An Extensive Guide to Bulgarian Business Phrases


The number of foreigners who visit Bulgaria for business purposes is increasing. The statistics announced by the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria show that about twenty percent of the total visitors in 2019 were in the country for business purposes. Maybe you plan on joining that number in the near future!

Although the majority of Bulgarians speak some English, learning Bulgarian business phrases will help you more freely interact with Bulgarian business partners, build closer connections, and ensure that you’re properly understood.

Usually, advanced language learners study Bulgarian business words and phrases after they have a more solid foundation to step on. But even if you don’t have this solid foundation yet, you can start learning the most important Bulgarian business phrases with BulgarianPod101’s extensive guide. Start communicating right away with your Bulgarian business partners in their native language, and make a great impression!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Nailing a Job Interview
  3. Interacting with Coworkers
  4. Sounding Smart in a Meeting
  5. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails
  6. Going on a Business Trip
  7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Business Language

1. Getting Started

To start communicating in Bulgarian with your business partners or coworkers, you have to learn the most important rule related to Bulgarian business language.

The Most Important Bulgarian Business Rule

It’s obligatory to use the formal style for every verb you use in your business communications. Let’s examine a few examples:

Instead of: 

  • Здравей, как си? 
    Zdravey, kak si?
    “Hello, how are you?” (informal style)

You have to use the polite form:

  • Здравейте, как сте?
    Zdraveyte, kak ste?
    “Hello, how are you?” (formal style)

Instead of: 

  • Как върви твоят бизнес? 
    Kak varvi tvoyat biznes?
    “How is your business going?” (informal style)

You have to use the polite form:

  • Как върви Вашият бизнес?
    Kak varvi Vashiyat biznes?
    “How is your business going?” (formal style)

As you can see from the examples, the formal and informal expressions are the same in English, which is often a cause for error when foreigners speak Bulgarian in business settings. You have to pay extra attention and use only the formal style in your business communications!

The Most Common Bulgarian Business Words and Phrases

There are certain business Bulgarian phrases and words that you should know if you plan on doing business in Bulgaria. Here’s a list of the most common ones. We recommend that you learn them by heart using flashcards or other methods of effective language learning.

Bulgarian English
купувач (kupuvach)
продавач (prodavach)
представител (predstavitel)
запитване (zapitvane)
преговори (pregovori)
среща (sreshta)
цена (tsena)
търсене (tarsene)
приемам офертата (priemam ofertata)
“I accept the offer”
условия за доставка (usloviya za dostavka)
“terms of delivery”
условия за плащане (usloviya za plashtane)
“payment terms”
приемлив (priemlif)
намаляване на цените на стоките (namalyavane na tsenite na stokite)
“reduction in commodity prices”
уговарям си среща (ugovaryam si sreshta)
“to make an appointment”
на едро (na edro)
на дребно (na drebno)
производител (proizvoditel)
доставчик (dostavchik)

Practical Language Exercise

Try to make a basic dialogue with the Bulgarian business words and phrases from above.

Ready? Below, we’ve prepared a quick dialogue example for you to review. How does yours compare?

Let’s Practice!


Здравейте, аз съм представител на фирма за техническо оборудване на офиси. Търся продавач на офис столове на едро.

(Zdraveyte, az sam predstavitel na firma za tehnichesko oborudvane na ofisi. Tarsya prodavach na ofis stolove na edro.)

“Hello, I am a representative of an office equipment company. I’m looking for wholesale office chairs.”


Здравейте, попаднали  сте на правилното място. Ние сме най-големият доставчик на офис столове в града. 

(Zdraveyte, popadnali ste na pravilnoto myasto. Nie sme nay-golemiyat dostavchik na ofis stolove f grada.)

“Hello, you have come to the right place. We are the city’s largest supplier of office chairs.”


Бих желал да си уговоря среща с Вас за договаряне на условията за плащане и доставка.

(Bih zhelal da si ugovorya sreshta s vas za dogovaryane na usloviyata za plashtane i dostavka.)

“I would like to make an appointment with you to negotiate the payment and delivery terms.”


Разбира се! В понеделник в 9:30 ч. сутринта удобно ли е?

(Razbira se! V ponedelnik v 9:30 chasa sutrinta udobno li e?)

