Studying a foreign language can be a real challenge, but as long as you’re persistent in your efforts, you can make steady progress. After learning the basics of the Bulgarian language and mastering the beginner-level words and phrases, it’s time to face the next challenge: intermediate Bulgarian vocabulary.
BulgarianPod101 has created this detailed list of Bulgarian intermediate words and their meanings in English for the following reasons:
- To help you advance in your language learning and gain more confidence;
- To help you enrich your vocabulary so you can more easily make local Bulgarian friends;
- To help you learn the language in-depth;
- To help you communicate in various situations and lead simple conversations;
- To help you make linguistic connections that increase your understanding and improve your memorization;
- To help you start getting used to the Bulgarian language and culture.
If these points cover your own goals as a language learner, then you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, you will not only be able to review the most common intermediate Bulgarian words used in daily life, but also practice them in the practical exercises we’ve provided.
Hold on, Bulgarian intermediate level—we’re coming!
Table of Contents
- Larger Numbers
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions and Auxiliary Words/Particles
- How Can BulgarianPod101 Help You Learn Bulgarian?
- Answers to the Practical Exercises
Larger Numbers
In our previous article on beginner words, we introduced the numbers one through ten. But what if you wanted to count further? Keep reading to learn the Bulgarian words for larger numbers (and make sure to visit our lesson Counting from 100-1,000,000 in Bulgarian, too!).
Tip: It’s easier to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just have to add the ending -десет (-deset) to the simple numbers. Let’s take a look at the table:
Numbers | Bulgarian number | Bulgarian pronunciation | English |
10 | десет | deset | “ten” |
20 | двадесет | dvadeset | “twenty” |
30 | тридесет | trideset | “thirty” |
40 | четиридесет | chetirideset | “forty” |
50 | петдесет | petdeset | “fifty” |
60 | шестдесет | shestdeset | “sixty” |
70 | седемдесет | sedemdeset | “seventy” |
80 | осемдесет | osemdeset | “eighty” |
90 | деветдесет | devetdeset | “ninety” |

Tip: Note that 200 and 300 in Bulgarian have the ending -ста (-sta), while the larger numbers have the ending -стотин (-stotin). These endings play the same role as “hundred” does in English.
For example:
- “nine hundred” = деветстотин (devetstotin)
* Note that hundreds in Bulgarian are written as one word, in contrast to English.
Let’s take a look at the table:
Numbers | Bulgarian number | Bulgarian pronunciation | English |
100 | сто | sto | “one hundred” |
200 | двеста | dvеsta | “two hundred” |
300 | триста | tristа | “three hundred” |
400 | четиристотин | chetiristotin | “four hundred” |
500 | петстотин | petstotin | “five hundred” |
600 | шестстотин | sheststotin | “six hundred” |
700 | седемстотин | sedemstotin | “seven hundred” |
800 | осемстотин | osemstotin | “eight hundred” |
900 | деветстотин | devetstotin | “nine hundred” |
- → If you feel like you need to review the numbers from one to ten in Bulgarian, you can take a look at this short video lesson from BulgarianPod101.
Tip: It’s easier to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just have to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the simple numbers.
* Note that, in contrast to the tens and hundreds, the thousands in Bulgarian are written separately as two different words—just like in English.
For example:
- “two thousand” = две хиляди (dve hilyadi)
Let’s take a look at the table:
Numbers | Bulgarian number | Bulgarian pronunciation | English |
1000 | хиляда | hilyada | “one thousand” |
2000 | две хиляди | dvе hilyadi | “two thousand” |
3000 | три хиляди | tri hilyadi | “three thousand” |
4000 | четири хиляди | chetiri hilyadi | “four thousand” |
5000 | пет хиляди | pet hilyadi | “five thousand” |
6000 | шест хиляди | shest hilyadi | “six thousand” |
7000 | седем хиляди | sedem hilyadi | “seven thousand” |
8000 | осем хиляди | osem hilyadi | “eight thousand” |
9000 | девет хиляди | devet hilyadi | “nine thousand” |
Ten Thousands
Tip: It’s easy to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just need to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the numbers 10-90 in Bulgarian.
For example:
- “twenty thousand” = двадесет хиляди (dvadeset hilyadi)
Let’s take a look at the table:
Numbers | Bulgarian number | Bulgarian pronunciation | English |
10,000 | десет хиляди | deset hilyadi | “ten thousand” |
20,000 | двадесет хиляди | dvadeset hilyadi | “twenty thousand” |
30,000 | тридесет хиляди | trideset hilyadi | “thirty thousand” |
40,000 | четиридесет хиляди | chetirideset hilyadi | “forty thousand” |
50,000 | петдесет хиляди | petdeset hilyadi | “fifty thousand” |
60,000 | шестдесет хиляди | shestdeset hilyadi | “sixty thousand” |
70,000 | седемдесет хиляди | sedemdeset hilyadi | “seventy thousand” |
80,000 | осемдесет хиляди | osemdeset hilyadi | “eighty thousand” |
90,000 | деветдесет хиляди | devetdeset hilyadi | “ninety thousand” |
Hundred Thousands
Tip: It’s easy to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just need to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the numbers 100-900 in Bulgarian.
