надява да допринесе за по-голямата стабилност на компанията. | Menidzharat se nadyava da doprinese za po-golyamata stabilnost na kompaniyata. | |
Meaning: | The manager hopes to contribute to the greater stability of the company. |
#4 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
разрастване | razrastvane | expansion | |
Example: | Благодарение на новия продукт последва разрастване на базата клиенти. | Blagodarenie na noviya produkt posledva razrastvane na bazata klienti. | |
Meaning: | Thanks to the new product, an expansion of the customer base followed. |
#5 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
политика | politika | policy | |
Example: | Настоящата политика на компанията съдържа всичките ѝ цели. | Nastoyashtata politika na kompaniyata sadarzha vsichkite i tseli. | |
Meaning: | The current policy of the company contains all its goals. |
#6 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
мисия | misiya | mission | |
Example: | Основната мисия на компанията е да удовлетвори нуждите на клиентите. | Osnovnata misiya na kompaniyata e da udovletvori nuzhdite na klientite. | |
Meaning: | The main mission of the company is to meet the needs of customers. |
#7 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
клиентела | klientela | clientele | |
Example: | В условията на силна конкуренция, всеки собственик на бизнес се стреми да привлече по-голяма клиентела. | V usloviyata na silna konkurentsiya, vseki sobstvenik na biznes se stremi da privleche po-golyama klientela. | |
Meaning: | In the face of strong competition, every business owner strives to attract more clientele. |
#8 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
търговец | targovets | merchant | |
Example: | Този търговец предложи най-изгодната оферта. | Tozi targovets predlozhi nay-izgodnata oferta. | |
Meaning: | This merchant offered the best deal. |
#9 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
доставчик | dostavchik | supplier | |
Example: | Необходимо е да се свържем с този доставчик за нова поръчка. | Neobhodimo e da se svarzhem s tozi dostavchik za nova porachka. | |
Meaning: | We need to contact this supplier for a new order. |
#10 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
модел | model | model | |
Example: | Следването на подходящ бизнес модел е от съществено значение за компанията. | Sledvaneto na podhodyasht biznes model e ot sashtestveno znachenie za kompaniyata. | |
Meaning: | Following an appropriate business model is essential for the company. |
#11 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
търговска марка | targovska marka | trademark | |
Example: | Това не е добре позната търговска марка. | Tova ne e dobre poznata targovska marka. | |
Meaning: | This is not a well-known trademark. |
#12 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
организация | organizatsiya | organization | |
Example: | Фирмата се радва на добра организация, съдействаща за успешното извършване на работата. | Firmata se radva na dobra organizatsiya, sadeystvashta za uspeshnoto izvarshvane na rabotata. | |
Meaning: | The company enjoys good organization, contributing to the successful completion of the work. |
#13 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
акция | aktsiya | action | |
Example: | Общността проведе нова акция по засаждане на дръвчета през почивните дни. | Obshtnostta provede nova aktsiya po zasazhdane na dravcheta prez pochivnite dni. | |
Meaning: | The community held a new action (campaign) of planting trees over the weekend. |

The community held a new action of planting trees over the weekend.
