Bulgarian Tenses Overview: Make the Hardest Part Easier


Even if you have a solid vocabulary base, your communication is going to be quite limited unless you know how to use tenses. While they may seem intimidating, studying the Bulgarian tenses will open up a whole new world to you and fill your life with so many different possibilities. 

Just imagine: Being able to talk about the present, past, and future will allow you to tell your Bulgarian friend what you’re up to at the moment, what happened yesterday, or what your plans are for the future. 

In this detailed guide, BulgarianPod101 will cover all nine verb tenses in Bulgarian grammar and provide you with examples of how to use them. We know that tenses are probably the hardest part of learning a foreign language, so we’ve tried to make our guide as simple and useful as possible. 

Let’s get started.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Bulgarian Language Specifics
  2. Present Tense
  3. Past Tenses
  4. Future Tenses
  5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Tenses

1. Bulgarian Language Specifics

Before we delve into verb tenses in the Bulgarian language, let’s take a look at three of the essential specifics that distinguish Bulgarian from most other languages.

No infinitive form

Instead of infinitive verb forms like those found in English, Russian, and many other languages, the Bulgarian language has a basic verb form that is first person singular, present tense. This means that when you look for specific verbs in the dictionary, you’ll find their forms for first person:

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Bulgarian verb conjugations

There are three verb conjugations in Bulgarian, categorized based on the stem form in third person singular, present tense. 

ConjugationStem vowelStem form (3rd pers., sing., present tense)Base form (1st pers., sing., present tense)
1st четечета
2ndговори, мислиговоря, мисля
3rd-а, -япита, отговаряпитам, отговарям

He Reads an Interesting Book


1st Conjugation

  • Той чете интересна книга, а аз чета вестник.
    Toy chete interesna kniga, a az cheta vestnik.
    He reads an interesting book and I read a newspaper.

3rd Conjugation

  • Аз питам, а той отговаря.
    As pitam, a toy otgovarya.
    I ask, and he answers.

    Practical Exercise No. 1 – Conjugations

Determine the conjugation of the following words, placed in third person singular, present tense:

разбира (razbira), understands – Conjugation No. ____
знае (znae), knows – Conjugation No. ____
учи (uchi), studies – Conjugation No. ____
играе (razbira), plays – Conjugation No. ____
вярва (vyarva), believes – Conjugation No. ____
работи (raboti), works – Conjugation No. ____
мечтае (mechtae), dreams – Conjugation No. ____

    Practical Exercise No. 2 – Conjugations

Using the table from Bulgarian Verb Conjugations, try to translate the following sentence into Bulgarian:

                   She doesn’t speak, because she thinks a lot.


Bulgarian auxiliary verbs

The Bulgarian language features two auxiliary verbs: съм (sam) and ща (shta). Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

  • съм (sam) – to be

    This verb is widely used in constructing complex verb forms. съм and its derivatives (for the past and future tenses) play an important role in forming different tenses.

  • ща (shta) – to want

    This verb is used only for future tense forms. To form verbs in the future tense and the future perfect tense, its derivative ще (shtе), or “will,” should be used. Over time, this word has lost its meaning of “want to” and is now considered to be a particle meaning “will.”

    To form the other future tenses (Future in the Past & Future Perfect in the Past), which will be discussed below in detail, we need to use the aorist form of ща, which is щял (shtyal), meaning “would.”


    ➢ Аз съм учител.
        Az sam uchitel.
        I am a teacher. – Present Tense

    ➢ Като порасна, ще съм смел като татко.
        Kato porasna, shte sam smel kato tatko.
        When I grow up, I will be as brave as my daddy. – Future Tense

    ➢ Вчера бях у дома.
        Vchera byah u doma.
        Yesterday, I was at home. – Past Tense

I Am a Teacher.
    → BulgarianPod101 covers more important points related to Bulgarian grammar on our website!

2. Present Tense

It’s important to note that there is only one present tense in Bulgarian, which makes things easier. However, don’t forget that there are three conjugations in the Bulgarian language, so you’ll have to learn them in order to use the correct forms in the present tense. 

Here’s a comparison table with endings for all three Bulgarian present tense conjugations.