For example:
- “two hundred thousand” = двeста хиляди (dvastа hilyadi)
Note that, in Bulgarian, these numbers are written as two words; in English, they’re written as three.
Let’s take a look at the table:
Numbers | Bulgarian number | Bulgarian pronunciation | English |
100,000 | сто хиляди | sto hilyadi | “one hundred thousand” |
200,000 | двеста хиляди | dvеsta hilyadi | “two hundred thousand” |
300,000 | триста хиляди | tristа hilyadi | “three hundred thousand” |
400,000 | четиристотин хиляди | chetiristotin hilyadi | “four hundred thousand” |
500,000 | петстотин хиляди | petstotin hilyadi | “five hundred thousand” |
600,000 | шестстотин хиляди | sheststotin hilyadi | “six hundred thousand” |
700,000 | седемстотин хиляди | sedemstotin hilyadi | “seven hundred thousand” |
800,000 | осемстотин хиляди | osemstotin hilyadi | “eight hundred thousand” |
900,000 | деветстотин хиляди | devetstotin hilyadi | “nine hundred thousand” |
Tip: Just add the Bulgarian word милиона (miliona) to any of the numbers we’ve mentioned to make the corresponding plural for “million.” Let’s take, for example, the numbers from one to ten million:
Numbers | Bulgarian number | Bulgarian pronunciation | English |
1,000,000 | един милион | edin milion | “one million” |
2,000,000 | два милиона | dva miliona | “two million” |
3,000,000 | три милиона | tri miliona | “three million” |
4,000,000 | четири милиона | chetiri miliona | “four million” |
5,000,000 | пет милиона | pet miliona | “five million” |
6,000,000 | шест милиона | shest miliona | “six million” |
7,000,000 | седем милиона | sedem miliona | “seven million” |
8,000,000 | осем милиона | osem miliona | “eight million” |
9,000,000 | девет милиона | devet miliona | “nine million” |
10,000,000 | десет милиона | deset miliona | “ten million” |
Practical Exercise for Larger Numbers
Now, it’s your turn! Practice what you’ve learned so far by translating the following numbers into English. Don’t forget the tips given above, as they will make your job easier.
2,568 -> “two thousand five hundred and sixty eight” -> две хиляди петстотин шестдесет и осем (dve hilyadi petstotin shestdeset i osem)
Tip: In Bulgarian, the conjunction “and” (и) comes before the ones, before the ones in thousands, and before the ones in millions if the number is larger than ones. For example, the Bulgarian translation of the number “78,387,102” has three “and” (и). Try to place them in the correct places. You can check whether your answers are correct at the end of this guide.
- 32,758 -> “thirty two thousand seven hundred and fifty eight” ->
- 489,831 -> “four hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred and thirty one” ->
- 4,965,986 -> “four million nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty six” ->
- 78,387,102 -> “seventy eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred and two” ->
- 500,006 -> “five hundred thousand and six” ->
Our next set of intermediate Bulgarian words consists of nouns, considering their prevalence and importance in everyday speech. We’ve divided them into different categories for your convenience.
Job Interview Vocabulary
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | интервю | intervyu | “interview” |
2 | длъжност | dlazhnost | “position” |
3 | опит | opit | “experience” |
4 | стаж | stazh | “internship” |
5 | заплата | zaplata | “salary” |
6 | сътрудник | satrudnik | “associate” |
7 | колега | kolega | “colleague” |
8 | мениджър | menidzhar | “manager” |
9 | директор | direktor | “director” |
10 | завод | zavod | “factory” |
11 | компания | kompaniya | “company” |

- → Get ready for your job interview in Bulgarian by taking a look at our lesson At a Bulgarian Job Interview here at BulgarianPod101.com.