#14 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
дружество | druzhestvo | company / organization | |
Example: | Това дружество беше учредено преди 5 години. | Tova druzhestvo beshe uchredeno predi 5 godini. | |
Meaning: | This company was established five years ago. |
#15 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
бюджет | byudzhet | budget | |
Example: | Заради съкратения бюджет фирмата не успя да осъществи всичките си планове. | Zaradi sakrateniya byudzhet firmata ne uspya da osashtestvi vsichkite si planove. | |
Meaning: | Due to the reduced budget, the company could not implement all its plans. |
#16 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
рентабилен | rentabilen | profitable | |
Example: | Избирането на тази продуктова линия не е рентабилно за компанията. | Izbiraneto na tazi produktova liniya ne e rentabilno za kompaniyata. | |
Meaning: | Choosing this product line is not profitable for the company. |
#17 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
структура | struktura | structure | |
Example: | Всеки бизнес план съдържа добре разработена структура. | Vseki biznes plan sadarzha dobre razrabotena struktura. | |
Meaning: | Each business plan contains a well-developed structure. |
#18 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
реализация | realizatsiya | realization | |
Example: | Плановете на компанията бяха добри, но до тяхната реализация така и не се стигна. | Planovete na kompaniyata byaha dobri, no do tyahnata realizatsiya taka i ne se stigna. | |
Meaning: | The company’s plans were good, but their realization was not completed. |
#19 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
доходоносен | dohodonosen | profitable | |
Example: | Този бизнес е много доходоносен. | Tozi biznes e mnogo dohodonosen. | |
Meaning: | This business is very profitable. |
#20 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
командировка | komandirovka | business trip | |
Example: | Част от служителите заминаха на командировка. | Chast ot sluzhitelite zaminaha na komandirovka. | |
Meaning: | Some of the employees went on a business trip. |

Some of the employees went on a business trip.
#21 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
заявка | zayavka | request | |
Example: | Ще ти пусна заявка за този продукт. | Shte ti pusna zayavka za tozi produkt. | |
Meaning: | I will send you a request for this product. |
#22 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
кредит | kredit | loan | |
Example: | Поради липса на достатъчно средства се наложи да тегля кредит. | Poradi lipsa na dostatachno sredstva se nalozhi da teglya kredit. | |
Meaning: | Due to a lack of funds, I had to take out a loan. |
#23 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
капитал | kapital | capital | |
Example: | За да се стартира даден бизнес, е необходим начален капитал. | Za da se startira daden biznes, e neobhodim nachalen kapital. | |
Meaning: | Starting a business requires initial capital. |
#24 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
инвестиция | investitsiya | investment | |
Example: | Ние ще участваме в тази инвестиция. | Nie shte uchastvame v tazi investitsiya. | |
Meaning: | We will participate in this investment. |
#25 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
задължение | zadalzhenie | debt | |
Example: | Компанията има неизплатено задължение по последния кредит. | Kompaniyata ima neizplateno zadalzhenie po posledniya kredit. | |
Meaning: | The company has an outstanding debt on the last loan. |
- → Ready to test your listening skills? You can head over to BulgarianPod101’s YouTube channel, watch this listening comprehension video of a Bulgarian business presentation, and then take the test at the end!
Practical Exercise for Advanced Business Words
This exercise contains two columns: one with Bulgarian business words and the other with their English translations. Connect each Bulgarian word with its corresponding English translation.
търговец (targovets) доходоносен (dohodonosen) реализация (realizatsiya) бюджет (byudzhet) командировка (komandirovka) политика (politika) клиентела (klientela) разрастване (razrastvane) инвестиция (investitsiya) устойчивост (ustoychivost) кредит (kredit) стабилност (stabilnost) прозрачен (prozrachen) | expansion policy merchant sustainability stability business trip budget transparent clientele investment profitable loan realization |
Advanced Medical Words
Do you plan on studying medicine in Bulgaria, or perhaps finding a job here in the medical field? In either case, learning the advanced Bulgarian words below will give you a great headstart on your dreams.
