Bulgarian Love Phrases: Say “I Love You,” in Bulgarian


Maybe you remember that old Beatles song All You Need is Love.

It seems to be true, because every single person—from little babies to old men or women—needs to love and be loved by someone. But while giving and receiving love is important, so is knowing how to express that love. Doing this properly can work miracles in your life. 

Does your potential love interest or spouse happen to be a native Bulgarian speaker? Then you’re in the right place! 

In this detailed overview of how to say “I love you,” in Bulgarian, we’ll help you express your true feelings in your partner’s mother tongue. Whether your goal is to make an attractive Bulgarian fall in love with you or to strengthen the bond you have with your partner, these Bulgarian phrases about love will help you navigate through each phase of your relationship. 

The best part? Learning love phrases in Bulgarian is just the beginning. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend who speaks the language might inspire you to continue your studies! And having a romantic partner to practice with can make the experience that much more exciting and fulfilling. 

What are you waiting for? It’s time to sweep your partner off their feet! 

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines and More
  2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More
  3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More
  4. Endearment Terms
  5. Must-know Love Quotes
  6. Building a Love Dialogue
  7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines and More

The first thing you need to know is how to confess your affection. In this chapter, we’ll give you tips and phrases to help you…

  • …introduce yourself in Bulgarian.
  • …invite your love interest on a first date.
  • …make a good impression on your date.
  • …give a compliment to show them you really care.

Invite Him/Her on a First Date

Let’s start with the basics: 

  • Здравей, как се казваш?
    Zdravey, kak se kazvash?
    Hello, what’s your name?
  • Казвам се Джон и съм от Англия.
    Kazvam se John i sam ot Angliya.
    My name is John and I’m from England.

In the phrase above, you can replace John and England with your own name and home country. Need some help? You can probably find the Bulgarian name of your country in our World Countries vocabulary list.

Next, ask him or her what they do for a living.

  • Какво работиш?
    Kakvo rabotish?
    What’s your job?

Now, you can tell him/her about your occupation. Here’s an example:

  • Аз съм учител/ка по английски.
    Az sam uchitel/ka po angliyski.
    I am an English teacher.

Simply replace English teacher with your own profession. You can find a list of 20 Common Bulgarian Words for Occupations on BulgarianPod101.com. 

Another good question to ask is:

  • Какво обичаш да правиш в свободното си време?
    Kakvo obichash da pravish v svobodnoto si vreme?
    What do you like to do in your free time?

To answer this question yourself, you can say: Обичам да + your hobby. For example:

  • Обичам да се разхождам в парка.
    Obicham da se razhozhdam v parka.
    I like walking in the park.

In this case, you might find our list of Bulgarian Vocabulary for Hobbies very helpful! 

I Like Walking in the Park.

It’s time to become more direct. Let’s try this:

  • Мога ли да те поканя на среща?
    Moga li da te pokanya na sreshta?
    Can I invite you on a date?

We believe that the answer you’ll get will be:

  • Разбира се, с удоволствие!
    Razbira se, s udovolstvie!
    Of course, with pleasure!

Now, don’t forget to give some Bulgarian compliments to show you’re really interested in this relationship. 

  • Изглеждаш прекрасно!
    Izglezhdash prekrasno!
    You look great!
  • Толкова си красива! (for a woman)
    Tolkova si krasiva!
    You are so beautiful!

You can choose from this list of the Top 15 Bulgarian Compliments You Always Want to Hear to surprise your new Bulgarian friend.

Sending a reminder about the date via text or email

To make sure that the person you’ve invited didn’t forget about the date, you can send them a short reminder in a text or email. Here’s a sample reminder you could use:

  • Здравей, как си? Днес ще те чакам в 18 ч.
    Zdravey, kak si? Dnes shte te chakam v 18 chasa.
    Hello, how are you? Today, I will be waiting for you at 6 p.m.

If you would like to be more romantic, you could send the following:

  • Здравей, не спирам да мисля за нашата среща. Нямам търпение да се срещнем! До 18 ч.
    Zdravey, ne spiram da mislya za nashata sreshta. Nyamam tarpenie da se sreshtnem! Do 18 chasa.
    Hi, I keep thinking about our meeting. I can’t wait to meet you! Until 6 p.m.

2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More

Falling in Love!

Learning how to say “I love you,” in the Bulgarian language will be a huge step forward in your relationship. As you fall more deeply in love with someone, you begin to experience an array of emotions. While it would be impossible to include phrases for every feeling you might have, we’ve listed several romantic phrases in Bulgarian that you can use to express your love and continued interest. 

  • Много ми харесваш!
    Mnogo mi haresvash!
    I like you very much!
  • Какви прекрасни очи имаш!
    Kakvi prekrasni ochi imash!
    What beautiful eyes you have!
  • Обичам те!
    Obicham te!
    I love you!
  • Мога ли да те целуна?
    Moga li da te tseluna?
    Can I kiss you?
  • Липсваше ми!
    Lipsvashe mi!
    I missed you!
  • Не мога без теб!
    Ne moga bez teb!
    I cannot live without you!

3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More

A romantic relationship may become so strong that both parties desire to get married. This is an important step in life that one should consider before leaping ahead…but if you believe that you’re on the right track and that this is the person you’d like to bind your destiny to, here are the phrases you need to learn:

  • Искам децата ми да приличат на теб!
    Iskam detsata mi da prilichat na teb!
    I want my children to look like you!
  • Искам да остареем заедно!
    Iskam da ostareem zaedno!
    I want us to grow old together!

This is when a man might make his marriage proposal:

  • Ще се омъжиш ли за мен?
    Shte se omazhish li za men?
    Will you marry me?

