As babies begin picking up their native language, what are some of the first words they learn? Besides the obvious “mommy” and “daddy,” most children become familiar early on with the names of animals and the sounds they make.
So why not take a similar approach when learning a foreign language?
BulgarianPod101 has prepared this beginner-level Bulgarian animals list to help you immerse yourself in the Bulgarian language as naturally as little children do. In this article, you’ll learn the names of pets, farm animals, wild and dangerous animals in Bulgaria, marine animals, birds, reptiles, and even endangered species that are included in The Red Data Book of Bulgaria.
Why start with animal names? They’re easy to remember and they’re rather fun to say, so learning them will resemble a game. We advise you to make flashcards for animals in each of the categories presented here and regularly review them until you’ve achieved mastery. Enjoy!

- Pets at Home
- Farm Animals
- Land Animals: Mammals in the Wild / Forest / Safari
- Aquatic / Marine Animals in the Black Sea
- Bugs and Insects
- Birds and Reptiles
- Animal Body Parts
- 9 Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions
- Animal Names Game
- How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language
- Answers to the Animal Names Game
Pets at Home
Just like people of other nations, Bulgarians love taking care of pets. The most preferred pets in Bulgaria are cats and dogs, though some people own more exotic pets like parrots, chameleons, or rodents.

There are many reasons we enjoy having pets around the house:
- A pet makes a good companion, especially for seniors and lonely people.
- Having children take care of a pet is a great way to teach them how to be more responsible.
- Pets love their owners and respond to their attention and care.
- Owning a pet has many health benefits.
Now, take a look at the following list of pet names in Bulgarian:
Куче | Kuche | Dog |
Котка | Kotka | Cat |
Папагал | Papagal | Parrot |
Заек | Zaek | Rabbit |
Хамстер | Hamster | Hamster |
Златна рибка | Zlatna ribka | Goldfish |
Златна рибка | Morsko svinche | Guinea pig |
Костенурка | Kostenurka | Turtle |
Хамелеон | Hameleon | Chameleon |
Игуана | Iguana | Iguana |
Farm Animals
Bulgarians have been livestock breeders for centuries and have always relied on animals for food. Farm animals produce meat, dairy products, and eggs, which make up an integral part of the Bulgarian diet.
The main sectors in livestock breeding in Bulgaria are:
- Cattle breeding
- Sheep breeding
- Goat breeding
- Pig breeding
- Horse breeding
- Poultry breeding
It’s interesting to note that ostrich farming, beekeeping, and sericulture are also well-developed in Bulgaria.

Let’s take a look at the most popular farm animals in Bulgaria:
Крава | Krava | Cow |
Бик | Bik | Bull |
Бивол | Bivol | Buffalo |
Магаре | Magare | Donkey |
Кон | Kon | Horse |
Овца | Ovtsa | Sheep |
Коза | Koza | Goat |
Прасе | Prase | Pig |
Кокошка | Kokoshka | Hen |
Петел | Petel | Rooster |
Пуйка | Puyka | Turkey |
Патка | Patka | Duck |
Гъска | Gaska | Goose |
- → In our Absolute Beginner lesson Farm Animals, you can find out more about different farm animals in Bulgaria.
Land Animals: Mammals in the Wild / Forest / Safari
There are a variety of wild animals in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, many of them are threatened with extinction and are listed in The Red Data Book of Bulgaria to be protected under law. In this section, we’ve listed some of the most popular mammals that reside in Bulgaria and around the world.

