How to Celebrate International Children’s Day in Bulgaria

Children’s Day in Bulgaria, as you may already know, is a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating children. After all, they have so much potential to offer the world. In this article, we’ll give you some information about Children’s Day in Bulgaria, and what makes it special (considering the existence of World Children’s Day).

At, we hope to make learning both fun and informative as you gain insight into Bulgarian culture. Knowing a country’s culture is a vital step in language mastery, and holidays represent a significant part of any country’s culture.

That said, let’s talk about the origins of this holiday, and take a look at the most common Children’s Day celebrations in Bulgaria!

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1. What is Children’s Day?

This day is celebrated by almost all countries from the former Socialist Bloc. The holiday originates from the World Conference on the Well-being of Children held in Geneva in 1925. Children’s Day is important because it reminds adults of the necessity for special protection of children’s rights. Children’s rights include the ideas of equity in upbringing, education, social protection, and physical and spiritual development of all children.

2. Children’s Day Date: When is Children’s Day in Bulgaria?

Children Playing Outside in Field

Each year, Bulgarians celebrate International Children’s Day on June 1. This has been the official Children’s Day date since 1950. It began to be honored after 1949, when Moscow established June 1 as the International Day for Protection of Children.

However, the International Kids Day (or International Children’s Day) date is different. We’ll talk more about this later!

3. Children’s Day Celebrations in Bulgaria

Parents Walking with Children

Learn how Bulgarians celebrate their Children’s Day holiday by reading the Bulgarian text below. Then, check your Bulgarian reading skills by reading the English text directly below it.

Денят на детето се празнува с игри и мероприятия, безплатни пропуски за деца, панаири и фестивали, концерти, представления и обществени прояви. За децата има много сладолед, балони и усмивки.

Често на Деня на детето се правят конкурси за детски рисунки или прояви, на които се правят рисунки върху детски лица. Така децата могат да се превърнат в любимите си герои за малко и да се снимат така за спомен.

Children’s Day is celebrated with plays and events, free admission for children, fairs and festivals, concerts, shows, and social activities. There’s a lot of ice cream, balloons, and smiles for the children.

Often on Children’s Day there are competitions for children’s drawings or events for face-painting for children. Thus children can spend some time in the shoes of their favorite characters for a while and take pictures as keepsakes.

4. Date of Universal Children’s Day

Do you know when the Universal Children’s Day is?

In 1954 the UN and UNESCO establish November 20 as Universal Children’s Day. Despite this, the date is not adopted everywhere, because most countries already have established traditions for honoring the holiday.

5. Important Vocabulary for Bulgarian Children’s Day

Cluster of Balloons

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for International Children’s Day in Bulgaria!

  • Люлка (lyulka) — swing
  • сапунено мехурче (sapuneno mehurche) — soap bubble
  • Отглеждане (otglezhdane) — upbringing
  • физическо здраве (fizichesko zdrave) — physical health
  • Балон (balon) — balloon
  • защита на децата (zashtita na detsata) — protection of children
  • Жизнерадостен (zhizneradosten) — cheerful
  • Възпитан (vazpitan) — well-behaved
  • Лъчезарен (lachezaren) — radiant
  • разходка в парка (razhodka v parka) — walk in the park
  • играя навън (igraya navan) — playing outdoors
  • Панаир (panair) — fair
  • Проява (proyava) — happening
  • куклен театър (kuklen teatar) — puppet theatre
  • Близалка (blizalka) — lollipop
  • Забавление (zabavlenie) — entertainment

To hear each vocabulary word pronounced, check out our Bulgarian International Children’s Day vocabulary list. Here, each word is listed alongside an audio file of its pronunciation.


So, reader, we’re curious: How does your country celebrate Children’s Day? Are celebrations similar or very different in your country? Let us know in the comments!

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