#1 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
биопсия | biopsiya | biopsy | |
Example: | Биопсията ще покаже дали има наличие на злокачествено заболяване. | Biopsiyata shte pokazhe dali ima nalichie na zlokachestveno zabolyavane. | |
Meaning: | The biopsy will show if there is any malignancy. |
#2 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
деменция | dementsiya | dementia | |
Example: | Възрастният човек страдаше от деменция и често се губеше. | Vazrastniyat chovek stradashe ot dementsiya i chesto se gubeshe. | |
Meaning: | The old man suffered from dementia and was often lost. |
#3 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хипогликемия | hipoglikemiya | hypoglycemia | |
Example: | Резкият спад на кръвната захар води до хипогликемия. | Rezkiyat spad na kravnata zahar vodi do hipoglikemiya. | |
Meaning: | A sudden drop in blood sugar leads to hypoglycemia. |
#4 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
мутация | mutatsiya | mutation | |
Example: | Процесът на израждане на клетките се нарича мутация. | Protsesat na izrazhdane na kletkite se naricha mutatsiya. | |
Meaning: | The process of cell degeneration is called a mutation. |
#5 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
щам | shtam | strain | |
Example: | Миналата седмица беше открит нов щам на коронавируса. | Minalata sedmitsa beshe otkrit nov shtam na koronavirusa. | |
Meaning: | A new strain of the coronavirus was discovered last week. |
#6 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
акне | akne | acne | |
Example: | Младежите често страдат от акне, което е трудно лечимо. | Mladezhite chesto stradat ot akne, koeto e trudno lechimo. | |
Meaning: | Young people often suffer from acne, which is difficult to treat. |
#7 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
акупунктура | akupunktura | acupuncture | |
Example: | Наред с традиционната медицина, някои предпочитат да приложат и акупунктура. | Nared s traditsionnata meditsina, nyakoi predpochitat da prilozhat i akupunktura. | |
Meaning: | Along with traditional medicine, some prefer to use acupuncture. |
#8 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
ампутация | amputatsiya | amputation | |
Example: | Измръзването на крака беше толкова голямо, че се наложи ампутация на единия пръст. | Izmrazvaneto na kraka beshe tolkova golyamo, che se nalozhi amputatsiya na ediniya prast. | |
Meaning: | The frostbite of the foot was so great that it required the amputation of a toe. |
#9 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
ангина | angina | tonsillitis | |
Example: | Като вторична инфекция от грипа се появи гнойна ангина. | Kato vtorichna infektsiya ot gripa se poyavi gnoyna angina. | |
Meaning: | As a secondary influenza infection, purulent tonsillitis appeared. |
#10 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
артерия | arteriya | artery | |
Example: | Това е главната артерия, която отвежда кръвта към сърцето. | Tova e glavnata arteriya, koyato otvezhda kravta kam sartseto. | |
Meaning: | This is the main artery that carries blood to the heart. |
#11 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
вена | vena | vein | |
Example: | Във вените му тече българска кръв. | Vav venite mu teche balgarska krav. | |
Meaning: | Bulgarian blood flows in his veins. |
#12 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
ваксина | vaksina | vaccine | |
Example: | С увеличаване на заболеваемостта все повече хора си биха ваксина. | S uvelichavane na zabolevaemostta vse poveche hora si biha vaksina. | |
Meaning: | As the incidence of disease increased, more and more people got vaccinated. |
#13 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
жлеза | zhleza | gland | |
Example: | Предстои ми преглед на щитовидната жлеза. | Predstoi mi pregled na shtitovidnata zhleza. | |
Meaning: | I’m up for an examination of my thyroid gland. |
#14 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
жлъчка | zhlachka | bile | |
Example: | Той често се оплакваше от болки в корема и се оказа, че има възпалена жлъчка. | Toy chesto se oplakvashe ot bolki v korema i se okaza, che ima vazpalena zhlachka. | |
Meaning: | He often complained about abdominal pain, and it turned out that his gallbladder was inflamed. |
#15 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
инсулин | insulin | insulin | |