Wild Animals in Bulgaria
Вълк | Valk | Wolf |
Чакал | Chakal | Jackal |
Лисица | Lisitsa | Fox |
Белка | Belka | Beech marten |
Дива котка | Diva kotka | Wildcat |
Кафява мечка | Kafyava mechka | Brown bear |
Див заек | Div zaek | Wild rabbit |
Елен | Elen | Deer |
Сърна | Sarna | Roe deer |
Катерица | Kateritsa | Squirrel |
Бобър | Bobar | Beaver |
Видра | Vidra | Otter |
Таралеж | Taralezh | Hedgehog |
Глиган | Gligan | Boar |
Popular Wild Animals Around the World
Лъв | Lav | Lion |
Слон | Slon | Elephant |
Камила | Kamila | Camel |
Жираф | Zhiraf | Giraffe |
Кенгуру | Kenguru | Kangaroo |
Тигър | Tigar | Tiger |
Бяла мечка | Byala mechka | Polar bear |
Ягуар | Yaguar | Jaguar |
Пантера | Pantera | Panther |
Маймуна | Maymuna | Monkey |
Коала | Koala | Koala |
Панда | Panda | Panda |
Aquatic / Marine Animals in the Black Sea
Bulgaria’s eastern border encompasses the Black Sea Coast. For this reason, Bulgaria boasts a vast diversity of marine animals. There are 1,966 animal species in the Black Sea and several more in Bulgaria’s rich collection of rivers.
Here, we’ll give you the names of popular marine animals as well as those of the most dangerous sea animals in the Black Sea.

Popular Marine Animal Names in Bulgarian
Кит | Kit | Whale |
Акула | Akula | Shark |
Риба | Riba | Fish |
Октопод | Oktopod | Octopus |
Пингвин | Pingvin | Penguin |
Тюлен | Tyulen | Seal |
Мида | Mida | Clam / Mussel |
Рак | Rak | Crab |
Омар | Omar | Lobster |
Морско конче | Morsko konche | Seahorse |
Сепия | Sepiya | Cuttlefish |
Скарида | Skarida | Shrimp |
The Most Dangerous Sea Animals in the Black Sea
Черноморска акула | Chernomorska akula | Black Sea shark |
Ушата медуза | Ushata meduza | Common jellyfish |
Риба-меч | Riba-mech | Swordfish |
Морска котка | Morska kotka | Catfish |
Морски скорпион | Morski skorpion | Lionfish |
Морски дракон | Morski drakon | Weever |
Риба звездоброец | Riba zvezdobroets | Stargazer fish |
- → You can learn even more vocabulary in this list of marine animals by BulgarianPod101. We have included a sample sentence with each word to help you understand how to use them.
Bugs and Insects
Considering that there are at least 900,000 insect species, it’s safe to say that there are more insect species than any other animal species in the world. As already mentioned, some creepy-crawlies (like bees and silkworms) play an important role in the lives of Bulgarian people. Others (like hornets, ticks, and centipedes) can be quite dangerous.
Below, you’ll find a brief list of the most popular Bulgarian bugs and insects.

Муха | Muha | Fly |
Оса | Osa | Wasp |
Пчела | Pchela | Bee |
Паяк | Payak | Spider |
Богомолка | Bogomolka | Praying mantis |
Стършел | Starshel | Hornet |
Бръмбар | Brambar | Beetle |
Калинка | Kalinka | Ladybug |
Скакалец | Skakalets | Grasshopper |
Комар | Komar | Mosquito |
Кърлеж | Karlezh | Tick |
Мравка | Mravka | Mravka |
Пеперуда | Peperuda | Butterfly |
Гъсеница | Gasenitsa | Caterpillar |
- → If you would like to learn the pronunciation of these words, make sure to visit our lesson Bugs and Insects on BulgarianPod101.com!
Birds and Reptiles
There are 426 bird species in Bulgaria, making it the European country with the second-greatest diversity of birds.
In addition, there are 33 species of reptiles residing in Bulgaria: 4 species of turtles, 16 species of snakes, and 13 species of lizards.
Reptiles in Bulgaria
Змия | Zmiya | Snake |
Гущер | Gushter | Lizard |
Костенурка | Kostenurka | Turtle |
Birds in Bulgaria