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | училище | uchilishte | “school” |
2 | университет | universitet | “university” |
3 | изпит | izpit | “exam” |
4 | подготовка | podgotovka | “preparation” |
5 | специалност | spetsialnost | “specialty” |
6 | медицина | meditsina | “medicine” |
7 | химия | himiya | “chemistry” |
8 | биология | biologiya | “biology” |
9 | история | istoriya | “history” |
10 | математика | matematika | “mathematics” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | химик | himik | “chemist” |
2 | биолог | biolog | “biologist” |
3 | шивач | shivach | “tailor” |
4 | техник | tehnik | “technician” |
5 | монтьор | montyor | “mechanic” |
6 | лаборант | laborant | “laboratory assistant” |
7 | преводач | prevodach | “translator” |
8 | писател | pisatel | “writer” |
9 | продавач | prodavach | “seller” |
10 | агроном | agronom | “agronomist” |
11 | математик | matematik | “mathematician” |
12 | историк | istorik | “historian” |
13 | учител | uchitel | “teacher” |
Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1
Now, it’s time to practice what you’ve learned. Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.
В коя (завод, компания, заплата) сте работили?
V koya (zavod, kompaniya, zaplata) ste rabotili?
“In which (factory, company, salary) have you worked?”
Tip: The correct answer for the sentence above is компания (kompaniya) and not завод (zavod) because the Bulgarian pronoun коя (koya), meaning “which,” in the question applies only to feminine nouns. Компания is also feminine, while завод is masculine.
- Отивам на (длъжност, опит, интервю) за работа.
Otivam na (dlazhnost, opit, intervyu) za rabota.
“I am going to a job (position, experience, interview).”
- Имам голям (опит, заплата, длъжност) в сферата на маркетинга.
Imam golyam (opit, zaplata, dlazhnost) v sferata na marketinga.
“I have great (experience, salary, position) in the field of marketing.”
- Явявам се на (изпит, специалност, подготовка) по математика.
Yavyavam se na (izpit, spetsialnost, podgotovka) po matematika.
“I am taking (an exam, a specialty, a preparation) in mathematics.”
- Интересувам се от растения и мечтата ми е да стана (историк, агроном, писател).
Interesuvam se ot rasteniya i mechtata mi e da stana (istorik, agronom, pisatel).
“I am interested in plants, and my dream is to become (a historian, an agronomist, a writer).”
You can check your answers at the end of this article.
Accommodation Vocabulary
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | настаняване | nastanyavane | “accommodation” |
2 | нощувка | noshtuvka | “overnight” |
3 | наемател | naematel | “tenant” |
4 | наем | naem | “rent” |
5 | хазяин | hazyain | “owner” |
6 | капаро | kaparo | “deposit” |
7 | квартира | kvartira | “apartment” |
8 | резервация | rezervatsiya | “booking” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | пари | pari | “money” |
2 | валута | valuta | “currency” |
3 | банкомат | bankomat | “ATM” |
4 | теглене | teglene | “withdrawal” |
5 | лев | lev | “Bulgarian lev” |
6 | банка | banka | “bank” |
7 | кредитор | kreditor | “creditor” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | летище | letishte | “airport” |
2 | самолет | samolet | “airplane” |
3 | чакалня | chakalnya | “waiting room” |
4 | багаж | bagazh | “luggage” |
5 | пилот | pilot | “pilot” |
6 | стюардеса | styuardesa | “flight attendant” |
7 | проверка | proverka | “check-in” |
8 | документи | dokumenti | “documents” |
9 | полет | polet | “flight” |
10 | дестинация | destinatsiya | “destination” |
11 | такса | taksa | “fee” |
12 | билет | bilet | “ticket” |
Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 2
Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.
Самолетът ще кацне на (летището, чакалнята, таксата) след половин час.
Samoletat shte katsne na (letishteto, chakalnyata, taksata) sled polovin chas.
“The airplane will land at (the airport, the waiting room, the fee) in half an hour.”
Now, try it yourself:
- Търся (капаро, нощувка, наемател) за моята квартира.
Tarsya (kaparo, noshtuvka, naematel) za moyata kvartira.
“I am looking for (a deposit, an accommodation, a tenant) for my apartment.”
- Ще изтегля пари от тази (кредитор, банка, банкомат).
Shte izteglya pari ot tazi (kreditor, banka, bankomat).
“I will withdraw money from this (creditor, bank, ATM).”
* Note: For this sentence, look at the tip for Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1.
- Вашите (такса, документи, полет) за проверка, моля.
Vashite (taksa, dokumenti, polet) za proverka, molya.
“Your (fee, documents, flight) for inspection, please.”
- Тук можете да закупите (полет, билет, такса, дестинация).
Tuk mozhete da zakupite (polet, bilet, taksa, destinatsiya).
“Here, you can buy (a flight, a ticket, a fee, a destination).”