Example: | Диабетикът се нуждае от редовни дози инсулин. | Diabetikat se nuzhdae ot redovni dozi insulin. | |
Meaning: | A diabetic needs regular doses of insulin. |
#16 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
интубация | intubatsiya | intubation | |
Example: | След като той вече не можеше да диша добре, се стигна до интубация. | Sled kato toy veche ne mozheshe da disha dobre, se stigna do intubatsiya. | |
Meaning: | After he was no longer able to breathe well, intubation ensued. |
#17 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
инфекция | infektsiya | infection | |
Example: | Порязването с нож може да доведе до голяма инфекция в областта на раната. | Poryazvaneto s nozh mozhe da dovede do golyama infektsiya v oblastta na ranata. | |
Meaning: | A knife cut can lead to a large infection in the wounded area. |
#18 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
парализа | paraliza | paralysis | |
Example: | В следствие на катастрофата пациентът беше диагностициран с парализа на долните крайници. | V sledstvie na katastrofata patsientat beshe diagnostitsiran s paraliza na dolnite kraynitsi. | |
Meaning: | As a result of the accident, the patient was diagnosed with paralysis of the lower limbs. |
#19 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
патоген | patogen | pathogen | |
Example: | В момента учени изследват появата на нов патоген. | V momenta ucheni izsledvat poyavata na nov patogen. | |
Meaning: | Scientists are currently investigating the emergence of a new pathogen. |
#20 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
реанимация | reanimatsiya | intensive care | |
Example: | Състоянието му крайно се влоши и го преместиха в отделението по реанимация. | Sastoyanieto mu krayno se vloshi i go premestiha v otdelenieto po reanimatsiya. | |
Meaning: | His condition deteriorated, and he was transferred to the intensive care unit. |
#21 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хемоглобин | hemoglobin | hemoglobin | |
Example: | Преди кръводаряването непременно проверяват нивото на хемоглобина. | Predi kravodaryavaneto nepremenno proveryavat nivoto na hemoglobina. | |
Meaning: | Before donating blood, be sure to check the hemoglobin level. |
#22 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хепатит | hepatit | hepatitis | |
Example: | Хепатитът е известен още като болестта на мръсните ръце. | Hepatitat e izvesten oshte kato bolestta na mrasnite ratse. | |
Meaning: | Hepatitis is also known as the disease of dirty hands. |
#23 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хипертония | hipertoniya | hypertension | |
Example: | Пациентът с хипертония се оплака от често сърцебиене. | Patsientat s hipertoniya se oplaka ot chesto sartsebiene. | |
Meaning: | The patient with hypertension complained of palpitations. |
#24 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хрема | hrema | runny nose | |
Example: | Много хора са алергични и страдат от хрема през пролетта. | Mnogo hora sa alergichni i stradat ot hrema prez proletta. | |
Meaning: | Many people have allergies and suffer from a runny nose in the spring. |
#25 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
хрущял | hrushtyal | cartilage | |
Example: | Дефектите на ставния хрущял водят до увреждане на коляното. | Defektite na stavniya hrushtyal vodyat do uvrezhdane na kolyanoto. | |
Meaning: | Defects in the articular cartilage lead to knee damage. |
#26 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
сърцебиене | sartsebiene | palpitation | |
Example: | Когато се притесня много, получавам сърцебиене. | Kogato se pritesnya mnogo, poluchavam sartsebiene. | |
Meaning: | When I worry a lot, I get palpitations. |
- → Want to expand your medical vocabulary even further? See this lesson about medicine on BulgarianPod101.com.
Practical Exercise for Advanced Medical Words
While medical terms can be quite challenging, we’ve prepared a simple (and fun!) exercise for you. Just connect the Bulgarian medical term with the correct picture. You can check your answers at the end of this article.
ваксина (vaksina) | ![]() |
хрема (hrema) | ![]() |
акне (akne) | ![]() |
вена (vena) | ![]() |
акупунктура (akupunktura) | ![]() |
Advanced Legal Words
You might not be able to use these advanced Bulgarian terms in everyday life, but knowing them will allow you to engage in more complex conversations and maybe even help you land a job in the legal world!