Птица | Ptitsa | Bird |
Чайка | Chayka | Seagull |
Врабче | Vrabche | Sparrow |
Врана | Vrana | Crow |
Щъркел | Shtarkel | Stork |
Гълъб | Galab | Pigeon |
Кукумявка | Kukumyavka | Screech-owl |
Кукувица | Kukuvitsa | Cuckoo |
Бухал | Buhal | Owl |
Пеликан | Pelikan | Pelican |
Славей | Slavey | Nightingale |
Орел | Orel | Eagle |
Сокол | Sokol | Falcon |
Лешояд | Leshoyad | Vulture |
Кълвач | Kalvach | Woodpecker |
Чучулига | Chuchuliga | Lark |
Animal Body Parts
Now that you know the essential animal names in Bulgarian, you should also pick up a few words related to animal body parts. This will help you better describe animals and make you more familiar with the topic in general.

Глава | Glava | Head |
Очи | Ochi | Eyes |
Уши | Ushi | Ears |
Опашка | Opashka | Tail |
Крило | Krilo | Wing |
Лапа | Lapa | Paw |
Клюн | Klyun | Beak |
Пера | Pera | Feathering |
Рог | Rog | Horn |
Козина | Kozina | Fur |
Нокти | Nokti | Nails |
Муцуна | Mutsuna | Muzzle |
Гребен | Greben | Comb (of a rooster) |
Перки | Perki | Fins |
9 Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions
There are a variety of colorful Bulgarian idioms and slang expressions inspired by the disposition, behavior, and appearance of different animals. The following phrases are likely to come up in your conversations with native Bulgarian speakers from time to time.
Bulgarian expression | Магарешки инат |
Pronunciation | Magareshki inat |
Literal translation | Donkey’s stubbornness |
This expression refers to showing great stubbornness. It’s close in meaning to the English expression “to be as stubborn as a mule.” |

Bulgarian expression | Заблудена овца |
Pronunciation | Zabludena ovtsa |
Literal translation | Lost sheep |
This one refers to a person who does not do the right thing, or in other words, someone who has lost their way. |
Bulgarian expression | На куково лято |
Pronunciation | Na kukovo lyato |
Literal translation | In cuckoo’s summer |
We use this expression in reference to something that is impossible or will never happen. |
Bulgarian expression | Като риба на сухо |
Pronunciation | Kato riba na suho |
Literal translation | Like fish on dry land |
This refers to someone who is not feeling well. The closest English expression is “like a fish out of water.” |
Bulgarian expression | С трици маймуни ще лови. |
Pronunciation | S tritsi maymuni shte lovi. |
Literal translation | He is going to hunt monkeys with bran. |
We use this expression in reference to someone who is trying to attain something large or valuable using very little. |
Bulgarian expression | За вълка говорим, а той в кошарата. |
Pronunciation | Za valka govorim, a toy v kosharata. |
Literal translation | We are talking about the wolf and he is in the pen. |
We often use this phrase when the person we’re talking about suddenly shows up. It’s similar in meaning to the English expression “speak of the devil.” |
Bulgarian expression | Женя вълка за овцата. |
Pronunciation | Zhenya valka za ovtsata. |
Literal translation | I marry the wolf to the sheep. |
We might say this if we’re trying to do something impossible. |
Bulgarian expression | Той е черната овца. |
Pronunciation | Toy e chernata ovtsa. |
Literal translation | He is the black sheep. |
Like in English, we use this expression in reference to someone whom others have a bad opinion about or who has abruptly separated themself from others. |
Bulgarian expression | Когато стане вълка куче |
Pronunciation | Kogato stane valka kuche |
Literal translation | When the wolf becomes a dog |
This refers to something that will never happen. |
Animal Names Game
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we advise you to use flashcards in order to memorize these Bulgarian animal names easier. Although it can take a long time to fully memorize new vocabulary, learning animal names is a critical step in your language learning journey.
To make this a little more fun, let’s make it a game!
Below, we have provided pictures of different animals. Your job is to fill in the blanks with the corresponding Bulgarian animal names. You can check your answers at the end of this article—and don’t forget that you can also print these out to use as flashcards later on!