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | лекар | lekar | “doctor” |
2 | санитар | sanitar | “sanitarian” |
3 | болка | bolka | “pain” |
4 | болест | bolest | “disease” |
5 | главоболие | glavobolie | “headache” |
6 | зъболекар | zabolekar | “dentist” |
7 | зъбобол | zabobol | “toothache” |
8 | лекарство | lekarstvo | “medicine” |
9 | упойка | upoyka | “anesthesia” |
10 | успокоително | uspokoitelno | “tranquilizer” |
11 | инжекция | inzhektsiya | “injection” |
12 | кръв | krav | “blood” |
13 | урина | urina | “urine” |
14 | диагноза | diagnoza | “diagnosis” |
15 | диабет | diabet | “diabetes” |
- → You can learn even more hospital-related words and phrases in this vocabulary list!

No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | собственик | sobstvenik | “owner” |
2 | конкуренция | konkurentsiya | “competition” |
3 | конференция | konferentsiya | “conference” |
4 | среща | sreshta | “meeting” |
5 | презентация | prezentatsiya | “presentation” |
6 | предприемач | predpriemach | “entrepreneur” |
7 | разговор | razgovor | “conversation” |
8 | секретарка | sekretarka | “secretary” |
9 | договаряне | dogovaryane | “negotiation” |
10 | договор | dogovor | “contract” |
11 | продажба | prodazhba | “sale” |
12 | покупка | pokupka | “purchase” |
13 | разработване | razrabotvane | “development” |
14 | лиценз | litsenz | “license” |
- → You can practice simple business dialogue and complete some tests by watching this 15-minute video about Business Bulgarian.
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | любов | lyubov | “love” |
2 | гадже | gadzhe | “boyfriend” / “girlfriend” |
3 | романтика | romantika | “romance” |
4 | чувства | chuvstva | “feelings” |
5 | емоции | emotsii | “emotions” |
6 | предложение | predlozhenie | “proposal” |
7 | кум/кума | kum/kuma | “godfather” / “godmother” |
8 | шаферка | shaferka | “bridesmaid” |
9 | годеж | godezh | “engagement” |
10 | сватба | svatba | “wedding” |
- → If you’re interested in exploring love and romance vocabulary in greater detail, you can check out this romantic wordlist on BulgarianPod101.com.

Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 3
Let’s practice again! Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.
Страдам от главоболие, затова утре ще отида на (лекар, санитар, зъболекар).
Stradam ot glavobolie, zatova utre shte otida na (lekar, sanitar, zabolekar).
“I am suffering from a headache, so tomorrow I will go to a (doctor, nurse, dentist).”
Now, try it yourself:
- Според лекаря диагнозата ми е (инжекция, успокоително, диабет).
Spored lekarya diagnozata mi e (inzhektsiya, uspokoitelno, diabet).
“According to the doctor, my diagnosis is (injection, sedative, diabetes).”
- Усещам силна (лекарство, болка, упойка) в гърдите.
Useshtam silna (lekarstvo, bolka, upoyka) v gardite.
“I feel a strong (medicine, pain, anesthesia) in my chest.”
- Искам да ти направя специално (предложение, чувства, любов).
Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno (predlozhenie, chuvstva, lyubov).
Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno (predlozhenie, chuvstva, lyubov).
- Утре имам важна (договор, конкуренция, среща) с клиент.
Utre imam vazhna (dogovor, konkurentsiya, sreshta) s klient.
“Tomorrow, I have an important (contract, competition, meeting) with a client.”
Now, let’s look at the most important intermediate Bulgarian verbs. We’ve included verbs that belong to some of the categories we saw earlier so that you can have a more complete vocabulary on these topics!
Job Interview Vocabulary
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | интервюирам | intervyuiram | “to interview” |
2 | кандидатствам | kandidatstvam | “to apply” |
3 | подавам | podavam | “to submit” |
4 | разработвам | razrabotvam | “to develop” |
5 | отпадам | otpadam | “to drop out” |
6 | успявам | uspyavam | “to succeed” |
7 | продължавам | prodalzhavam | “to continue” |
8 | съревновавам се | sarevnovavam se | “to compete” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | изпитвам | izpitvam | “to examine” |
2 | уча | ucha | “to study” |
3 | схващам | shvashtam | “to understand” |
4 | образовам се | obrazovam se | “to get educated” |
5 | подготвям се | podgotvyam se | “to prepare” |
6 | следвам | sledvam | “to study” |
следвам also means “to follow,” but here we use it with the meaning of “to study.” Example: Следвам медицина. Sledvam meditsina. “I study medicine.” | |||
7 | преподавам | prepodavam | “to teach” |
8 | изследвам | izsledvam | “to research” |
9 | напредвам | napredvam | “to make progress” |
10 | изучавам | izuchavam | “to study” (in detail) |
Accommodation Vocabulary
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | наемам | naemam | “to rent” |
2 | нощувам | noshtuvam | “to stay for the night” |
3 | капарирам | kapariram | “to put a down payment” |
4 | резервирам | rezerviram | “to book” |
5 | плащам | plashtam | “to pay” |
Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 1
We’re moving to the next level! In this practical exercise, try to form sentences combining both nouns and verbs. For each of the following sentences, you’ll need to choose the correct verbs and nouns out of several options to build a sentence that makes sense. Don’t worry if you find it too difficult at first. The answers at the end of this guide will help you see whether you’re on the right track.