Personal pronouns1st Conjugation (the verb read)2nd Conjugation(the verb speak)3rd Conjugation(the verb ask)
ние четем

    Practical Exercise No. 3 – Present Tense

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the present tense, based on their conjugation:

Personal pronounsразбирамзнаяучамечтаявярвамиграя

Helpful Tip: Refer to Practical Exercise No. 1 for the correct conjugations. Then, use the endings of the correct conjugation to make the missing forms. You can find the correct answers at the end of this guide.  

Uses of the Bulgarian Present Tense

Here are a few things to keep in mind when studying the Bulgarian present tense and its uses.

1. The present tense in Bulgarian is equivalent to the English present simple tense


    ➢ Аз говоря български език.
        Az govorya balgarski ezik.
        I speak the Bulgarian language.

    ➢ Обичам да чета книги.
        Obicham da cheta knigi.
        I love reading books.

    ➢ Често си мисля за теб!
        Chesto si mislya za teb!
        I often think about you!

2. The Bulgarian present tense, just like the English present simple tense, can be used to express habitual activities.


    ➢ Всеки ден уча български език.
        Vseki den ucha balgarski ezik.
        I study Bulgarian every day.

    Чета по една българска книга всяка седмица.
        Cheta po edna balgarska kniga vsyaka sedmitsa.
        I read one Bulgarian book every week.

3. The Bulgarian present tense can also express the English present continuous tense.


    ➢ Не ме безпокой, защото в момента чета интересна книга.
        Ne me bezpokoy, zashtoto v momenta cheta interesna kniga.
        Don’t bother me, because I’m reading an interesting book right now.

    ➢ Не ме прекъсвай, докато говоря с други хора.
        Ne me prekasvay, dokato govorya s drugi hora.
        Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking to other people.

4. Just like the English present continuous tense, the Bulgarian present tense can also be used to tell others about future activities we have planned.


    ➢ Вечерта пътувам за София.
        Vecherta patuvam za Sofiya.
        I am traveling to Sofia tonight.

    ➢ Утре пристигам в Бургас.
        Utre pristigam v Burgas.
        I am arriving in Burgas tomorrow.

5. The Bulgarian present tense can act as an equivalent to the English present perfect continuous tense to express habitual activities, when the specific activities began in the past and continue to the present moment.


    ➢ От три години уча този език.
        Ot tri godini ucha tozi ezik.
        I have been studying this language for three years.

    ➢ От месец чета тази книга, но още не съм я завършил.
        Ot mesets cheta tazi kniga, no oshte ne sam ya zavarshil.
        I have been reading this book for a month, but I have not finished it yet.

6. The Bulgarian present tense can be used to express historical events. In this case, it is equivalent to the past simple tense in English.

    ➢ Кирил и Методий създават славянската азбука през IX век.
        Kiril i Metodiy sazdavat slavyanskata azbuka prez IX vek.
        In the IX century, Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet.

    ➢ След смъртта на цар Симеон Велики, на престола се качва синът му Петър.
        Sled smartta na tsar Simeon Veliki, na prestola se kachva sinat mu Petar.
        After the death of King Simeon the Great, his son Peter ascended the throne.

Learn Bulgarian Tenses to Sit on the Throne of Knowledge!

3. Past Tenses

There are four Bulgarian past tenses: 

1. the past simple tense (also called aorist)
2. the past continuous tense
3. минало неопределено време (minalo neopredeleno vreme), equivalent to the present perfect tense
4. минало предварително време (minalo predvaritelno vreme), equivalent to the past perfect tense

Past Simple Tense (Aorist)

Aorist describes actions that happened at a definite moment in the past, and it corresponds to the English past simple tense. It’s formed with the stem vowel , , , or (if it follows the consonant ж, ч, or ш). The specific verb endings for this tense are given in the table below:

Personal pronounsEndings for past simple tense
аз– х
ние -хме

There’s no ending in the second or third person singular, which means that these forms will end in the stem vowel. 

Let’s make the past form of the verbs we already studied above:

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel * Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel
ние говорихмечетохмепитахме

* Note that the word чета (четох) belongs to a special class of 23 verbs. Their stems end in д, т, з, с, or к and their stem vowel could be or -e in the second and third persons singular. 


    ➢ Вчера цял ден четох интересна книга.
        Vchera tsyal den chetoh interesna kniga.
        Yesterday, I read an interesting book all day.