“Of course! Is it convenient on Monday at 9:30 a.m.?”

Business Bulgarian: Ways to Say Hello

It’s important to learn how to greet your business partner in Bulgarian when you meet with him or her. Here are a few ways you can do this:

  • Здравейте! Добре дошли!
    Zdraveyte! Dobre doshli!
    “Hello! Welcome!”
  • Добро утро!
    Dobro utro!
    “Good morning!”
  • Добър вечер!
    Dobar vecher!
    “Good evening!”
  • Радвам се да Ви видя отново.
    Radvam se da Vi vidya otnovo.
    “I am glad to see you again.”
  • Как сте?
    Kak ste?
    “How are you?”
Greet your Bulgarian Business Partner in Bulgarian

Business Bulgarian: Ways to Say Goodbye

It’s equally important to know how to properly end your business conversation, especially if your interlocutor is long-winded and you have other tasks to do. In that case, you can choose one of the following phrases, or even combine a couple of them:

  • Извинете, но сега трябва да тръгвам!
    Izvinete, no sega tryabva da tragvam!
    “Sorry, but I have to leave now!”
  • Приятен ден!
    Priyaten den!
    “Have a nice day!”
  • Очаквам с нетърпение следващата ни среща!
    Ochakvam s netarpenie sledvashtata ni sreshta!
    “I look forward to our next meeting!”
  • Беше ми приятно, че се срещнахме!
    Beshe mi priyatno, che se sreshtnahme!
    “It was a pleasure to meet you!”
  • Всичко най-добро! Успех!
    Vsichko nay-dobro! Uspeh!
    “All the best! Good luck!”

Do you feel like you need more phrases up your sleeve? BulgarianPod101 provides you with a valuable list of phrases for doing business successfully.

2. Nailing a Job Interview

Job Interview

Having a job interview with a Bulgarian employer is probably one of the biggest challenges for the foreigner. For this reason, we’ve included here the five most common questions and answers to help you nail your job interview.

Question #1 

Разкажете ми за себе си.
Razkazhete mi za sebe si.
“Tell me about yourself.”


Завършил съм магистратура по икономика и финанси и съм работил 5 години в банка.
Zavarshil sam magistratura po ikonomika i finansi i sam rabotil 5 godini v
“I have a Master’s degree in economics and finance and I have worked for five years in a bank.”

Obviously, you’ll need to change the information based on your own specialization and work experience. You can check out our Jobs / Work vocabulary list to find out the name of your occupation!

Question #2 

Защо кандидатствате за тази работа?
Zashto kandidatstvate za tazi rabota?
“Why are you applying for this job?”


Мисля, че с опита си на финансист бих могъл да съдействам за развитието на фирмата Ви.
Mislya, che s opita si na finansist bih mogal da sadeystvam za razvitieto na firmata Vi.
“I think that with my experience as a financier, I could contribute to your company’s development.”

Question #3 

Къде се виждате след пет или десет години?
Kade se vizhdate sled pet ili deset godini?
“Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?”


Аз съм перфекционист и се стремя постоянно да научавам нови умения и знания. Надявам се след 5 или 10 години да заемам по-висока длъжност във фирмата Ви.
Az sam perfektsionist i se stremya postoyanno da nauchavam novi umeniya i znaniya. Nadyavam se sled pet ili deset godini da zaemam po-visoka dlazhnost vav firmata Vi.
“I am a perfectionist and I constantly strive to learn new skills and knowledge. I hope that in five or ten years, I will be in a higher position in your company.”

Question #4 

Как бихте реагирали в стресова ситуация?
Kak bihte reagirali v stresova situatsia?
“How would you react in a stressful situation?”


Ще опитам да запазя спокойствие и да се мобилизирам максимално, за да завърша поставената задача в срок.
Shte opitam da zapazya spokoystvie i da se mobiliziram maksimalno, za da zavarsha postavenata zadacha v srok.
“I will try to stay calm and mobilize myself to complete the task on time.”

Question #5 

Какво заплащане очаквате?
Kakvo zaplashtane ochakvate?
“What payment do you expect?”