- Мениджърът ми възложи задачата да (разработвам, подавам, интервюирам) всички (кандидати, колеги, съдружници) за работа.
Menidzharat mi vazlozhi zadachata da (razrabotvam, podavam, intervyuiram) vsichki (kandidati, kolegi, sadruzhnitsi) za rabota.
“The manager assigned me the task of (developing, submitting, interviewing) all of the job (candidates, colleagues, partners).”
- Като (историк, учител, химик, продавач) по математика аз (напредвам, преподавам, следвам) на учениците трудни задачи.
Kato (istorik, uchitel, himik, prodavach) po matematika az (napredvam, prepodavam, sledvam) na uchenitsite trudni zadachi.
“As a (historian, teacher, chemist, salesman) in mathematics, I (progress, teach, follow) students to solve difficult math problems.”
- Налага се да (резервирам, нощувам) стая предварително, защото (банката, ресторантът, хотелът) каза, че в пиков сезон няма места.
Nalaga se da (rezerviram, noshtuvam) staya predvaritelno, zashtoto (bankata, restorantat, hotelat) kaza, che v pikov sezon nyama mesta.
“I have to (book, spend the night) a room in advance because (the bank, the restaurant, the hotel) said that there are no available rooms in the peak season.”
- (Подготвям се, Образовам се, Схващам) за (подготовка, изпит, специалност) във вторник.
(Podgotvyam se, Obrazovam se, Shvashtam) za (podgotovka, izpit, spetsialnost) vav vtornik.
“(I am preparing myself, I am educating myself, I understand) for the (preparation, exam, specialty) on Tuesday.”
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | летя | letya | “to fly” |
2 | чакам | chakam | “to wait” |
3 | качвам се | kachvam se | “to board” |
4 | проверявам | proveryavam | “to check” |
5 | купувам | kupuvam | “to buy” |
6 | закъснявам | zakasnyavam | “to be late” |
7 | отлагам | otlagam | “to postpone” |
8 | пристигам | pristigam | “to arrive” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 | конкурирам се | konkuriram se | “to compete” |
2 | срещам се | sreshtam se | “to meet” |
3 | презентирам | prezentiram | “to present” |
4 | договарям се | dogovaryam se | “to agree” |
5 | продавам | prodavam | “to sell” |
6 | купувам | kupuvam | “to buy” |
7 | разработвам | razrabotvam | “to develop” |
8 | лицензирам | litsenziram | “to license” |
9 | управлявам | upravlyavam | “to manage” |
10 | консултирам | konsultiram | “to consult” |
Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 2
Choose the correct nouns or verbs for the following sentences.
- (Проверявам, Чакам, Отлагам, Закъснявам) да мине (стюардесата, проверката, чакалнята) на документите и да се кача на самолета.
(Proveryavam, Chakam, Otlagam, Zakasnyavam) da mine (styuardesata, proverkata, chakalnyata) na dokumentite i da se kacha na samoleta.
“I (am checking, am waiting, am postponing, am late) for the documents to pass (the flight attendant, the check, the waiting room), so I can get on the plane.”
- Като (собственик, секретарка, колега) управлявам голяма (компания, длъжност, стаж) за мебели.
Kato (sobstvenik, sekretarka, kolega) upravlyavam golyama (kompaniya, dlazhnost, stazh) za mebeli.
“As (an owner, a secretary, a colleague), I manage a large furniture (company, position, internship).”
- Това решение е трудно, затова трябва да се (управлявам, консултирам, лиценцирам) със специалист.
Tova reshenie e trudno, zatova tryabva da se (upravlyavam, konsultiram, litsentsiram) sas spetsialist.
“This decision is difficult, so I have to (manage, consult, license) with a specialist.”
- Често (се договарям, купувам, се срещам) този продукт, тъй като го ползвам на бизнес срещи.
Chesto (se dogovaryam, kupuvam, se sreshtam) tozi produkt, tay kato go polzvam na biznes sreshti.
“I often (negotiate, buy, meet) this product because I use it at business meetings.”
- След половин час (отлагам, чакам, пристигам) на вашето (полет, билет, летище).
Sled polovin chas (otlagam, chakam, pristigam) na vasheto (polet, bilet, letishte).
“In half an hour, I will (postpone, wait, arrive) at your (flight, ticket, airport).”