#1 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
иск | isk | claim | |
Example: | В съда беше внесен иск срещу обвиняемия. | V sada beshe vnesen isk sreshtu obvinyaemiya. | |
Meaning: | A claim was filed in court against the defendant. |
#2 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
прокурор | prokuror | prosecutor | |
Example: | На заседанието прокурорът изложи всички доказателства за виновността на обвиняемия. | Na zasedanieto prokurorat izlozhi vsichki dokazatelstva za vinovnostta na obvinyaemiya. | |
Meaning: | At the hearing, the prosecutor presented all the evidence of the defendant’s guilt. |
#3 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
адвокат | advokat | lawyer | |
Example: | Адвокатът опита да намери смекчаващи вината обстоятелства в случая на своя клиент. | Advokatat opita da nameri smekchavashti vinata obstoyatelstva v sluchaya na svoya klient. | |
Meaning: | The lawyer tried to find mitigating circumstances in his client’s case. |
#4 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
защита | zashtita | defense | |
Example: | Всеки обвиняем има право на защита. | Vseki obvinyaem ima pravo na zashtita. | |
Meaning: | Every defendant has the right to a defense. |
#5 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
ответник | otvetnik | defendant | |
Example: | Ответникът трябва да се яви в съда в 11 ч. | Otvetnikat tryabva da se yavi v sada v 11 chasa. | |
Meaning: | The defendant must appear in court at 11 o’clock. |
#6 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
ищец | ishtets | plaintiff | |
Example: | По думите на ищеца вие сте се забавили с плащането. | Po dumite na ishtetsa vie ste se zabavili s plashtaneto. | |
Meaning: | According to the plaintiff, you delayed the payment. |
#7 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
съд | sad | court | |
Example: | Съдията влезе в съда. | Sadiyata vleze v sada. | |
Meaning: | The judge entered the court. |

#8 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
заседание | zasedanie | hearing | |
Example: | Заседанието на съда започна. | Zasedanieto na sada zapochna. | |
Meaning: | The court hearing began. |
#9 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
разпит | razpit | questioning | |
Example: | Всички свидетели по делото бяха поканени на разпит. | Vsichki svideteli po deloto byaha pokaneni na razpit. | |
Meaning: | All witnesses in the case were summoned for questioning. |
#10 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
свидетел | svidetel | witness | |
Example: | Нито един свидетел не опроверга обвинението. | Nito edin svidetel ne oproverga obvinenieto. | |
Meaning: | No witness denied the accusation. |
#11 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
заседател | zasedatel | juror | |
Example: | Заседанието започна при липсата на един съдебен заседател. | Zasedanieto zapochna pri lipsata na edin sadeben zasedatel. | |
Meaning: | The hearing began in the absence of a juror. |
#12 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
престъпление | prestaplenie | crime | |
Example: | Това престъпление беше извършено през нощта. | Tova prestaplenie beshe izvarsheno prez noshtta. | |
Meaning: | This crime was committed at night. |
#13 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
обвиняем | obvinyaem | defendant | |
Example: | Най-близкият на убития беше обвиняем. | Nay-blizkiyat na ubitiya beshe obvinyaem. | |
Meaning: | The person closest to the victim was the defendant. |
#14 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
престъпник | prestapnik | criminal | |
Example: | Не си личи по външния му вид, че е престъпник. | Ne si lichi po vanshniya mu vid, che e prestapnik. | |
Meaning: | He doesn’t look like a criminal. |
#15 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
вина | vina | guilt | |
Example: | Мъжът не чувстваше никаква вина за деянието. | Mazhat ne chuvstvashe nikakva vina za deyanieto. | |
Meaning: | The man felt no regret for the act. |
#16 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
доказателство | dokazatelstvо | evidence | |
Example: | Съдът събираше доказателства за виновността на обвиняемия. | Sadat sabirashe dokazatelstva za vinovnostta na obvinyaemiya. | |
Meaning: | The court was gathering evidence of the defendant’s guilt. |
#17 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