    ➢ Те ни питаха какво да ни купят за подарък.
        Te ni pitaha kakvo da ni kupyat za podarak.
        They asked us what to buy us as a gift.

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 4 – Past Simple Tense

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the past simple tense, based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel

Bonus exercise:

Try to form the past simple tense of the following verb, knowing that its stem vowel is :

  •  успях (uspyah) – I succeeded
Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel
    ➢ Here’s an intriguing lesson from BulgarianPod101 about the past simple tense—check it out if you’d like to further explore this topic!

Past Imperfect Tense

The past imperfect tense describes a specific action, which was either in progress or incomplete at a definite moment in the past. It can be recognized when the following time phrases are used in the sentence:

  • тогава (togava) – then
  • по това време (po tova vreme) – at that time
  • в този момент (v tozi moment) – in this moment

    По това време учениците седяха на масата и учеха.
        Po tova vreme uchenitsite sedyaha na masata i ucheha.
        At that time, the students were sitting at the table and studying.

Another usage of this tense is to express that the action is repeated in the past.

    ➢ Всеки вторник ходех в библиотеката и четях.
        Vseki vtornik hodeh v bibliotekata i chetyah.
        Every Tuesday, I was going to the library and reading.

Here are the endings for the past continuous tense:

Personal pronounsEndings for past continuous tense
ние -хме

If you recall the endings for the past simple tense, you’ll notice that the only change comes in the second and third persons singular, where the ending -ше is added after the stem vowel

There are three stem vowels (, , ) that can be used to form the past continuous tense. Let’s see how they’re formed using the verbs we saw above.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel
ние питахмечетяхмемислeхме


    ➢ Дълго време четях тази голяма книга.
        Dalgo vreme chetyah tazi golyama kniga.
        I was reading this big book for a long time.

    ➢ За какво си мислеше, когато ти се обадих? 
        Za kakvo si misleshe, kogato ti se obadih?
        What were you thinking about when I called you?
What Were You Thinking about When I Called You?

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 5 – Past Continuous Tense

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the past continuous tense, based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel

We added one new verb: 

  • лежах (lezhah) – I was lying

* Note: The stem vowel for this verb is changed to -e in the second and third persons singular.

Минало неопределено време (minalo neopredeleno vreme) – Present Perfect Tense

This tense is used to describe an action that has taken place in the past, but its result continues in the present. Just like the English present perfect tense, the Bulgarian минало неопределено време tense uses a compound form of the verb съм (to be) in the present tense and the past active participle of the completed form. 


    ➢ Гостите са дошли у нас.
        Gostite sa doshli u nas.
        The guests have come to us.

        [meaning that they are still in our house]

    ➢ Някой е взел учебника ми.
        Nyakoy e vzel uchebnika mi.
        Somebody has taken my textbook.

        [meaning that the textbook is still missing]

Let’s see in the table how it’s formed:

Personal pronounsEndings for present perfect tense (Минало неопределено време)
азсъм   -л (-а, -о)*
тиси    -л (-а, -о)*
е      -л
е      -ла
е      -ло
ние сме   -ли 
виесте   -ли 
теса    -ли 

* For the first and second persons, the ending will depend on the gender:

  •  Without vowel – for masculine gender
  • – for feminine gender 
  • – for neuter gender

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs into минало неопределено време. You can try the rest of them yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азсъм чел/а/осъм говорил/а/о
тиси чел/а/оси говорил/а/о
е     чел 
е     говорил 
ние сме челисме говорили
виесте челисте говорили
теса челиса говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 6 – Present Perfect Tense (минало неопределено време)

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the present perfect tense (минало неопределено време), based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азсъм питал/а/осъм отговорил/а/осъм мислил/а/о

Минало предварително време (minalo predvaritelno vreme) – Past Perfect Tense

This tense is formed using the forms of the past continuous tense of the verb съм (to be) and the past active participle of the completed form. So the verb forms remain the same as those described above for the Bulgarian минало неопределено време. The only change is in the verb съм, which is used in its past continuous tense: бях (byah).

It’s used to show that an action was completed before another action or moment in the past, which is mentioned or implied. The result of the action affects that past moment.