This time, let’s study the essential adjectives for each of the categories we’ve been looking at. For your convenience, we’ve paired each adjective with its opposite!
Keep in mind that each of these adjectives is listed in its singular masculine form. To change the grammatical gender (or number) of an adjective, you would need to add the appropriate ending as follows:
одобрен (odobren) – “approved” for Masculine
одобрена (odobrenа) – “approved” for Feminine
одобрено (odobrenа) – “approved” for Neuter
одобрени (odobrenа) – “approved” for Plural
Job Interview Vocabulary
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 2 | интересен безинтересен | interesen bezinteresen | “interesting” “uninteresting” |
3 4 | подходящ неподходящ | podhodyasht nepodhodyasht | “suitable” “inappropriate” |
5 6 | работлив мързелив | rabotliv marzeliv | “hardworking” “lazy” |
7 8 | общителен мълчалив | obshtitelen malchaliv | “sociable” “silent” |
9 10 | одобрен отхвърлен | odobren otkhvarlen | “approved” “rejected” |
11 12 | успешен провален | uspeshen provalen | “successful” “failed” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 2 | схватлив глупав | shvatliv glupav | “perceptive” “stupid” |
3 4 | образован необразован | obrazovan neobrazovan | “educated” “uneducated” |
5 6 | усвоен неусвоен | usvoen neusvoen | “assimilated” “unassimilated” |
7 8 | преподаден непреподаден | prepodaden neprepodaden | “taught” “not being taught” |
9 10 | разбран неразбран | razbran nerazbran | “understood” “not understood” |
11 12 | грамотен неграмотен | gramoten negramoten | “literate” “illiterate” |
Accommodation Vocabulary
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 2 | нает свободен | naet svoboden | “occupied” “vacant” |
3 4 | капариран некапариран | kapariran nekapariran | “capped” “uncapped” |
5 6 | резервиран нерезервиран | rezerviran nerezerviran | “booked” “not booked” |
7 8 | платен неплатен | platen neplaten | “paid” “unpaid” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 2 | проверен непроверен | proveren neproveren | “checked” “unchecked” |
3 4 | закупен незакупен | zakupen nezakupen | “purchased” “unpurchased” |
5 6 | наличен изчерпан | nalichen izcherpan | “available” “sold out” |
7 8 | свободен зает | svoboden zaet | “available” “occupied” |
9 10 | заминаващ пристигащ | zaminavasht pristigasht | “departing” “arriving” |
No. | Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
1 2 | договорен недоговорен | dogovoren nedogovoren | “negotiated” “non-negotiated” |
3 4 | купен некупен | kupen nekupen | “bought” “unbought” |
5 6 | функциониращ нефункциониращ | funktsionirasht nefunktsionirasht | “functioning” “non-functioning” |
7 8 | разработен неразработен | razraboten nerazraboten | “developed” “undeveloped” |
9 10 | лицензиран нелицензиран | litsenziran nelitsenziran | “licensed” “unlicensed” |
- → You can also take a look at this list of the most common adjectives right here on BulgarianPod101.com.
Practical Exercise for Adjectives
Choose the correct adjectives for the sentences below.
- Този урок е много (работлив, интересен, общителен).
Tozi urok e mnogo (rabotliv, interesen, obshtitelen).
“This lesson is very (hardworking, interesting, sociable).”
- Тези хора са изключително (проверени, одобрени, мързеливи).
Tezi hora sa izklyuchitelno (provereni, odobreni, marzelivi).
“These people are extremely (checked, approved, lazy).”
- Искам добре (договорен, функциониращ, купен) кухненски уред.
Iskam dobre (dogovoren, funktsionirasht, kupen) kuhnenski ured.
“I want a well (negotiated, functioning, bought) kitchen appliance.”
- Извинете, това място (проверено, пристигащо, заето) ли е?
Izvinete, tova myasto (provereno, pristigashto, zaeto) li e?
“Excuse me, is this place (checked, arriving, occupied)?”
- Днес си много (мълчалив, провален, отхвърлен).
Dnes si mnogo (malchaliv, provalen, othvarlen).
“Today, you are very (silent, failed, rejected).”
Adverbs in Bulgarian can be divided into categories based on the part of speech they’re derived from.
Adverbs Derived From Nouns
Some adverbs, like those listed below, come from the old noun case forms.
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
денем | denem | “during the day” |
нощем | noshtem | “at night” |
лете | lete | “in the summer” |
зиме | zime | “in the winter” |
снощи | snoshti | “last night” |
Adverbs Derived From Adjectives
These adverbs usually end in -о, but in more rare cases they can also end in -и, -е, or -ата.