Or, if the woman proposes to the man: 

  • Ще се ожениш ли за мен?
    Shte se ozhenish li za men?
    Will you marry me?
  • Нека създадем нашето общо бъдеще!
    Neka sazdadem nasheto obshto badeshte!
    Let’s create our common future!

Will You Marry Me?

4. Endearment Terms

All around the world, couples tend to address each other with cute pet names or terms of endearment. There are several common endearment terms in Bulgarian, some quite romantic and others more lighthearted. See our lists below to learn the pronunciation of “my love” in Bulgarian and many other Bulgarian terms of endearment. 

Classic endearment terms

  • Скъпи (Skapi) – Honey [for a man]
  • Скъпа (Skapa) – Honey [for a woman]
  • Любими (Lyubimi) – Darling [for a man]
  • Любима (Lyubima) – Darling [for a woman]
  • Мили (Mili) – Dear
  • Мила (Mila) – Dear
  • Любов моя (Lyubov moya) – My love
  • Обич моя (Obich moya) – My love
  • Щастие мое (Shtastie moe) – My happiness
  • Съкровище (Sakrovishte) – Treasure
  • Принцесо (Printseso) – Princess [for a woman]
  • Бебче (Bebche) – Baby

Animal-based endearment terms

  • Зайче (Zayche) – Bunny
  • Слонче (Slonche) – Diminutive for “elephant”
  • Коте (Kote) – Kitten
  • Писе (Pise) – Kitty
  • Жабчо (Zhabcho) – Diminutive for “frog”

How Are You Today, My Little Frog?

Bird-based endearment terms

  • Славейче (Slaveyche) – Diminutive for “nightingale”
  • Пиленце (Pilentse) – Chick
  • Пате (Pate) – Duckling
  • Гълъбче (Galabche) – Diminutive for “dove”

Nature-based endearment terms

  • Слънчице (Slanchitse) – Little sun
  • Звездичке (Zvezdichke) – Little star
  • Ягодке (Yagodke) – Little strawberry

Sweets-based endearment terms

  • Захарче (Zaharche) – Sugar
  • Бонбонче (Bonbonche) – Sweetie
  • Шоколадче (Shokoladche) – Chocolate
  • Сладкишче (Sladkishche) – Cake
  • Бухтичке (Buhtichke) – Cruller

While we’re still on the topic of sweets, you might be interested in checking out the following list of Bulgarian vocabulary for meals.

I Love You, My Sweetie!

5. Must-know Love Quotes

Much has been said about love and romance over the centuries. What better way to spice up your relationship than by reciting some popular love quotes in Bulgarian to your partner?

If you’ve chosen to call your favorite person Шоколадче (Shokoladche), or “Chocolate,” then you might be interested in the following love quote from Charles Schultz:

  • Всичко, от което се нуждаем, е любов. Но малко шоколад не е излишен.
    Vsichko, ot koeto se nuzhdaem, e lyubov. No malko shokolad ne e izlishen.
    All we need is love. But a little chocolate is not superfluous.

And here’s a must-know love quote by the famous Mahatma Gandhi:

  • Там, където има любов, има живот.
    Tam, kadeto ima lyubov, ima zhivot.
    Where there is love, there is life.

Another love quote is from Martin Luther King, Jr.:

  • Реших, че ще избера любовта. Омразата е твърде тежък товар, за да го нося.
    Reshih, che shte izbera lyubovta. Omrazata e tvarde tezhak tovar, za da go nosya.
    I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

Love Quotes

6. Building a Love Dialogue

Now, let’s build a sample dialogue using some of the Bulgarian love expressions we described above.

    Здравей, любов моя! Как си? Липсвашe ми!
       Zdravey, lyubov moya! Kak si? Lipsvashe mi!
       Hello, my love! How are you? I missed you!
    И ти ми липсваше! Постоянно мисля за теб!
       I ti mi lipsvashe! Postoyanno mislya za teb!
       I missed you, too! I think about you all the time!
    Мога ли да те целуна?
       Moga li da te tseluna?
       Can I kiss you?
    Разбира се!
       Razbira se!
       Of course!
    Какви прекрасни очи имаш!
       Kakvi prekrasni ochi imash!
       What beautiful eyes you have!
    Благодаря ти! Обичам те!
       Blagodarya ti! Obicham te!
       Thank you! I love you!
    Ще се омъжиш ли за мен? Нека създадем нашето общо бъдеще!
       Shte se omazhish li za men? Neka sazdadem nasheto obshto badeshte!
       Will you marry me? Let’s create our common future!
    Да! Не мога без теб!
       Da, ne moga bez teb!
       Yes! I cannot live without you!

Hе мога без теб is also the name of a popular Bulgarian love song you might want to listen to.

Love Dialogue

7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

We hope that we made your day brighter with this overview of Bulgarian love phrases. Now, you can say “I love you,” in Bulgarian and build a deeper love dialogue with your Bulgarian partner. And trust us: He or she will definitely appreciate your efforts! 

BulgarianPod101 aims to help you overcome any language barrier, even in your love life!

We provide tons of practical lessons on the Bulgarian language and culture, as well as specially tailored learning pathways to help you reach your specific goals faster. If you need a more personal approach and extra guidance, you can upgrade to a Premium PLUS subscription to take advantage of our MyTeacher service. Your own personal teacher will help you learn the right vocabulary for any situation—even for asking that lucky man or woman out on a date. 😉 

With our lessons and guidance, you’ll gain the confidence you need to win the heart of your beloved. 

We would love to hear from you! Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments, and let us know which romantic phrases in Bulgarian you found most helpful.

Until next time, happy learning. We’re wishing you success in your love life!

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