    ➢ Когато влязох, тя вече беше чела писмото.
        Kogato vlyazoh, tya veche beshe chela pismoto.
        When I entered, she had already read the letter.

    ➢ Преди да дойда, той вече беше купил билети за киното.
        Predi da doyda, toy veche beshe kupil bileti za kinoto.
        Before I came, he had already bought tickets for the movie.

When I Entered, She Had Already Read the Letter.

Let’s see how it’s formed:

Personal pronounsEndings for past perfect tense (Минало предварително време)
азбях  -л (-а, -о)*
тибеше   -л (-а, -о)*
беше      -л   
беше      -ла   
беше      -ло
ние бяхме  -ли 
виебяхте  -ли 
тебяха   -ли 

* For the first and second persons, the ending will depend on the gender:

  •  Without vowel – for masculine gender
  • – for feminine gender 
  • for neuter gender

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs into минало предварително време. You can try the rest of them yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азбях чел/а/обях говорил/а/о
тибеше чел/а/обеше говорил/а/о
беше     чел 
беше     чело
беше     говорил 
ние бяхме челибяхме говорили
виебяхте челибяхте говорили
тебяха челибяха говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 7 – Past Perfect Tense (минало предварително време)

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the past perfect tense (минало предварително време), based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азбях питал/а/обях отговорил/а/обях мислил/а/о

4. Future Tenses

There are four Bulgarian future tenses: 

  • Future Tense
  • Future Perfect Tense
  • Future in the Past Tense
  • бъдеще предварително време в миналото (badeshte predvaritelno vreme v minaloto) – Future Preliminary Tense in the Past

That last one can be described as past future perfect or future perfect in the past.

Future Tense

The Bulgarian future tense is very easy to form. Just take the present simple tense of the verb and place the particle ще (shte), meaning “will,” before the verb form.


    ➢ Утре ще отида на кино.
        Utre shte otida na kino.
        Tomorrow, I will go to the cinema.

    ➢ Вечерта ще уча български език.
        Vecherta shte ucha balgarski ezik.
        In the evening, I will study the Bulgarian language.

When negating a verb in the future tense, the impersonal verb няма and the particle да are placed before the present tense verb.


    ➢ Аз няма да дойда.
        Az nyama da doyda.
        I will not come.

    ➢ Те няма да четат от книгата днес.
        Te nyama da chetat ot knigata dnes.
        They will not read from the book today.

The Bulgarian future tense corresponds to both the future and future progressive tenses in English.

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs in the future tense. You can try the rest of them for yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronouns1st  Conjugation2nd Conjugation3rd Conjugation
азще четаще говоряще питам
тище четешще говоришще питаш
той/тя/тоще четеще говорище пита
ние ще четемще говоримще питаме
виеще чететеще говоритеще питате
теще четатще говорятще питат

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 8 – Future Tense

If you’ve already filled this table for the present tense exercise, it will be very easy for you to form the future tense:

Personal pronounsразбирамзнаяучамечтаявярвамиграя

Future Perfect Tense

In Bulgarian, the future perfect tense is called бъдеще предварително време (badeshte predvaritelno vreme). It’s formed using the particle for future tense (ще), the verb съм (to be), and the past active completed participle of the main verb. 

It expresses a future action, which will have been completed by a given future moment. The result of the action affects that future moment. This tense corresponds to the English future perfect tense. 


    ➢ До утре вечер ще съм прочел цялата книга.
        Do utre vecher shte sam prochel tsyalata kniga.
        I will have read the whole book by tomorrow night.

    ➢ До тогава хората ще са променили природата.
        Do togava horata shte sa promenili prirodata.
        Until then, people will have changed nature.

Until Then, People Will Have Changed Nature.

It’s easy to form this tense, assuming you’ve already learned how to form минало предварително време. The only difference is that we add the particle ще to the forms.

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азще съм чел/а/още съм говорил/а/о
тище си чел/а/още си говорил/а/о
ще е     чел
ще е     чела
ще е     чело
ще е     говорил 
ще е     говорила 
ще е     говорило
ние ще сме челище сме говорили
виеще сте челище сте говорили
теще са челище са говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 9 – Future Perfect Tense (бъдеще предварително време)

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the future perfect tense (бъдеще предварително време), based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азще съм питал/а/още съм отговорил/а/още съм мислил/а/о

Future in the Past Tense

Бъдеще време в миналото (Badeshte vreme v minaloto) is expressed using compound forms. It’s formed using the auxiliary verb ща in the past continuous tense (щях), the particle да, and the main verb in the present simple tense. 