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
чисто | chisto | “cleanly” |
умно | umno | “cleverly” |
глупаво | glupavo | “stupidly” |
грубо | grubo | “roughly” |
заето | zaeto | “busily” |
Practical Exercise for Adverbs
We’ve already presented the following adjectives:
1 2 | договорен недоговорен | dogovoren nedogovoren | “negotiated” “non-negotiated” |
3 4 | купен некупен | kupen nekupen | “bought” “unbought” |
5 6 | функциониращ нефункциониращ | funktsionirasht nefunktsionirasht | “functioning” “non-functioning” |
7 8 | разработен неразработен | razraboten nerazraboten | “developed” “undeveloped” |
Knowing the rule that adverbs derived from adjectives are formed by adding the ending -o, turn these eight adjectives into adverbs. You can check your answers at the end of this guide.
Adverbs Derived From Numbers
These adverbs are derived from ordinal numbers and have the ending -o. Here are some examples:
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
първо | parvo | “first” |
второ | vtoro | “second” |
трето | treto | “third” |
четвърто | chetvarto | “fourth” |
пето | peto | “fifth” |
Adverbs Derived From Verbs
These adverbs end in either -шком (-shkom) or -шката (-shkata), and are not quite popular in daily speech.
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
тичешком | teecheshkom | “while running” |
слепешката | speleshkata | “blindly” |
лежешком | lezheshkom | “while lying” |
стоешком | stoeshkom | “while standing” |
Adverbs Derived From Prepositions
These adverbs usually present directions.
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
наляво | nalyavo | “to the left” |
надясно | nadyasno | “to the right” |
напред | napred | “forward” |
назад | nazad | “back” |
направо | napravo | “straight ahead” |
навътре | navatre | “inside” |
навън | navan | “outside” |

Here are some of the most common prepositions in the Bulgarian language:
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
за | za | “for” |
над | nad | “above” |
след | sled | “after” |
през | prez | “across” |
около | okolo | “around” |
сред | sred | “among” |
срещу | sreshtu | “against” |
като | kato | “as” |
преди | predi | “before” |
под | pod | “beneath” / “below” |
зад | zad | “behind” |
до | do | “beside” |
отвъд | otvad | “beyond” |
между | mezhdu | “between” |
от | ot | “by” / “from” |
въпреки | vapreki | “despite” |
към | kam | “toward” |
докато | dokato | “till” |
чрез | chrez | “through” |
без | bez | “without” |
поради | poradi | “due to” |
Conjunctions and Auxiliary Words/Particles
Bulgarian | Pronunciation | English |
ако | ako | “if” |
aма From the Turkish word “eme” | ama | “but” |
ами | ami | “but” / “well” / “what” |
гдето Sometimes used as дето (deto) with the same meaning | gdeto | “where” |
дали | dali | “whether” / “if” |
макар | makar | “although” / “though” |
ни | ni | “not one” / “none” “neither” / “nor” |
ни can play the role of both conjunction and particle. As a conjunction, it means “neither” or “nor.” When used as a particle, it means “not one” or “none”:
Ni edin ot tyah ne pobedi. “None of them won.” | ||
обаче | obache | “however” / “but” |
понеже | ponezhe | “because” / “since” |
пък | pak | “however” / “though” / “but” / “yet” / “well” / “anyway” / “even so” |
пък can play the role of both conjunction and particle. As a conjunction, it means “however” or “though.” As a particle, it means “well,” “anyway,” or “even so.” | ||
сиреч | sirech | “that is” / “i.e.” |
щом | shtom | “as soon as” / “since” / “as” / “because” / “if” |
How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn the Bulgarian language?
BulgarianPod101 prepared this comprehensive list of intermediate Bulgarian vocabulary words to help you advance in your Bulgarian language studies. Whether you intend to study, work, or just live in Bulgaria—or if you would like to get ready for your Bulgarian language exam—this extensive overview can help you reach your goals.
If you feel that you need personal guidance to advance more quickly and be able to speak easily with native Bulgarians, you can turn to our MyTeacher service for Premium PLUS members. This allows you to choose a native Bulgarian-speaking teacher, who knows how to help you and will reveal all the specifics of intermediate Bulgarian grammar and vocabulary.
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And now it’s time to check your answers to the practical exercises…
Answers to the Practical Exercises
Answers to Practical Exercise for Larger Numbers
- 32,758 -> “thirty two thousand seven hundred and fifty eight” -> тридесет и две хиляди седемстотин петдесет и осем (trideset i dve hilyadi sedemstotin petdeset i osem)
- 489,831 -> “four hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred and thirty one” -> четиристотин осемдесет и девет хиляди осемстотин тридесет и едно (chetiristotin osemdeset i devet hilyadi osemstotin trideset i edno)
- 4,965,986 -> “four million nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty six” -> четири милиона деветстотин шестдесет и пет хиляди деветстотин осемдесет и шест (chetiri miliona devet·stotin shestdeset i pet hilyadi devet·stotin osemdeset i shest)
- 78,387,102 -> “seventy eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred and two” -> седемдесет и осем милиона триста осемдесет и седем хиляди сто и две (sedemdeset i osem miliona trista osemdeset i sedem hilyadi sto i dve)
- 500,006 -> “five hundred thousand and six” -> петстотин хиляди и шест (petstotin hilyadi i shest)
Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1
- Отивам на интервю за работа.
