New Year, New You, New Lists, New Lessons! – January Newsletter

Hi there Listener!

Hope you’re not too tired from smashing your Bulgarian learning resolution and just generally being awesome (you are pretty awesome). We wanted to swing by and quickly update you on what happened this month. We’ve got new lessons, new vocab lists and some awesome free features! Keep reading to find out how you can upgrade your Bulgarian in 2015.

In this month’s newsletter:

  1. New Vocab Lists! Learn Faster with our NEW Vocabulary Lists
  2. New Lesson Schedule! New Weekly BulgarianPod101 Lesson!
  3. New! My Account Updated! Customize Your Username & More!

1. Learn Faster with NEW, Redesigned Vocabulary Lists!
Want to learn vocabulary more efficiently? Check out our NEW Vocabulary Lists! With our new word lists, you can zoom in on words and look up their definitions, toggle transliterations on/off, view your word list in a slideshow and much more! If you’re a Premium member, you can send all of these words and phrases to your Word Bank or Flashcard Decks with 1 click. Want to know more?

Click here to learn more about your NEW vocabulary lists!

2. 2015 Lesson Schedule: New Bulgarian Lessons for the New Year!
Ready to take your Bulgarian to a new level? New lessons started on January 5th, 2015 and they’re sure to improve your Bulgarian and have you making progress throughout the year. Get a sneak peek at the upcoming lessons at the link below! Remember, all new lessons are free for 3 weeks.

Click here to see the 2015 lesson schedule at BulgarianPod101!

3. New! My Account Updated! Customize Your Username & More!
Good news! We’ve made My Account, where your subscription and account details are set, all shiny and new. Looks aside, there are some snazzy things you can now do. Want to change your username? You can easily do it in the Account Info section of My Account. Want to add a picture of yourself? Add it with Gravatar. It’ll show up in the comments that you leave around BulgarianPod101! But this is just a small update, and even more is coming soon!

New & Redesigned! Click here to see the UPDATED My Account.

To your fluency,
Team BulgarianPod101

P.S. Want to go Premium AND get our entire Bulgarian learning system?
Take advantage of this quick 20% OFF and get unlimited BulgarianPod101 access. All lessons, all lesson notes, exclusive apps, study tools – they’re all yours. Upgrade now and start speaking Bulgarian from the very first lesson.

Click here to learn Bulgarian at 20% OFF with unlimited Premium access!