наказание | nakazanie | judgement | |
Example: | Наложеното наказание е съразмерно с вината. | Nalozhenoto nakazanie e sarazmerno s vinata. | |
Meaning: | The judgement imposed is proportionate to the guilt. |
#18 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
право | pravo | right | |
Example: | Обвиняемият има права, които трябва да се спазват при разпита. | Obvinyaemiyat ima prava, koito tryabva da se spazvat pri razpita. | |
Meaning: | The defendant has rights that must be respected during the interrogation. |
#19 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
обезщетение | obezshtetenie | compensation | |
Example: | Освен наказание с лишаване от свобода, обвиняемият трябваше да плати и обезщетение. | Osven nakazanie s lishavane ot svoboda, obvinyaemiyat tryabvashe da plati i obezshtetenie. | |
Meaning: | In addition to imprisonment, the defendant had to pay compensation as well. |
#20 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
доживотен | dozhivoten | lifelong | |
Example: | Съдът не наложи доживотен затвор, както всички очакваха. | Sadat ne nalozhi dozhivoten zatvor, kakto vsichki ochakvakha. | |
Meaning: | The court did not impose a life sentence, as everyone expected. |
#21 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
помилване | pomilvane | pardon | |
Example: | Адвокатът пледираше за помилване на обвиняемия. | Advokatat pledirashe za pomilvane na obvinyaemiya. | |
Meaning: | The lawyer pleaded for pardon of the defendant. |
#22 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
затвор | zatvor | prison | |
Example: | Осъдиха престъпника на 2 години затвор. | Osadiha prestapnika na 2 godini zatvor. | |
Meaning: | The criminal was sentenced to 2 years in prison. |
#23 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
невинен | nevinen | innocent | |
Example: | Осъденият каза, че е невинен. | Osadeniyat kaza, che e nevinen. | |
Meaning: | The convict said he was innocent. |
#24 Bulgarian adjective | Pronunciation | Translation | |
освободен | osvoboden | released | |
Example: | Той плати гаранцията, за да бъде освободен. | Toy plati garantsiyata, za da bade osvoboden. | |
Meaning: | He paid the bail to be released. |
#25 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
преследване | presledvane | prosecution | |
Example: | Съдебно преследване грози нарушителите на закона. | Sadebno presledvane grozi narushitelite na zakona. | |
Meaning: | Violators face prosecution. |
Practical Exercise for Advanced Legal Words
Fill in the blanks with the correct advanced legal word out of the three options presented.
Всеки ____________(съд, затвор, престъпник) трябва да понесе ____________(заседание, наказание, доказателство).
Vseki (sad, zatvor, prestapnik) tryabva da ponese (zasedanie, nakazanie, dokazatelstvo).
Every criminal must bear judgement.
Всеки е ____________(невинен, доживотен, обвиняем) до доказване на ____________(помилването, преследването, вината).
Vseki e (nevinen, dozhivoten, obvinyaem) do dokazvane na (pomilvaneto, presledvaneto, vinata).
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
Присъдата на обвиняемия беше ____________(освободен, обвиняем, доживотен) затвор.
Prisadata na obvinyaemiya beshe (osvoboden, obvinyaem, dozhivoten) zatvor.
The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Издадена бе окончателна ____________(защита, присъда, вина) без право на ____________(помилване, обезщетение, доказателство).
Izdadena be okonchatelna (zashtita, prisada, vina) bez pravo na (pomilvane, obezshtetenie, dokazatelstvo).
A final sentence was issued without the right to pardon.
Адвокатът не можа да намери ____________(престъпление, заседание, доказателство) за оправдаването на ____________(престъпника, прокурора, ищеца).
Advokatat ne mozha da nameri (prestaplenie, zasedanie, dokazatelstvo) za opravdavaneto na (prestapnika, prokurora, ishtetsa).
The lawyer could not find evidence for the acquittal of the criminal.
Alternative Words for Acing Bulgarian Writing/Essays
If you would like to improve your writing style so that it sounds closer to a native’s level, we suggest you substitute the following words with their more advanced synonyms. This will make your essays more impressive and powerful. We have categorized our suggestions based on part of speech.
- → You might also be interested in this guide to the top 10 Bulgarian sentence patterns.