Справедливо, в зависимост от длъжността, която заемам и от натоварването.
Spravedlivo, v zavisimost ot dlazhnostta, koyato zaemam i ot natovarvaneto.
“Fair, depending on my position and workload.”

Being able to answer these questions in Bulgarian will ensure that you stand out among the other foreign candidates for the same position.

Business Phrases

3. Interacting with Coworkers

If you’ve been approved for the position and will soon start working with your new Bulgarian team, it will be crucial to pick up even more business Bulgarian. In conjunction with a good knowledge of Bulgarian business etiquette, the phrases below can help you be well-liked by your new coworkers. The situations we outline are things you’ll likely encounter on a day-to-day basis, so memorizing even a few of these phrases can help you a lot in the long run!

Being Kind to Your Coworkers

The following sentences and phrases will help you show your gratitude toward your colleagues and will shorten the distance between you and the person you’re speaking to. Even if you don’t know much Bulgarian yet, learning how to communicate in your coworkers’ native language would be a great surprise for them, and they’ll appreciate this gesture of attention.

  • Много благодаря за помощта!
    Mnogo blagodarya za pomoshtta!
    “Thank you very much for your help!”
  • Оценявам съветите ти!
    Otsenyavam savetite ti!
    “I appreciate your advice!”
  • Благодаря ти, че винаги мога да разчитам на теб.
    Blagodarya ti, che vinagi moga da razchitam na teb.
    “Thank you for always being dependable.”
  • Радвам се, че мога да работя с теб!
    Radvam se, che moga da rabotya s tep!
    “I’m glad I can work with you!”
  • Ти си страхотен колега!
    Ti si strahoten kolega!
    “You are a great coworker!”

You can find even more kind words in our list of the top 15 compliments in Bulgarian.

You Are a Great Coworker!

How to Politely Agree and Disagree with Your Coworkers

Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you’re likely to be in disagreement with your coworkers at some point. Prepare yourself for such a situation by learning practical phrases for politely disagreeing.

How to Disagree Politely with Your Coworkers
  • Не споделям това мнение.
    Ne spodelyam tova mnenie.
    “I do not share this opinion.”
  • Не мога да се съглася с тази идея.
    Ne moga da se saglasya s tazi ideya.
    “I can’t agree with this idea.”
  • Бих казал точно обратното.
    Bih kazal tochno obratnoto.
    “I would say exactly the opposite.”
  • Това не винаги е вярно.
    Tova ne vinagi e vyarno.
    “This is not always true.”
  • Не мисля така.
    Ne mislya taka.
    “I do not think so.”

And here are a couple of phrases you can use to express agreement!

  • Съгласен съм с теб.
    Saglasen sam s tep.
    “I agree with you.”
  • И аз мисля така.
    I az mislya taka.
    “I think so, too.”

How to Politely Interrupt Your Interlocutor

If your interlocutor is talkative or getting the conversation off-track, there are a few ways to politely interrupt to get the conversation on the right path again. 

  • Мога ли да добавя нещо?
    Moga li da dobavya neshto?
    “Can I add something?”
  • Съжалявам, че ще Ви прекъсна, но…
    Sazhalyavam, che shte vi prekasna, no…
    “I’m sorry to interrupt, but…”
  • Преди да продължите, бих искал да кажа нещо.
    Predi da prodalzhite, bih iskal da kazha neshto.
    “Before you go on, I’d like to say something.”
  • Ако мога да добавя нещо…
    Ako moga da dobavya neshto…
    “If I may add something…”
  • Само за момент, бих искал да кажа…
    Samo za moment, bih iskal da kazha…
    “Just a moment, I’d like to say…”
What To Do If Your Interlocutor Talks Too Much

4. Sounding Smart in a Meeting

Now, let’s go over some useful Bulgarian for business meetings. These phrases will help you get your point across and make a lasting impression on your coworkers, partners, or boss.

Bulgarian English
Според мен… (Spored men…)“According to me…”
Според моя опит…. (Spored moya opit…)“In my experience…”
От моя гледна точка… (Ot moya gledna tochka…)“In my point of view…”
Ако питате мен… (Ako pitate men…)“If you ask me…”
Това, което искам да кажа е… (Tova, koeto iskam da kazha e…)“What I want to say is…”
Струва ми се, че… (Struva mi se, che…)“I believe that…”
Искам да отбележа, че… (Iskam da otbelezha, che…)“I want to point out that…”
Бих предложил, че… (Bih predlozhil, che…)“I would suggest that…”

5. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails

Business phone calls and emails often contain certain business vocabulary. The following tables will help you know which phrases and sentences to include in your business communications with Bulgarians.