Otivam na intervyu za rabota.
“I’m going to a job interview.”
- Имам голям опит в сферата на маркетинга.
Imam golyam opit v sferata na marketinga.
“I have great experience in the field of marketing.”
- Явявам се на изпит по математика.
Yavyavam se na izpit po matematika.
“I am taking an exam in mathematics.”
- Интересувам се от растения и мечтата ми е да стана агроном.
Interesuvam se ot rasteniya i mechtata mi e da stana agronom.
“I am interested in plants and my dream is to become an agronomist.”
Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 2
- Търся наемател за моята квартира.
Tarsya naematel za moyata kvartira.
“I am looking for a tenant for my apartment.”
- Ще изтегля пари от тази банка.
Shte izteglya pari ot tazi banka.
“I will withdraw money from this bank.”
- Вашите документи за проверка, моля.
Vashite dokumenti za proverka, molya.
“Your documents for inspection, please.”
- Тук можете да закупите билет.
Tuk mozhete da zakupite bilet.
“Here you can buy a ticket.”
Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 3
- Според лекаря диагнозата ми е диабет.
Spored lekarya diagnozata mi e diabet.
“According to the doctor, my diagnosis is diabetes.”
- Усещам силна болка в гърдите.
Useshtam silna bolka v gardite.
“I feel a strong pain in my chest.”
- Искам да ти направя специално предложение.
Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno predlozhenie.
“I want to make you a special proposal.”
- Утре имам важна среща с клиент.
Utre imam vazhna sreshta s klient.
“Tomorrow, I have an important meeting with a client.”
Answers to Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 1
- Мениджърът ми възложи задачата да интервюирам всички кандидати за работа.
Menidzharat mi vazlozhi zadachata da intervyuiram vsichki kandidati za rabota.
“The manager assigned me the task of interviewing all the job candidates.”
- Като учител по математика аз преподавам на учениците трудни задачи.
Kato uchitel po matematika az prepodavam na uchenitsite trudni zadachi.
“As a teacher in mathematics, I teach students to solve difficult math problems.”
- Налага се да резервирам стая предварително, защото хотелът каза, че в пиков сезон няма места.
Nalaga se da rezerviram staya predvaritelno, zashtoto hotelat kaza, che v pikov sezon nyama mesta.
“I have to book a room in advance because the hotel said that there are no available rooms in the peak season.”
- Подготвям се за изпит във вторник.
Podgotvyam se za izpit vav vtornik.
I am preparing myself for the exam on Tuesday.”
Answers to Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 2
- Чакам да мине проверката на документите и да се кача на самолета.
Chakam da mine proverkata na dokumentite i da se kacha na samoleta.
“I am waiting for the documents to pass the check, so that I can get on the plane.”
- Като собственик управлявам голяма компания за мебели.
Kato sobstvenik upravlyavam golyama kompaniya za mebeli.
“As an owner, I manage a large furniture company.”
- Това решение е трудно, затова трябва да се консултирам със специалист.
Tova reshenie e trudno, zatova tryabva da se konsultiram sas spetsialist.
“This decision is difficult, so I have to consult with a specialist.”
- Често купувам този продукт, тъй като го ползвам на бизнес срещи.
Chesto kupuvam tozi produkt, tay kato go polzvam na biznes sreshti.
“I often buy this product because I use it at business meetings.”
- След половин час пристигам на вашето летище.
Sled polovin chas pristigam na vasheto letishte.
“In half an hour, I will arrive at your airport.”
Answers to Practical Exercise for Adjectives
- Този урок е много интересен.
Tozi urok e mnogo interesen.
“This lesson is very interesting.”
- Тези хора са изключително мързеливи.
Tezi hora sa izklyuchitelno marzelivi.
“These people are extremely lazy.”
- Искам добре функциониращ кухненски уред.
Iskam dobre funktsionirasht kuhnenski ured.
“I want a well-functioning kitchen appliance.”
- Извинете, това място заето ли е?
Izvinete, tova myasto zaeto li e?
“Excuse me, is this place occupied?”
- Днес си много мълчалив.
Dnes si mnogo malchaliv.
“Today, you are very silent.”