    Щях да чета.
        Shtyah da cheta.
        I would (was going to) read.

    Щях да пея.
        Shtyah da peya.
        I would (was going to) sing.

The negative form is expressed using нямаше (nyamashe), which is not conjugated for the person or number, plus the particle да and the main verb in the present simple tense. 


    Нямаше да чета.
        Niamashe da cheta.
        I would not (was not going to) read.

    Нямаше да пея.
        Niamashe da peya.
        I would not (was not going to) sing.

This tense expresses an action in the past, which has taken place after another moment in the past. It corresponds to the English future in the past tense. 


    ➢ Те щяха да прекарат лятото на това място.
        Te shtyaha da prekarat lyatoto na tova myastо.
        They were going to spend the summer in this place.

    ➢ Влакът щеше да тръгне след 5 минути.
        Vlakat shteshe da tragne sled 5 minuti.
        The train was going to leave in 5 minutes.

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs in the future in the past tense. You can try the rest of them for yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronouns1st  Conjugation2nd Conjugation3rd Conjugation
азщях да четащях да говорящях да питам
тищеше да четешщеше да говоришщеше да питаш
той/тя/тощеше да четещеше да говорищеше да пита
ние щяхме да четемщяхме да говоримщяхме да питаме
виещяхте да чететещяхте да говоритещяхте да питате
тещяха да четатщяха да говорятщяха да питат
    ★ Practical Exercise No. 10 – Future in the Past Tense

If you’ve already filled in this table for the present tense, use the table above to form the future in the past tense:

Personal pronounsразбирамзнаявярвамиграя

Past Future Perfect

Бъдеще предварително време в миналото (badeshte predvaritelno vreme v minaloto), or future preliminary tense in the past, can be described as “past future perfect” or “future perfect in the past.” This is the most complex compound tense.

It represents an action in its relation to a past moment the same way that the simple future tense presents it in relation to the moment of speaking. In other words, these forms mean that the action has passed in relation to a certain past moment, which in turn is forthcoming (future) for the past moment in question.

Let’s give an example:

    ➢ Ако не беше закъснял толкова, досега щяхме да сме излезли.
        Ako ne beshe zakasnyal tolkova, dosega shtyahme da sme izlezli.
        If he hadn’t been so late, we would have been out by now.

It’s formed using the auxiliary verb ща in the past continuous tense (щях), the particle да, the verb съм in the present tense, and the main verb in the present simple tense. This tense is rarely used because of its complex compound form, but to make this guide complete, we’ll show you how to form it just in case:

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азщях да съм чел/а/ощях да съм говорил/а/о
тищеше да си чел/а/ощеше да си говорил/а/о
щеше да е     чел
щеше да е     чела
щеше да е     чело
щеше да е     говорил 
щеше да е     говорила 
щеше да е     говорило
ние щяхме да сме челищяхме да сме говорили
виещяхте да сте челищяхте да сте говорили
тещяха да са челищяха да са говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 11 – Past Future Perfect Tense

Try to create the forms of the following verbs in the past future perfect tense:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азщях да съм питал/а/ощях да съм отговорил/а/ощях да съм мислил/а/о

5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Tenses

We hope you found our overview of Bulgarian verb tenses useful and practical for your study needs. At BulgarianPod101, we always strive to help our students learn Bulgarian in the fastest, easiest, and most effective way possible. 

We provide our students with plenty of lessons in both audio and video formats, in addition to our themed vocabulary lists, Bulgarian-English dictionary, and other free resources. But if you feel like you need a personal coach who can explain the Bulgarian tenses to you in greater detail and practice them with you, consider creating a Premium PLUS account to utilize our MyTeacher service. This service gives you your own personal tutor, who can help you learn and practice at your own pace! 

Before you go: Did you find the practical exercises throughout this article easy, or were they a bit difficult? Remember that you can find the answers for each exercise below. 

Happy learning!

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