Business Phone Calls

Following are the most common business Bulgarian phrases that you may hear or use during business phone calls with Bulgarians.

Business Phone Calls
Bulgarian English
Здравейте, бихте ли ме свързали с г-н…?
(Zdraveyte, bihte li me svarzali s gospodin…?)
“Hello, can you put me through to Mr. …?” 
Останете на линия, моля.
(Ostanete na liniya, molya.)
“Hold the line, please.”
Съжалявам, не успях да Ви чуя ясно.
(Sazhalyavam, ne uspyah da Vi chuya yasno.)
“I am sorry, I couldn’t hear you clearly.”
Кой се обажда, моля?
(Koy se obazhda, molya?)
“Who’s calling, please?”
Можете ли да повторите, моля? (Mozhete li da povtorite, molya?)“Can you repeat, please?”
Мога ли да си уговоря среща с г-н…?
(Moga li da si ugovorya sreshta s gospodin…?)
“Can I make an appointment with Mr. …?”
Благодаря Ви, дочуване!
(Blagodarya Vi, dochuvane!)
“Thank you, goodbye!”
Ще се обадя по-късно.(Shte se obadya po-kasno.)“I will call you later.”

Business Emails

Business Emails

If you have to write business emails, you can include the following Bulgarian business letter phrases to give them a more formal appearance.

Bulgarian English
Уважаеми г-н/ Уважаема г-жо,
(Uvazhaemi gospodin/ Uvazhaema gоspozho,)
“Dear Mr./Mrs.,” 
Благодаря за Вашето писмо/предложение.
(Blagodarya za Vasheto pismo/predlozhenie.)
“Thanks for your letter/proposal.”
Бих желал да Ви представя накратко нашата компания.
(Bih zhelal da Vi predstavya nakratko nashata kompaniya.)
“I would like to briefly introduce you to our company.”
Интересувате ли се от…?
(Interesuvate li se ot…?)
“Are you interested in…?”
При интерес, моля, отговорете на това писмо.
(Pri interes, molya, otgovorete na tova pismo.)
“If interested, please reply to this letter.”
С най-добри пожелания!
(S nay-dobri pozhelaniya!)
“Best regards!”
С уважение.(S uvazhenie.)“With respect.”

6. Going on a Business Trip

Business Trip

Your business trip in Bulgaria will be successful if you learn and use the following words and sentences:

Bulgarian English
Мога ли да направя резервация за хотел?
(Moga li da napravya rezervatsiya za hotel?)
“Can I book a hotel?”
Колко време трае пътуването?
(Kolko vreme trae patuvaneto?)
“How long does the journey take?”  
Кога пристигаме?
(Koga pristigame?)
“What time do we arrive?”
Бих искал да пътувам до…
(Bih iskal da patuvam do…)
“I’d like to travel to…”
Може ли два билета за…
(Mozhe li dva bileta za…)
“May I have two tickets to…”
еднопосочен билет
(ednoposochen bilet)
“one-way ticket”
двупосочен билет
(dvuposochen bilet)
“round trip”

To learn even more vocabulary for your next business trip, listen to BulgarianPod101’s lesson on talking about travel plans.

7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Business Language

As a Bulgarian language platform that consists of materials and lessons to help you improve your language skills, BulgarianPod101 can be a great source for studying the most common business phrases in Bulgarian. If you enjoyed this comprehensive lesson, be sure to create your free lifetime account. This will allow you to study our database for free for seven days before upgrading. If you feel the need for personal guidance by a native language professional, you can upgrade to Premium PLUS and utilize our MyTeacher service. Your Bulgarian teacher will help you learn everything you need to know about using Bulgarian phrases for business in real life.

Before you go, please let us know if you found this guide helpful and what additional questions it raises for you. We look forward to hearing from you and will help out the best we can!

Happy learning, and good luck with your business endeavors.

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