#1 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | мониторинг | monitoring | monitoring |
With | наблюдение | nablyudenie | monitoring |
Example: | Услугата включва ( | Uslugata vklyuchva (denonoshten monitoring) denonoshtno nablyudenie. | |
Meaning: | The service includes round-the-clock monitoring. |
#2 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | локация | lokatsiya | location |
With | местоположение | mestopolozhenie | location |
Example: | Можете да споделите ( | Mozhete da spodelite (lokatsiyata) mestopolozhenieto si. | |
Meaning: | You can share your location. |
#3 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | експозиция | ekspozitsiya | exposition |
With | изложба | izlozhba | exposition / exhibition |
Example: | Днес беше открита нова ( | Dnes beshe otkrita nova (ekspozitsiya) izlozhba v grada na rozite. | |
Meaning: | A new exhibition opened today in The City of Roses. |
#4 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | евент | event | event |
With | събитие | sabitie | event |
Example: | ( | (Ofitsialniyat event) Ofitsialnoto sabitie beshe poseteno ot prezidenta. | |
Meaning: | The official event was attended by the President. |
#5 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | шоу | shou | show |
With | представление | predstavlenie | show |
Example: | Много знаменити актьори участваха в това ( | Mnogo znameniti aktyori uchastvaha v tova (shou) predstavlenie. | |
Meaning: | Many famous actors took part in this show. |
#6 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | мотивация | motivatsiya | motivation |
With | подбуда | podbuda | motivation |
Example: | ( | (Motivatsiyata) Podbudata mu e da napravi sveta po-dobar. | |
Meaning: | His motivation is to make the world a better place. |
#7 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | красота | krasota | beauty |
With | прелест | prelest | beauty |
Example: | Под семплата външност се крие истинска ( | Pod semplata vanshnost se krie istinska (krasota) prelest. | |
Meaning: | Beneath the simple appearance lies a real beauty. |
#8 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | печалба | pechalba | profit |
With | облага | oblaga | profit |
Example: | Той се възползва от тази материална ( | Toy se vazpolzva ot tazi materialna (pechalba) oblaga. | |
Meaning: | He takes advantage of this material profit. |
#9 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | съгласие | saglasie | understanding |
With | разбирателство | razbiratelstvo | understanding |
Example: | Хубаво е да живеем в ( | Hubavo e da zhiveem v (saglasie) razbiratelstvo. | |
Meaning: | It is good to live in understanding. |
#10 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | заплата | zaplata | salary |
With | трудово възнаграждение | trudovo vaznagrazhdenie | salary |
Example: | Всеки месец получавам ( | Vseki mesets poluchavam (zaplata) trudovo vaznagrazhdenie. | |
Meaning: | Every month, I receive a salary. |
#11 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | директор | direktor | manager |
With | управител | upravitel | manager |
Example: | Днес ( | Dnes (direktorat) upravitelyat na firmata sabra rabotnitsite na kratko sabranie. | |
Meaning: | Today, the company’s manager gathered the workers for a short meeting. |
#12 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | кеш | kesh | cash |
With | пари в брой | pari v broy | cash |
Example: | Плащането е ( | Plashtaneto e (v kesh) s pari v broy. | |
Meaning: | Payment is in cash. |
#13 Bulgarian noun | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | оферта | oferta | offer |
With | предложение | predlozhenie | offer |
Example: | Това е много (изгодна оферта) изгодно предложение. | Tova e mnogo (izgodna oferta) izgodno predlozhenie. | |
Meaning: | This is a very good offer. |
#1 Bulgarian verb | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | стартирам | startiram | to start |
With | започвам | zapochvam | to start |
Example: | Днес планирам да ( | Dnes planiram da (startiram) zapochna nov proekt. | |
Meaning: | Today, I plan to start a new project. |
#2 Bulgarian verb | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | планирам | planiram | to plan |
With | кроя | kroya | to plan |
* кроя is used in a negative context and can be translated as “to be up for mischief.” | |||
Example: | Веднага разбрах, че ( | Vednaga razbrah, che (planirash) kroish da napravish neshto losho. | |
Meaning: | I immediately realized that you were planning to do something bad. |
#3 Bulgarian verb | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | планирам | planiram | to plan |
With | възнамерявам | vaznameryavam | to plan |
* Аnother verb for планирам, but this time with a positive meaning | |||
Example: | Скоро ( | Skoro (planiram) vaznameryavam da sazdam semeystvo. | |
Meaning: | I plan to start a family soon. |
#4 Bulgarian verb | Pronunciation | Translation | |
Replace | създавам |